View Full Version : [MoreCore] CAS, etc - How to make P1 input <delaykeyupdate /> of sorts?

February 12th, 2021, 15:44
I added code to recalculate HP based on any change +- in Con bonus if Constitution was changed. Previously, if I changed con, it only used the new value in future rolls (including applying for all HD previously rolled)

This works, but as in other number input controls I worked with like pc level - it triggers a change each time a digit is typed. For PC Level, I added the <delaykeyupdate /> tag and this resulted in on onValueChanged() only being called on hitting enter or the control losing focus.

I played around first, while not loaded, I changed a specific PC's con on both the campaign db (below) and mod (next code section) to include " <delaykeyupdate />". But no love, it still prints:

Character's hitpoints changed from 38 to 30 (Constitution changed from 11 to 1)

Original score was 11. I was trying to type 12 in the box.

Any tips, things to look at?

(From the campaign db.xml: )

<alt_sort_order type="number">5</alt_sort_order>
<clichatcommand type="string">/mod 0</clichatcommand>
<description type="formattedtext">

(In the .mod file where I store several CAS "rolls", including a category for "Attributes" I have: )

<reference static="true">
<category name="Attributes" baseicon="0" decalicon="0">
<alt_sort_order type="number">5</alt_sort_order>
<clichatcommand type="string">/mod 1</clichatcommand>
<delaykeyupdate />
<description type="formattedtext">
<locked type="number">1</locked>
<name type="string">Constitution</name>

February 12th, 2021, 19:38
I added a "workaround" to eliminate at least calling my watcher method when the value is < 3 for Con:

function updateConstitutionScore(node)

local nodeChar = nodeCharFromAttributeScore(node)
local nNewConstitution = getAttribute(nodeChar,

if nNewConstitution < 3 then
-- Workaround until I can get updated only on enter/lose-focus :(

if nCurrentConstitution ~= nNewConstitution then
local _, sPCClassRecord = DB.getValue(nodeChar, "pcclasslink")

I did this when I realized that the calling into my method is via a watcher I setup. It watches the DB entry. So, if I cannot stop the DB from being updated until ENTER/Lose-Focus - I can at least ignore some updates. Still would like to do it via the delay update thing

local nCurrentConstitution = 0
function registerConstitutionWatcher(nodeChar)
Debug.console("nodeChar=", nodeChar)
local sAttributePath = getAttributePath(Interface.getString(

DB.addHandler(DB.getPath(nodeChar, sAttributePath), "onUpdate", updateConstitutionScore);