View Full Version : MoreCore - scrollbarcontrol button warning

February 5th, 2021, 22:47
I thought it was my rearranging of locations but when I ran vanilla MoreCore I got this too:

Ruleset Warning: scrollbarcontrol: Missing normal button definition in windowclass (npc_main)
Ruleset Warning: scrollbarcontrol: Missing normal button definition in windowclass (npc_main)
Ruleset Warning: scrollbarcontrol: Missing normal button definition in windowclass (npc_main)
Ruleset Warning: scrollbarcontrol: Missing normal button definition in windowclass (npc_main)

Now - I don't expect this is enough to guide me where to look, but figure can't hurt to see if these log messages would be informative to the more experienced among you.
I have never setup a scrollbarcontrol - I haven't read up on them and really, would investigate this much later if I do not get a pointer on what to look into. It doesn't seem to interfere with operability but I fear putting it off and forgetting to revisit. Hence, one try to see if folks have ideas here.

This comes up when I create a new NPC (or open one) in vanilla MoreCore(v60, I believe is latest.)

February 5th, 2021, 23:59
It is a warning only and shouldnt pop up the console.
Its been there a long time...

February 6th, 2021, 00:38
Oh, I know it is just that. I just prefer clean no-warning things. Eventually I'll learn

EDIT: And since back at my desk, took a quick look in API and now I DO. At least I think I know where to look. Update hopefully soon.

February 6th, 2021, 00:39
<template name="scrollbar_npc">
<anchored position="right" offset="-40,-60" width="6" />
<frame name="scrollbar_base_rolls" />
<normal name="scrollbutton_normal">
<minimum height="40" />
is the fix

February 6th, 2021, 01:01
Hah - I was just about to post:

<template name="scrollbar_rolls_npc">
<anchored position="right" offset="-15,-20" width="6" />
<frame name="scrollbar_base_rolls" />
<normal name="scrollbutton_normal">
<minimum height="40" />

which worked or me - but not sure what it is telling it since I didn't see a difference - BUT ... it shuts up the warning :) which was my only interest atm anyhow ;)

Thanks Damned

February 6th, 2021, 03:23
there are/were two scrollbars that needed updating. the one i posted and the one you posted.