View Full Version : LFG for a patient DM got younger gamers

February 8th, 2021, 23:19
Looking for a DM to run a game for some younger gamers. I have 2 that want to play, and I stink at being a DM. This would be am every other week game. We are flexible on the day of the week, except Mondays.

February 9th, 2021, 03:15
I am planning on starting a Forgotten Realms 2E campaign on Saturday evenings. I am in the MST. The campaign would be set in the Dalelands, using the core 2E rulebooks, including Faiths and Avatars if anyone would want to play a Specialty Priest. We would be using Discord to speak to each other during gameplay. Please contact me if interested.

February 9th, 2021, 22:24
i ran games for some teens at a library on real tabletop. i can help run a vtt or give you pointers. reach out if this is something that could work for you.