View Full Version : Version Number

February 19th, 2021, 09:37
Don't know if it was meant to be, but after the big update my version number is still v4.0.10 ULTIMATE (2021-02-04). Overseen? After such a big update I would expect another version number. Sry for posting this as I know you already have enough work to do ...:)

February 19th, 2021, 09:40
The application executable hasn't changed.

The changes were to the ruleset code - the versions for those are reported in the chat window after loading a campaign.

February 19th, 2021, 15:13
Versioning... a complex thing. So the v4.0.10 thing is the version of the program itself, and then the rulesets have their own version numbers (say, the 5e ruleset seems to be 2021-02-01). Now, to keep extensions sane, they'd have to somehow declare what version number of thing(s) it is compatible with. Both a minimum and maximum version. Next, one would have to discuss how much of a change in ruleset (or client) results in a version number change. If a typo is fixed, does that become a new version number? Might have to in order for the "check for updates" to work. But then that typo fix could then cause every extension that says "I work up to v2021-02-01" to break and require the extension writer to publish a new extension. Then there may be another extension that, for whatever reason, is looking for that typo to control its behaviour and it says "I work on version v2021-02-01". If fixing a typo doesn't bump the version number, then this hypothetical extension may break.

Extensions, by their nature, are poking into the program and related data files in nearly arbitrary ways. Which makes it unreasonable to hold Smiteworks responsible for breakages in them due to changes in the data files. As long as Smiteworks puts out advance notice of structural changes (such as this most recent extensive change) and makes it available in some sort of test bed (which they apparently did, a couple of weeks in advance). That's about the best they can do. Short of publishing a fixed API and forbidding any other interaction with the program.

It is up to the extension writers to keep themselves informed about the changes in the program. Particularly those who charge for their extensions. It is also unreasonable for Smiteworks to contact each and every one of them individually. It's an unknown set of people as _anybody_ could be writing an extension.

Do _I_ use extensions? Yes. Universal Modules (which makes the versioning even more complicated as now you can load modules under data sets that it doesn't even know about), Attunement Tracker, and Author. Looking at Player Agency, but haven't decided to use it yet.

February 21st, 2021, 08:37
Thanks for the insights.