View Full Version : STAR WARS FFG Version - Looking for Players

January 8th, 2021, 21:10

Hi I am looking for players for a SWRPG campaign. Time and day is pretty flexible but later on PST evenings is best. I have Ultimate License so can take people without full license, and I will be using the community ruleset for FFG SWRPG which is awesome imo.

I will be making all Characters with the players so please don't bring a complete character to the table, but concept ideas are fine. I don't allow people to play shorties (Ewoks, Jawas) nor droids as they tend to become joke characters. I don't run Star Wars like Guardians of the Galaxy so the main characters being extremely slapstick doesn't work for me.

I have a kind of particular view of the setting based on the fact that I am a child of the 70s so I tend to like the original trilogy and stuff made in its tone (Rogue One, Solo, Mandalorian). Is 5 BBY timeframe.

there is a lot of communication and some Play by Post/Play by Chat that goes on. IT IS REQUIRED THAT YOU ARE INVOLVED AND FREQUENTLY COMMUNICATIVE. If you are ok with the others doing PbP and your character being off doing downtime stuff then great. But I have been having people get butthurt that others are playing a lot and they aren't/can't that is not what I am looking for. Also if you can't keep up with the commo it's not going to work.

I need players to do is recognize their lane: Intention and attempt to do things, thoughts and feelings of the character. The system allows for narrative suggestion if you roll Advantage or Triumph or use a Destiny point, but am not really sharing Narrative Control.

Star Wars Edge of the Empire. Character needs to be created from Core Rulebook, starting equipment from Core Rulebook. No Premade Characters, character has to be made w/GM

Oggdude's or wiki equipment is a no go. Starting equipment will be from Core Rulebook alone and has to be approved. Equipment is meticulously tracked and not hand-wavey. This means that a certain amount of looting is going to be a part of the game, but I ask the players to always be aware of Characterization (what you do tells us who your character is. If you act like a rapacious jerk, that is what your character is no matter what else you say).

The style of this game is like half traditional TTRPG, half Story/Character driven. I do gamey things like roll for loot and keep track of equipment, but I want the character to be a character, not an avatar of the player: a puppet that is basically the Player's toy for wish fulfillment alone.

I have no room for sociopath characters who cannot carry the protagonist role. The PCs are not a higher lifeform than the other NPCs as far as consideration of social consequences. I use a construct of "The Audience" to be an external objective consideration of how the character is coming off in the game, rather than having people kind of caught up in player tunnel-vision where they play their character in a sort of egocentric vacuum. This is a variation no don't be a ****, but with a more story-oriented bent.

Not into power gamers or munchkins. I have a player or two who is but they keep it from being an issue. I feel that is good enough. I get that progression and loot is great, but if it is why you play and only why you play then probably won't be a good fit. Characters at start can only improve a Characteristic 1 above Species Normal. So for humans 3 is max until dedications.

If I say No I mean it and don't want to rehash it again unless I bring it back up. I really can't handle people whining or outright demanding stuff. If I have said "You need to get your gear from X, or we are doing X" and I feel the player is ignoring GM directives of this nature, it may result in removal from the game.

I have a particular view of the setting which is pretty orthodox. Mandalorian, Rogue One, Solo the original trilogy.

BANNED SPECIES LIST– Cannot be used as a Player Character: Barabel, Ewoks, Giant Stature Species (Dowutin, Herglic, Yuzzem), Jawas, Space Vampires, Trandoshan, Zeltron. There are more, but mainly it’s any race that is distractingly silly or so big and crazy that it is hard to accommodate them in story. Also races that are given some innate ability that is broken. NO SHORTY SPECIES.
CLONE WARS – Unlike in the media, the Clone Wars was largely fought by biological beings on both sides and Palpatine did not engineer it so much as shrewdly manipulate existing pressures and movements. The Clones and the Droid Army were relatively low in number compared to the larger battle forces of each side.
DROIDS – Droids are essentially slaves. They serve all the same story purposes as slave workers. Droids lack agency and therefore are not allowed. There is one droid in the game but that character will be the last PC droid in my games. It is too difficult to manage the constraints.

