View Full Version : LFG- Building the party first!

February 15th, 2021, 04:39
FG License: Free (with plans to return to paid account- see below)
Time Zone: UTC -7 aka MST (Denver, CO)
Day(s) of week, frequency, and time: Weekly, with flexible availability outside of my M-F, 7a-4p work schedule.
Term: Persistent, weekly, long-term campaign.
Voice: Yes
Game System Preferred: Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 5E with characters built through D&D Beyond.
Game System Experience: D&D (BECMI), AD&D, D&D5E
Fantasy Grounds Experience: I'm familiar with classic. I'm very excitedly looking forward to trying out the new Unity version.

Character Type Preferred: I am interested to try a new approach to my next campaign by forming the group based on chemistry and reliability and shared interests. I'm actively seeking players to work together to create characters based on a module we all decide we'd like to play out. That said I'm open, but tend to play interesting support characters you want to get to know more about.

About me: I love Dungeons and Dragons as a form of organized improvisation and love to immerse myself in the social, role-playing and voice acting aspects that makes FG shine. I enjoy immersing myself in the game by adding music, ambient nature sounds on my end of a game. I avoid min-maxing and meta gaming and lose myself in my character's perspective and admire other players able to do the same.
I have found that it is a challenge to find the unicorn that is a reliably-attending, well-matched group of players, with mutual and shared interests working cooperatively, with the assistance an equally immersed DM. I think the best way to curb this is develop the type of inviting and approachable relationships online that will promote reliable attendance for games.

February 15th, 2021, 06:12
Hi! My name is Jon. I started playing D&D in the early eighties. I don't know the 5e rules but I would love to learn.

I would like to find a group of players who want to laugh and have a good time. I am not concerned with the rules and the rolls. I want to co-create a really great heroes' tale.

I'm available Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday.

Have a nice day.


February 15th, 2021, 14:58
Very interested. Couldn't agree more. Role-play is more important than Roll play. I am CST
and prefer Sundays but I can make any day work. I have no kids schedule right now due to pandemic,
so weekdays are clear too at the moment.

FG License: Free Currently, had Ultimate Sub with a couple purchases so I will resub again if required
Time Zone: Central Time Canada, Sundays preferred but I can make most days work if it is consistent
Frequency: Weekly or bi-weekly game. Every 2 weeks would be best.
Voice: Discord. Yup. Love it.

Game System Preferred: D&D 5E. Haven't played Rifts but heard its great, I have the books, I'd play that too, or anything really. Played a lot of roll playing games over the years. Love em all.

Fantasy Grounds Experience: I ran a game for my kids and some other kids when the pandemic started. It was great. However, I could never get everyone together at a regular time and it was a little hard to keep them focused once I did. Really looking forward to playing with adults again.

Character Type Preferred: I really like interesting realistic characters with flaws and skills that match their backstory. I do not MIN/MAX character builds and I'd rather play a weak and interesting character with a unique skill set in the group than am overpowered character I can't explain. I enjoy making different characters so any class that needs representation in the party is fine with me.

Play Style: It's about working as a team to have as much fun as possible, so I am not hardcore married to my ideas or character behavior early on. I find character development can be roughed out in my minds-eye but until the group is working together you never know what the dynamic is going to be. I want to learn and try to research things before doing anything I am unclear about, however I hate rules lawyering and always am in favor of using the most awesome interpretation of any gray area. My experience is that things need to flow, so whatever the DM's call is, that's the way it shakes out, move on keep having fun.