View Full Version : GM LFP mature players and themes. GM has FG Ultimate. Does not play DND.

The Chronicler
January 14th, 2021, 18:18
Hi, I am a 46 year old rpg enthusiast. I currently gm for a bunch of guys betweem 30 and 50 that escape the wives every sunday to nerd it up! Recently with covid, I dropped some money into fantasy grounds and Foundry and we ran our first coc7e campaign via FG and discord last week. I'm looking to get an online game going on Saturdays after 6 pm pacific time of any of the following games. Rifts, Delta Green, Call of Cthulhu in any age, Nightbane, Zweihander, Mythras, Alien rpg, or Gurps. My games often have strong horror elements and adult themes.