View Full Version : 5e IFT Effect Issue

February 2nd, 2021, 03:46
Since the latest patch (possibly before) I am having an issue with all usages of the IFT command in effects within 5e. It seems that any use of the IFT command always evaluates to true.

As an example, I had a previously working version of the IFT command for Hunters mark IFT: CUSTOM[Marked]; DMG 1d6; [C]; [SELF]
I also had an effect to be placed onto the target, simply called Marked.

I had previously tested these effects and they were working properly. Now the extra 1d6 damage is always applied whenever the first effect is on the PC, regardless of whether the Marked effect is on the target.

I tested this again with something simpler to be sure:

I added this effect to the PC and attacked a giant. It was evaluated as true and advantage was given on the attack. I even changed the effect to be >Medium, as a test. Advantage was still given. No matter what I type, IFT seems to evaluate as true and many of my effects are thus broken. Trying to DM for a new group and it is giving everyone fits.

Anyone else noticing similar issues???

February 2nd, 2021, 06:04
Your syntax looks wrong: Use square brackets, that is, IFT: CUSTOM(Marked), and another syntax thingie: IFT: SIZE(< medium) or IFT: SIZE(< M) :) (you forgot a space after <, I think that matters)

February 2nd, 2021, 06:09
MOD: Moved to 5E sub-forum. Please post ruleset specific questions in the specific sub-forum.

February 2nd, 2021, 15:27
Looks like my mistake was using square brackets [ ] , instead of parenthesis ( ). This appears to have fixed the issue.

Thank you for your helpful replies.