View Full Version : "xxx_class" and "xxx_frame" What the?

June 20th, 2007, 09:00
Actually the naming conventions mentioned below work fine for my NPC sheet but not for my charactersheet. There must be something else about the charactersheet that is causing it to go screwy. Just can't see what it might be right now...

Ok I have a fair idea what is going on here but still. Not nice guys :p

I started using a naming convention of _class on the end of windowclass names and _frame on the end of frame names. All was working fine until I started creating windowlists.
If I try to use a class called xxx_class in a windowlist it simply ignores it (the radial menu item to add an item to the list is not shown, nor are any pre-existing entries in the list)
If all I do is change the _class to _clss it works.

Additionally, if the class used for the entries has a frame that has _frame on the end of it's name the entries appear with no frame.

i.e. This doesn't work

<allowcreate />
<allowdelete />

-- with myclassentry_class defined as:

but this does

<allowcreate />
<allowdelete />

-- with myclassentry_clss defined as:

Any advice from the devs on naming conventions?
Would myClassEntryClass be ok?
or should we try to avoid using any reserved words anywhere in names for classes/frames/controls/templates/etc ?