MULTICULTURALISM – A certain level of universal tolerance has been achieved by 20,000 years of so many species existing in close proximity. This does not mean that beings do not favor other beings who look and are of a similar physiology to their own race. Furthermore, some species are obviously from Predator stock where others are from Prey animal descendance. This makes for tension as one species is obviously an acceptable food source to the other.
The Empire has taken advantage of the inherent distance between races as well as a galactic population advantage for humanity to promote its Human Supremacy agenda.
In cities across the galaxy aliens and humans tend to divide a bit, and in alien quarters individual species will often have an enclave of their species.

SUBSPACE COMMUNICATIONS – (Hyper-Space Commo) Generally only works for the Empire or for planetary governments who can afford to buy the equipment and license it. It takes gigantic equipment both terrestrial and in space to generate and direct a hyperwave signal. Messages must come by physical transport, for the most part, so a datachip, a holo disc or a droid acting as a courier is required. Communicating with others therefore takes travel and planning. Messages can be delivered to mail terminals which a being can utilize with the right key code.
TECHNOLOGY – The tech in Star Wars is supposed to be a combination of Analog, Digital, and Electro-Mechanical Super Technology. The technology is supposed to work without explanation for the most part. The exception is when characters need to discuss why something isn’t working and why the story needs it to be fixed. Tech is not worshipped in Star Wars, and the characters should typically be complacent about equipment doing what it is supposed to do.
Characters cannot email an old man in the desert to tell him you found a droid who says it belongs to him. You cannot look up freighter tickets to Alderaan on an internet, Cause there is no internet. Slicers are NOT hackers.

THE FORCE – The main factor that dictates that Star Wars is not science fiction is the Fact that the Force exists and is essentially a magical spiritual layer of existence that is connected to the galaxy. Star Wars is not a materialist setting, it is a spiritually driven setting with two poles of good and evil that the enlightened characters are forced to recognize.
• Under Imperial law the religion of the Force is illegal. It has been classified as an organization that fosters civil unrest.
• No Midichloriens. Don’t bring them up if possible.
• The idea of Grey Force users is not a thing that bears out under any kind of deep examination and is generally associated with wild elemental creatures and mad hermits.
• Nobody knows how the Force works. It cannot be explained and anyone attempting to do so is lying about their knowledge. Do not try to use Newtonian explanations, or scientific explanations for the Force, it’s basically magic.
• No Force Teleportation, or Super Speed, or other silly manifestations of Force Powers.
• The Force is a rare ability. Generally characters can’t have it but if you do you have to buy it at Character Generation. A Force Sensitive character will have a larger story responsibility and as such will require Role-Play and dialogue.

JEDI – In the time of the Galactic Civil War (time period of the original saga) the Jedi are believed to be extinct. Anyone who is over 5 years old at the time of the formation of the Empire has heard of the Jedi. Some stances the public takes on the Jedi:
• The Jedi had become hopelessly corrupt and power-seeking by the end of their time.
• The Jedi were destroyed from within.
• The Emperor exposed the Jedi plot and as such was attacked by them.
• The Jedi wanted to invoke puritanical laws on the galaxy.
By Imperial Law it is illegal to talk about the Jedi, except to report someone else of talking about or acting like a Jedi. Lightsabers are illegal contraband that have been traded on the black market for exorbitant sums by collectors.

Force Sensitive Characters have been a failure thus far as every player who has opted for it has done it purely for game-mechanic reasons. Force layer characters have a greater responsibility to story and characterization than non-force Sensitive characters.

No Moral Relativists.

So PM me or post here if interested. Thanks :)


January 9th, 2021, 00:08
K well I guess I am full for now. Thanks and feel free to post in case I need more later down the road. :)

January 16th, 2021, 11:06
Im interested if a spot ever opens up. Love the FFG systems.

January 16th, 2021, 23:10
Hello I've never played a starwars ttrpg but im interested in trying if you eventually have room, im a huge fan of starwars so im interested in seeing what you do to the galaxy lol

January 17th, 2021, 00:37
Have played some FFG Star Wars on tabletop and would be interested in joining the campaign

January 17th, 2021, 16:45
I watched and checked out the system. Been a fan of Star Wars since its beginning. Would live to play if an opening occurs. Very familiar with FG & FGU. Have ultimate license for both.

January 18th, 2021, 06:17
Are you still in need of any players?

Auron Starglider
January 21st, 2021, 01:14
I am wondering the same thing as Rydeenee, if only because of curiosity. Sent a PM. :)

February 1st, 2021, 10:16
Hey all. First off, I am sorry I didn't see these notifications. In the future I will check this board.

