View Full Version : Combat Tracker not registering rolls? Read me

January 18th, 2021, 21:15

Above is a video explaining why we were having issues in our game regarding rolls not transferring into the combat tracker.


Murderhobo targets x creature.
Rolls were manually pulled and placed into chatbox.
Rolls were made in chatbox successfully.
Results show as if you had no target at all.
Roll again, and they magically worked. Very on and off issue.
Same issue with damage rolls and etc.

So the issue was that a player had put some sheet over the chatbox, where they had to roll their dice, and let go of the dice (while inside the chatbox so it still made a roll) over a different sheet. What this did was still showed the results of the dice roll, but interrupted the reception of the results by the combat tracker due to some kind of script that would proc only when the dice is released over the chatbox area. If the dice has something between it and the chatbox area, the combat tracker will not see the results.

Ensure all dice rolls manually rolled over the chatbox are released over an area of the chatbox that is 100% visible and exposed. Where the dice lands after that is no issue and does not interfere with the results being transferred to the combat tracker.

All information above can be viewed in action on the youtube video posted (unlisted on the channel) using the url at the top.

January 18th, 2021, 21:52
Or just double click the dice roll instead of dragging it.

As you point out if the roll isn't made in the dice box then it doesn't register; so having anything over the chat box will interrupt that. If the player insists on covering the dice box with another window they can always change the size of the chat box so that nothing is covering it.

And welcome to FG.

January 19th, 2021, 15:06
Or just double click the dice roll instead of dragging it.

Agreed, as I did say that doubleclicking works all the time.

Moon Wizard
January 22nd, 2021, 17:12
Thanks for the detailed video. It helped me understand and recreate the issue quickly.

In the next release, I've added a fix so that rolls dropped on windows overlapping the chat window don't trigger a chat window roll, just a unofficial desktop roll. (as it should by design)


January 22nd, 2021, 17:42
Thanks for the detailed video. It helped me understand and recreate the issue quickly.

In the next release, I've added a fix so that rolls dropped on windows overlapping the chat window don't trigger a chat window roll, just a unofficial desktop roll. (as it should by design)


Neatooo, thank you for the hard work!