View Full Version : LFP Starfinder Dead Suns AP

February 17th, 2021, 23:04

FG License: Unity Ultimate, so you don't need a license.
Game System: Starfinder

Time Zone: CST
Day of week and time: Sunday 2000 - 2300
Planned Duration & Frequency: 3 hour sessions every other week, more frequent if the whole group can make it.
Term: The AP we're playing runs 1st to 12th level, plan is to finish it.

Text or Voice: Voice, encouraging Video
Voice software used: Discord
Will this be recorded and/or live streamed? Nope

Roleplay & Combat mix: The AP seems like a 50/50 split, allowing for Role Play to avoid conflict or create it.
Number of Players in game & needed: 3 characters in game, looking for 1-2 more. Right now we have an Envoy, Mechanic and a Technomancer. So a beefier addition (Soldier or Solarian) would be appreciated.
Character starting level & equipment: 1st level, only 1 session in so far.
Character restrictions: Would like to keep to Core Rulebook Races/Classes as I am new to the system. Can be convinced to include someone outside of the Core if you have a lot of familiarity with the system.

Details of your scenario: Following the Dead Suns Adventure Path. My group and I are brand new to Starfinder but I am really digging the system. This is the first AP for the game and is designed as an introduction, so those looking to join might have more fun if they are brand new or novices to Starfinder, as we are all learning as we go. The gang has only had 1 session so far, so won't be missing much if you jump in. As far as my style I run pretty casual, fun first game. My group is open minded and welcoming, however we are adults with filthy mouths and a penchant for **** jokes. Just a friendly warning.

February 18th, 2021, 04:46
Never really played starfinder before but always wanted to try it. I'm interested to join.

February 18th, 2021, 04:58
bro be careful before you let troy in, once he's in he is in for good!

February 18th, 2021, 14:27
That a joke about Trojans or you sayin' he gots good commitment skills?

February 18th, 2021, 15:21
Starfinder is made by Paizo, so it's technically Pathfinder in space. If you have any familiarity with that system it helps but not necessary, like I said we're all learning. What's your RPG background?

February 18th, 2021, 18:01
Hey, I'm kinda new to the site, and to starfinder, but I have played D&D for a few years, all throughout high school and most of college, and I really love TRPGS in general, so I was drawn to your post, lol. I've been getting really into starfinder lately and I really would love the chance to dive in.

I'm really interested in playing a Lashunta solarian with the scholar theme, and I've also been thinking of a bit of a backstory, and I'd love to p;ay with your group!

February 19th, 2021, 04:00
joke about trojan's :)

February 19th, 2021, 09:04
Hehe, yea I played 5e and pathfinder 1e before

February 20th, 2021, 22:08
Interested in playing the campaign. Have played some Starfinder on tabletop still new to FG, playing a couple D&D campaigns.

February 24th, 2021, 18:05
Greetings. I am really interested in joining this campaign if you have an open slot. I am familiar with Fantasy Grounds and Starfinder. I am currently playing in an Against the Aeon Throne game on Fantasy Ground playing a Dragonkin Vanguard, between the DM and I we have learned a good deal about being hands on with Fantasy Grounds as we have had to create things manually. I would love to be considered if you still have a slot open.