I am full currently, but I want to see if anyone may be up for a possible second game. Also I need to say I am running FG Classic, not FG Unity. I am noticing that people are signing up but then not making sessions. I will kick if anyone misses two sessions unless you are like a super charming and valuable player lol, so make sure you can make it. Also there is a lot of chatter during the week that is important to get, so if you just want to clock in at session start and bug off at session end then it's not gonna be a good fit.

Concepts have to go through me and we will build the character together as I need oversight on things. Mainly I do this to make sure there are story reasons for choices and not just mechanic-driven choices. If any of this is stuff you would find annoying, then probably isn't a good fit.

Also would be helpful if I knew times of availability. Fridays and Wednesdays are currently no good for me.

February 1st, 2021, 14:10
I've never played that system, would love to learn it

February 1st, 2021, 20:59
Ok so I have an opening on the Friday 6:30 pst game. I need to stress that I am not big on using minis and maps, and this is a Theatre of the Mind type presentation. I have Fantasy Grounds Classic Ultimate license so it works just fine.

Also I am not a story game guy per se, but I would say I believe in a strong mix between Mechanical Play and Story play. So for instance the Career and Specialization of the PC are just ways to get certain skills and talents, not necessarily their identity. That should come from the fictional person that is created by the player and gm. If you are interested in the Friday game let me know.

February 2nd, 2021, 03:00
I would be interested in giving it a shot if you still have room

February 2nd, 2021, 03:56
Send me a message on discord. Kade#8228 :)

February 2nd, 2021, 13:06
Dmitry sent

February 2nd, 2021, 14:23
If you have an opening at 6:30 PT I would be interested in joining. I will send you a direct message too. If you are still looking please let me know.

February 3rd, 2021, 23:59
Unfortunately I am full and the backup game is not going to happen. My apologies.

February 8th, 2021, 02:01
I am encountering some difficulty with people joining this game and I think some of it comes from me not absolutely spelling out all details.

- Looking for players who don't resent being a player instead of being in control. I talk a lot to my players and I don't need people with an attitude or a chip on their shoulder.
- The Game has a Play-by-Chat element that is not mandatory as long as you are ok with your character missing something here and there, and a lot of forum involvement. If you don't want to have a back and forth and community with the group but just want to log in at Game Time and play and Punch out this is not the game for you.

Auron Starglider
February 8th, 2021, 17:28
I am encountering some difficulty with people joining this game and I think some of it comes from me not absolutely spelling out all details.

- Looking for players who don't resent being a player instead of being in control. I talk a lot to my players and I don't need people with an attitude or a chip on their shoulder.
- The Game has a Play-by-Chat element that is not mandatory as long as you are ok with your character missing something here and there, and a lot of forum involvement. If you don't want to have a back and forth and community with the group but just want to log in at Game Time and play and Punch out this is not the game for you.

Are you recruiting for a new player? If so, did you get my PM?

February 8th, 2021, 23:50
I posted an LFG here (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?65772-Ancient-Gamer-LFG-(5e-CP2020-Red-SW)), I certainly don't mind being a player, love mid-session Discord chat, don't play shorties and don't flake on sessions. Drop me a line if you're still looking and the game isn't on Wed, Thur, or Sat eve.

February 9th, 2021, 15:21
I have not played yet. I own a bunch of the books. FG Ultimate, open to weekends.

February 9th, 2021, 15:37
I am looking to play a SW game. I have rapidly acquired a bunch of SW books, since last fall. I am in EST time zone, but I am a 3rd shifter now. Open to weekends!

February 12th, 2021, 06:03
Don't bother with this if he doesn't get his way he throws a fit

February 12th, 2021, 17:15
Which system are you using on FG as I can't find the packs for FFG in the store or have you homebrewed everything in FG?

February 13th, 2021, 17:47
FG License: Full

Time Zone: EST

Day(s) of week, frequency, and time: Sunday, Monday, or Tuesday evenings.

Term: Short or Long. I prefer to find a long-term, dedicated group.

Voice: I have used several voice chat programs for years.

Game System Preferred: Any really, as long as the stories are interesting and the group is fun.

Game System Experience: Many years of D&D 3.5 through 5e, Pathfinder, and various Star Wars pen and paper from the d6 all the way to Fantasy Flight Games' pretty dice. I also played a MUD for years called Achaea, a game where, in game terms, speaking out of character was considered insanity. If you openly and repeatedly spewed insanity and ignored warnings from other players long enough, eventually a God (a Moderator) would turn the offending insane person into a shrubbery. Good times.

