View Full Version : I want to limit races and classes available, How?

February 2nd, 2021, 15:24
Im just starting to learn this. Im about to purchase alot of the core books and some Kobold Press books.

however I don't want every race and class that i purchase to be available in my custom world.

for example, id like to offer the human, dwarf, elf(some select subraces) gearforged and gnoll(from kobold press) etc.
removing races like gnomes, tieflings, dragonborn etc.

is this possible?

ill be purchasing the essentials D&D and the midgard heroes handbook.

but i want to remove some classes and maybe even some spells.

is there a tutorial for that?

February 2nd, 2021, 16:08
Welcome to FG.

The only way you could do this I think would be either to not share all the modules that contain races with the players and just share the races you want them to have. However doing that will mean the players don't have access to all the other stuff in say the PHB. So I'd just share the modules and just tell your players what races you will accept.

February 2nd, 2021, 17:41
You could make a development campaign, copy all the races and options you want to allow, and everything else you want to allow players to use. Export it to a module. Then mark that module available in your Module Selection screen of your play campaign and block all the other items.

But honestly that is a LOT of work. IMO, not worth it given it's just a small part of the game, I wouldn't do it.

What I would do is make sure to mark the sources that have nothing you want them to use is blocked, then allow the rest. Create a story title something like "Character Options" and then share it with all players. Details out your rules and provide links in the story to make it easier for your players.

February 2nd, 2021, 19:27
Way too much work for no payout. Assuming you're doing a Session Zero just lay out your limitations to the players. You know that whole "communication" thing? :) You can even use the MOTD extension (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?22369-Message-of-the-Day-(MOTD)-Extension) to have that pop up for each player when they connect to your FG server. If you were playing face-to-face you'd just talk to the players and tell them what you're allowing and disallowing. No difference here.

February 2nd, 2021, 23:15
I want something I can tailor though, I never do stuff the easy way.

Now I'm thinking of just making all slightly custom races. I like Lord entrails idea so far. Lol

February 2nd, 2021, 23:35
Now I'm thinking of just making all slightly custom races. I like Lord entrails idea so far. Lol
Go nuts and do what you want. But don't say we didn't warn you... ;) In the end, don't spend too much time making the data presentation, or FG automation, the be all, and end all. Set things up and get gaming with your friends... communicate what is allowed and what isn't, and get playing. We see many people coming to FG who spend a lot of time trying to make the experience *exactly* how they wish - with no data out of place and every little bit of automation implemented and, to be perfectly honest, it's a lot of work and adds only a bit to the overall experience of playing pen-and-paper RPGs with your friends.