View Full Version : Ancient Gamer LFG (5e, CP2020/Red, SW)

February 5th, 2021, 02:23
Started GMing DnD in ’76. Started GM’ing CP in ’88. Big SW fan, run every system. Run 100s of other systems as well, only got to play 2% of the time, so I fall squarely into that “Forever GM” category, and online is the only chance I have to play, so here I am.

Timezone: PST
Days/Times Avail: Not Wed or Sat for sure (running games, go fig). After 5pm PST any other day is currently negotiable.
Gametype: Long-term campaigns. I’m allergic to 1-shots, I’m looking for a deep dive into my character, the party, and the world, and that takes time.
Planned Duration: Long, years if possible.
Game Software: I own FGU (though am very new to it), use Discord, and own everything in DnDBeyond and don’t mind sharing with a campaign.
Text or Voice: Voice, don’t typically do video (no one wants to look at my ancient mug)

About me:

I’m a full Brecht role player (https://lookrobot.co.uk/2013/06/23/stanislavski-vs-brecht-in-tabletop-roleplaying/) and Role Playing is paramount for me, it’s why I play. Next would be Exploration, Intrigue, etc, with Combat last.
I’m also a “let everyone else make their character and then I’ll fill in gaps” kind of player. I’ve 10,000s of characters in my head, I can make any role fun, and prefer building my character with the GM and other players so everything makes sense vs building in a vacuum and then throwing each other together and trying to force it to fit. I also like to make sure the party has what it needs and don't want to step on anyone by taking a role they really wanted. I let the newer players go with what they like and I take what's left.
I abhor PvP, I'm a collaborative gamer.
I do accents, tones, idiosyncrasies, quirks, etc.
I play/run "Mercer style" and have been doing so since well before Matt was born
I love a diverse table. I spent 30 years in dark hobby shop back rooms, surrounded by guys that look like George RR Martin. I love that 5e has broadened the gamer base and love me a broad mix of players.

February 5th, 2021, 03:06

I hope you find the game(s) you are looking for. :)

February 5th, 2021, 03:55

I hope you find the game(s) you are looking for. :)

Me too :)

February 6th, 2021, 13:23

If you're still looking for a game, I am starting a Call of Cthulhu 7th edition campaign (the Masks of Nyarlathotep published campaign). It is certainly a long haul, and I believe it meets your interests (about a 80/20 RP to Combat ratio), and is definitely heavy in intrigue and exploration, with Call of Cthulhu being an investigative-horror TTRPG and all. If you have read H.P. Lovecraft, it takes place in the world described by his books, in a campaign against Nyarlathotep. It is not, however, a D&D-style game -- you aren't heroes (well, I guess, in a sense, you are) -- you're just everyday people who saw some strange stuff (that's the rather long description turned into a few words). It takes place in the 1920s, and the campaign starts in America, but you travel all over the world. It is a sandbox campaign, and also is very open-ended. In addition, I believe my values in a TTRPG game are similar to yours -- cooperative play, not PVP. If you're looking for more information on my game, check my other post (Click Here (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?65771-LFP-Call-of-Cthulhu-7e-Masks-of-Nyarlathotep-Game)), which has more information about it.

If you're interested, send me a friend request on Discord, a private message on the forums, or just reply in this (or the other) thread.


February 15th, 2021, 01:12
Not much into Cthulu, but thanks for asking. 5e for sure, Cyberpunk if I can get it, Star Wars if it feels right.

April 14th, 2021, 16:23
Did you find a group?

April 14th, 2021, 16:24

April 15th, 2021, 00:20
Don't give up.

Maybe look on the Savage Worlds forums for GMs? I run SW (love it for cinematic and pulp-style games), and I want to run some Cyberpunk Red, but I prefer shorter campaigns, one-offs, etc., and my players and I like a good mix of action. You'll find a group.

April 15th, 2021, 00:34
I'm in no rush, no DnD is much better than bad DnD, and I'd much rather not have a game than have a game that I'm not a fit for. 2nd vacc shot in 2 weeks, then I'll start running from my home again, but FG is my only chance to play. I can wait :) I'd love a CP game, but there just isn't the pop for it, it seems.

April 15th, 2021, 00:55
Awesome on the vaccine! I'm still waiting for my first. :(

I agree on finding the right group vs. playing what you don't care for. For me, that's D&D (didn't like it in the 1970s--jumped to numerous other systems/genres, don't really like it now, although 5e is a great improvement over older stuff).

I think Cyberpunk Red will find its popularity. It's a shame there isn't a rule system for it already. It's not THAT complicated of a system--not bare bones, at least. There's a lot to it, though. I'm hoping to run a scenario in a few weeks, but not in Nightside City. I prefer my own cyberpunk tales. :)

April 15th, 2021, 01:10
The thing about CP, at least in my experience, is that the players absolutely must love both the world and the genre. It's not like DnD, which is just a system, that can be used in a variety of worlds, so the players can look for Strahd, or Eberron, or Faerun, or Planescape, or etc. CP is all about the genre and if the players don't love it, it just sorts of flounders. I've been running since '76 and had a great game of CP2020 that ran for years, and all subsequent attempts to start a game have just been...meh :(

April 15th, 2021, 01:29
We played in...hrm...early 90s? The first session was good fun despite a bone-headed player. Then thing slowly unraveled--a combination of a GM wanting to center the campaign around his wife's PC and the system falling apart when heavies go after each other and 90% of the party isn't cybered up.

I ran a test scenario where the PCs were Trauma Team on assignment to Mogadishu for a couple guys using the boxed quick start. It came out okay considering all the critical components that were missing.

I don't know that you need to love Night City so much as you need to enjoy the feel of cyberpunk (fighting the war against greedy corporations, vile criminals, and crooked government agencies). :)

April 15th, 2021, 01:37
It doesn't need to be NC specifically, but yeah, the wars, the greed, the corruption, and the cyber. I actually ran a campaign for 6 months where everyone was in Trauma and it was mission-based, it was WILD :)

April 19th, 2021, 20:40
Hello if your still looking Im a recruiter for a discord/Fantasy Grounds server. We play a Western Marches style campaign and I was wondering if you'd be interested in that since we usually have a couple games posted during your available times. If you are or have any questions about our game let me know!

April 19th, 2021, 21:46
That's very kind, thank you. Not that into West Marches, and have zero experience running with FGU. I'm getting my 2nd vacc shot in a week and then will start hosting out of my home gameroom again (https://i.imgur.com/svISHJ9.jpg). I only host here looking to play, and joining West Marches but only wanting to play is like going to a pot luck, bringing no dish, yet pigging out :)