Fantasy Grounds Experience: About a year.

Character Type Preferred: I enjoy playing a wide variety of characters and always have backups prepared just in case. I keep a folder full of character ideas and concepts I use as inspiration for NPCs that my players will run across or if I need to pull something out of nowhere on the spot.

About me: 33, male, two kids. I feel like a lot of what I would put here is in the "Character Type Preferred" section. I am just a laid back nerd from the Midwest who enjoys hanging out with other like minded people in fantasyland. I am just as at home in the thick of an intense tactical combat as I am roleplaying an evening at a high society gala.

February 14th, 2021, 01:21
User made ruleset for FG.

February 14th, 2021, 18:12
Which system are you using on FG as I can't find the packs for FFG in the store or have you homebrewed everything in FG?

You can find the ruleset and databases here:


It is a community made project, that is why it is not sold in the stores, and it is free of course, to download.

February 14th, 2021, 19:42
In posting for this game in several forums I had a space constraint, so my blurb was short. But MacAllen suggested I post the whole explanation/diatribe here to help filter. Thank you for that suggestion.

It is only a once a week live session (Fridays at 6:30pmPST) but there is a lot of communication and some Play by Post/Play by Chat that goes on. If you are ok with the others doing PbP and your character being off doing downtime stuff then great. But I have been having people get butthurt that others are playing a lot and they aren't/can't that is not what I am looking for.

I need players to do is recognize their lane: Intention and attempt to do things, thoughts and feelings of the character. The system allows for narrative suggestion if you roll Advantage or Triumph or use a Destiny point, but am not really sharing Narrative Control.

Star Wars Edge of the Empire. Character needs to be created from Core Rulebook, starting equipment from Core Rulebook. No Premade Characters, character has to be made w/GM

Oggdude's or wiki equipment is a no go. Starting equipment will be from Core Rulebook alone and has to be approved. Equipment is meticulously tracked and not hand-wavey. This means that a certain amount of looting is going to be a part of the game, but I ask the players to always be aware of Characterization (what you do tells us who your character is. If you act like a rapacious jerk,that is what your charcater is no matter what else you say).

The style of this game is like half traditional TTRPG, half Story/Character driven. I do gamey things like roll for loot and keep track of equipment, but I want the character to be a character, not an avatar of the player: a puppet that is basically the Player's toy for wish fulfillment alone.

I have no room for sociopath characters who cannot carry the protagonist role. The PCs are not a higher lifeform than the other NPCs as far as consideration of social consequences. I use a construct of "The Audience" to be an external objective consideration of how the character is coming off in the game, rather than having people kind of caught up in player tunnel-vision where they play their character in a sort of egocentric vacuum. This is a variation no don't be a ****, but with a more story-oriented bent.

Not into power gamers or munchkins. I have a player or two who is but they keep it from being an issue. I feel that is good enough. I get that progression and loot is great, but if it is why you play and only why you play then probably won't be a good fit.

If I say No I mean it and don't want to rehash it again unless I bring it back up. I really can't handle people whining or outright demanding stuff. If I have said "You need to get your gear from X, or we are doing X" and I feel the player is ignoring GM directives of this nature, it may result in removal from the game.

I have a particular view of the setting which is pretty orthodox. Mandalorian, Rogue One, Solo the original trilogy.

BANNED SPECIES LIST– Cannot be used as a Player Character: Barabel, Ewoks, Giant Stature Species (Dowutin, Herglic, Yuzzem), Jawas, Space Vampires, Trandoshan, Zeltron. There are more, but mainly it’s any race that is distractingly silly or so big and crazy that it is hard to accommodate them in story. Also races that are given some innate ability that is broken. NO SHORTY SPECIES.
CLONE WARS – Unlike in the media, the Clone Wars was largely fought by biological beings on both sides and Palpatine did not engineer it so much as shrewdly manipulate existing pressures and movements. The Clones and the Droid Army were relatively low in number compared to the larger battle forces of each side.
DROIDS – Droids are essentially slaves. They serve all the same story purposes as slave workers. Droids lack agency and therefore are not allowed. There is one droid in the game but that character will be the last PC droid in my games. It is too difficult to manage the constraints.

