View Full Version : encumbrance, is it automated?

January 17th, 2021, 10:27
Hi all

I recently noticed that my players have crossed their encumbrance threshold. I wasn't keeping tabs on it because I presumed FGU to automatically apply the encumbered status however at this moment this doesn't seem to be the case. As you can see in the picture the character Ven should be encumbered and have clumsy 1. This would lower his AC from 19 to 18 resulting in a hit.
So my questions are:
Is it automated
If yes then I report to you this bug.
If no then I would like to know if this is on a roadmap for later implementation?

Thanks for your time!

January 17th, 2021, 10:55
It isn't automated so you'll need to apply the Clumsy effect manually. It's probably not a good thing to automate something like this since there are very likely a number of exceptions that will allow characters to carry more weight than they normally would without penalty.

January 23rd, 2021, 19:29
At the very least, if it gets automated then a way to put coins in a bag of holding would need to be added as well, otherwise high level characters are going to end up constantly encumbered.