View Full Version : LFG 1 Player LF Weeknight Game Tue or Wed EST US Time Zone Prefer 5e

February 13th, 2021, 03:05
FG License: FGU Ultimate
Time Zone: Eastern Standard Time, but will play other timezones if they are reasonable
Day(s) of week, frequency, and time: Weekly or bi-weekly game, Tuesday's or Wednesday's
Term: Long term
Voice: Discord

Game System Preferred: D&D 5e
Game System Experience: I have experience in DnD 5e (about a year's worth)
Fantasy Grounds Experience: I have about a year's worth of Fantasy Grounds experience, I understand the basics and can build a character and utilize the character sheet and such.

Character Type Preferred: I usually play a Druid (always been my favorite class, dunno why though), mostly for the heals but have learned that it can be an all around class. I would be willing to try other classes though and if it is something that I am not entirely sure on hopefully someone could teach me.
About me: When it comes to tabletop games, I like an even split with combat and role-play. Out of character joking is fine with me. I am a mature adult so adult content does not phase me.I have been playing D&D 5e for about a year now. I have been in several groups, some I enjoyed more than others but have been looking for something that would fit my schedule a bit more. Have been wanting to get back into something to fill the itch that only playing D&D can get. I play all sorts of other video games, but driving the story with a group of people sometimes feels better.