MULTICULTURALISM – A certain level of universal tolerance has been achieved by 20,000 years of so many species existing in close proximity. This does not mean that beings do not favor other beings who look and are of a similar physiology to their own race. Furthermore, some species are obviously from Predator stock where others are from Prey animal descendance. This makes for tension as one species is obviously an acceptable food source to the other.
The Empire has taken advantage of the inherent distance between races as well as a galactic population advantage for humanity to promote its Human Supremacy agenda.
In cities across the galaxy aliens and humans tend to divide a bit, and in alien quarters individual species will often have an enclave of their species.

SUBSPACE COMMUNICATIONS – (Hyper-Space Commo) Generally only works for the Empire or for planetary governments who can afford to buy the equipment and license it. It takes gigantic equipment both terrestrial and in space to generate and direct a hyperwave signal. Messages must come by physical transport, for the most part, so a datachip, a holo disc or a droid acting as a courier is required. Communicating with others therefore takes travel and planning. Messages can be delivered to mail terminals which a being can utilize with the right key code.
TECHNOLOGY – The tech in Star Wars is supposed to be a combination of Analog, Digital, and Electro-Mechanical Super Technology. The technology is supposed to work without explanation for the most part. The exception is when characters need to discuss why something isn’t working and why the story needs it to be fixed. Tech is not worshipped in Star Wars, and the characters should typically be complacent about equipment doing what it is supposed to do.
Characters cannot email an old man in the desert to tell him you found a droid who says it belongs to him. You cannot look up freighter tickets to Alderaan on the internet. Cause there is no internet. Slicers are NOT hackers.

THE HOLONET – The HoloNet is basically a newspaper. There are two basic types of HoloNet: Planetary (Local) and Galactic. The Galactic Holonet is a propaganda organ in the time of the Empire, and the nodes in each system (linked by subspace communication equipment) are tightly controlled by the Empire.
In the time of the Old Republic the Galactic HoloNet was often a frenetic information-dense stream of stories, ads, and news, with some live programming.
Local HoloNets can vary in content but will often have text stories that are written by what are called HoloTypes or Presenters. These individuals are essentially Reporters in the mien of a news reported of the newspaper variety. Planets that have a substantial population will have Imperial Censors who monitor the local HoloNet.
WIFI – Does not exist in most cases. Radio telemetry is rare and relegated to special situations. Computers will not handshake to an external signal in most cases. The Electro-Mechanical outlet is the common interface, with a mechanical probe and actuator key called a scomp-link used to manipulate it.

THE FORCE – The main factor that dictates that Star Wars is not science fiction is the Fact that the Force exists and is essentially a magical spiritual layer of existence that is connected to the galaxy. Star Wars is not a materialist setting, it is a spiritually driven setting with two poles of good and evil that the enlightened characters are forced to recognize.
• Under Imperial law the religion of the Force is illegal. It has been classified as an organization that fosters civil unrest.
• No Midichloriens. Don’t bring them up if possible.
• The idea of Grey Force users is not a thing that bears out under any kind of deep examination and is generally associated with wild elemental creatures and mad hermits.
• Nobody knows how the Force works. It cannot be explained and anyone attempting to do so is lying about their knowledge. Do not try to use Newtonian explanations, or scientific explanations for the Force, it’s basically magic.
• No Force Teleportation, or Super Speed, or other silly manifestations of Force Powers.
• The Force is a rare ability. Generally characters can’t have it but if you do you have to buy it at Character Generation. A Force Sensitive character will have a larger story responsibility and as such will require Role-Play and dialogue.

JEDI – In the time of the Galactic Civil War (time period of the original saga) the Jedi are believed to be extinct. Anyone who is over 5 years old at the time of the formation of the Empire has heard of the Jedi. Some stances the public takes on the Jedi:
• The Jedi had become hopelessly corrupt and power-seeking by the end of their time.
• The Jedi were destroyed from within.
• The Emperor exposed the Jedi plot and as such was attacked by them.
• The Jedi wanted to invoke puritanical laws on the galaxy.
By Imperial Law it is illegal to talk about the Jedi, except to report someone else of talking about or acting like a Jedi. Lightsabers are illegal contraband that have been traded on the black market for exorbitant sums by collectors.

Force Sensitive Characters have been a failure thus far as every player who has opted for it has done it purely for game-mechanic reasons. Force layer characters have a greater responsibility to story and characterization than non-force Sensitive characters.

