View Full Version : Paintings disappear / loose their content

February 5th, 2021, 17:21
Hello everyone,

I noticed a problem I have with Fantasy Grounds Unity as some of my drawings I made with the paint tool become empty. I am wondering why and have trouble recreating it on purpose but can say for sure that it happened for me more than once.

I was wondering if any of you have heard something similar like that?

I moved my complete campaign folder from FGC to FGU, which contained some drawings that are now in the folder that FGC saved them to but have a complete dark background. The links for these drawings in game are empty except for any links placed on them and for the grid if one was applied.

Originally I thought this happens when a new drawing is made and I click on "Create From Campaign Assets" in the "Images & Maps" menu, but couldn't recreate it everytime, though I am sure that I did loose at least one drawing that way.

Any thoughts or hints would be greatly appreciated.

Kind regards,

Moon Wizard
February 5th, 2021, 19:08
The drawings from FGC are not compatible with FGU; and won't be able to be seen in FGU. You'll have to recreate in FGU.
