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View Full Version : Looking For Australian GMT+10 DnD Games

June 19th, 2007, 12:45
Been away from FG for sometime now as I got little interest for Australian (East Coast - Sydney/Wollongong area) FG's in the past.

Now that FG2 has been released (just noticed and updating the software now), I thought I'd put out the feeler again to see if Australians have caught on yet.

I have played DnD in all of it's incarnations over the past 31 years (think soft cover, basic blue book around 1976 and you'll know how long I've been playing) and play in a semi regular game with a select group of friends. Play at conventions (both standard DnD and Living Greyhawk) and have written many successful convention games for both DnD and Star Trek.

Willing to play most nights of the week after 7pm (providing the wife is in agreeance that is :p ). As I haven't really used the program much, would like to join as a player 'till my feet are good and wet.

Drop me a line if you have a game going, new game starting, have a future game in planning or have a hankering for a 1 nighter just for fun.

Thx in advance.

June 19th, 2007, 20:11
Know of a couple of NZ'ers who might be interested. PM me if you'd like their contact details.

Time difference isn't too bad, NZ being GMT+12. However, only short (2hr) sessions would work for me personally during the week (or fri/sat anytime). The others are probably more flexible.

June 19th, 2007, 21:15
Have left a message with bobthebuilder who is looking for classic dnd players atm, but hedged my bets both ways by dropping you a PM, just in case :)

Thx for the reply :D

Blue Haven
June 21st, 2007, 16:04
Hey look it´s Thomas!?! lolol see you tomorrow dude...

June 22nd, 2007, 13:55
Hey look itīs Thomas!?! lolol see you tomorrow dude...

Ha Ha Ha ... Later Sky :)

June 24th, 2007, 00:19
Hey ya.

I've just purchased FG2. I live out near Newcastle NSW and so am in your time zone. I could GM (I'm a pretty ok sort of GM, even if I do say so myself) but am new to FG2 so would prefer to be a player for my first game or two.

As a GM, I tend to be 'rules light' and flexible rather than by the book. I'd also like to set up my games as a combined FG2 chat / voice (through skype) game as I think that tone of voice, accents, in-game jokes all add to thecharacterization. In summary, if we can find players but no GM, then I'll give GM'ing a go. The first adventure I have in mind is called "The Secret of Villoroa," which takes place in a very Fritz Lieber-like setting (corrupt city, dark magic sort of feel.)

Anyway, let's keep trying to get something up.

Sir Joe

June 25th, 2007, 02:02
Brisbanite here who would love to play. I am putting together an Al-Qadim campaign to run for some friends in Melbourne, but would love to go around as a player as well. Like the other after 7-8pm works great for me as bubs is down to sleep by then.

I could be willing to run a generic D&D game as well... maybe a custom world built from scratch just for FG

- Shane

Blue Haven
June 25th, 2007, 09:07
Hi :) ShaneB
You talked about a Al-Qadim campaign :D i really wanted to try that!! can i join the game??

June 25th, 2007, 09:21
The interest is there indeed and as I haven't played in Ai Qadim for some years now, that may be interesting.

June 26th, 2007, 06:07
This makes five people who are interested in an Ozy time-zone game, yet no firm offer for a GM.

To kick things off, I'd like to offer to GM (wel, test GM) a single murder mystery adventure. My thinking is to run on Tuesday evenings, say 8:00pm - 11:00pm Sydney time (+10GMT) starting next week (June 2nd). However, time and day is flexible.

We'd probably knock the adventure over in one or two sittings, pending how well I get know the FGii interface.

You can bring your own characters - 5th level non-magic users only. I strongly recommend a couple of capable fighting types and at least one thief. The world setting is essentially dark fantasy, with magic being powerful, evil and corrupting. In other words, swords against sorcery. Think Fritz Leiber's stories and you'll get the idea.

The adventure takes place in the poor 'thieves quarter' of an ancient and decaying city.

Currently I am thinking of using Skype for the live chat. Please PM me your Skype user ID so we can test our connections.

Best regards,
Sir Joe

Blue Haven
June 26th, 2007, 09:26
humm but aren´t we talking about a Al-Qadim game with ShaneB?? i only want to play that...sorry

June 26th, 2007, 12:33
I'm in, providing my Skype connect is ok (which it should be as I've used it already). Was thinking of playing a Human Cleric (1st choice) or Human Fighter (2nd choice) type. I may have another real life friend who may be interested as well (will let him know).

June 26th, 2007, 15:14
I work evenings in a pub and doing the math on when you're test game would be it sounds like a perfect time for someone like me in the UK. Could I perhaps jump in on your practice game to try things out?

June 27th, 2007, 01:33
Yes, I'd also like in on the Al-Qadim game! I'm just offering to GM a single adventure to get the ball rolling and gather a gaming group. Hopefully then we can get a regular game going.


humm but arenīt we talking about a Al-Qadim game with ShaneB?? i only want to play that...sorry