BOUNTY HUNTING can be a very annoying profession: at least it is if one player wants to do it and builds his character so that if he is not hunting bounties he is pissed/sad/whatever. This goes for any character that is so specialized and vapid that they are a super needy one-trick pony (Smugglers, Slicers, etc.).

If you make a Bounty Hunter it needs to be like something he does sometimes, not his reason for living.

No voice changers.

February 14th, 2021, 19:55
Don't bother with this if he doesn't get his way he throws a fit

This is absolutely correct and I agree. If I tell a player not to characterize your character as an antisocial type and they do it anyway I will kick them. The game is not for them and for mutual benefit it's better to part ways. I don't want to waste anyone's time when they could be having fun in a game that is right for them. I also don't want to get into a slagging contest so I just let it go, cause that doesn't benefit anyone. Life is too short.

Auron Starglider
February 14th, 2021, 22:39
This is absolutely correct and I agree. If I tell a player not to characterize your character as an antisocial type and they do it anyway I will kick them. The game is not for them and for mutual benefit it's better to part ways. I don't want to waste anyone's time when they could be having fun in a game that is right for them. I also don't want to get into a slagging contest so I just let it go, cause that doesn't benefit anyone. Life is too short.


DM's reserve the right to boot anyone for any reason they see fit; if someone isn't working out at their table and it bothers the DM enough, they have that right to remove a player. DM makes the rules, and sets the conditions.

February 17th, 2021, 22:36
I reposted the OP so that it has all the details in it. There is one spot open currently if we are a match for your tastes.

February 17th, 2021, 22:50
Yeah, you'll get a better selection of folks. Among the many red flags in the above, the biggest for me was "The system allows for narrative suggestion if you roll Advantage or Triumph or use a Destiny point, but am not really sharing Narrative Control." FATE is literally a system designed around shared narrative control, it baffles me why you'd choose it and then throw out the only reason for it to exist, but suit yourself.

February 18th, 2021, 00:38
Yeah, you'll get a better selection of folks. Among the many red flags in the above, the biggest for me was "The system allows for narrative suggestion if you roll Advantage or Triumph or use a Destiny point, but am not really sharing Narrative Control." FATE is literally a system designed around shared narrative control, it baffles me why you'd choose it and then throw out the only reason for it to exist, but suit yourself.

My point was that I take the player's suggested ideas and then implement them in the description but I don't pass pure description to the Players. I have had a lot of trouble with that in the past because it can lead to disagreements on what can be there and what isn't going to work. The Advantage and Triumph are interpretations of dice pool results and I can't find anything in the rules that says the players are allowed to dictate and directly describe what happens. Player: "For the two advantage can we say there is a fuel leak on one of the ship?" GM: "Sure that sounds cool. (describes the leak)"

That is the way I use it. Some people just let the players take over as a sort of Mini-GM in the use of those symbols, and that's cool for them, but it does not work for me.

As for the many red flags well I am sure it would be the same for me had I read your way of running your game, but it does not mean you are a bad GM. Just means that is what you need to have to have a good game.

February 18th, 2021, 00:40
My point was that I take the player's suggested ideas and then implement them in the description but I don't pass pure description to the Players. I have had a lot of trouble with that in the past because it can lead to disagreements on what can be there and what isn't going to work. The Advantage and Triumph are interpretations of dice pool results and I can't find anything in the rules that says the players are allowed to dictate and directly describe what happens. Player: "For the two advantage can we say there is a fuel leak on one of the ship?" GM: "Sure that sounds cool. (describes the leak)"

That is the way I use it. Some people just let the players take over as a sort of Mini-GM in the use of those symbols, and that's cool for them, but it does not work for me.

As for the many red flags well I am sure it would be the same for me had I read your way of running your game, but it does not mean you are a bad GM. Just means that is what you need to have to have a good game.

Oh without a doubt! I don't know if I've ever met someone that was so diametrically opposed to my style. Now that you've put your cards on the table I hope you have better luck, sounds like you've had a rough run.

February 18th, 2021, 00:57
Throwing my hat back into the ring. My original post didn’t list Friday nights, but now Friday nights work for me and I can be available consistently for the long term.

February 18th, 2021, 01:26
Oh without a doubt! I don't know if I've ever met someone that was so diametrically opposed to my style. Now that you've put your cards on the table I hope you have better luck, sounds like you've had a rough run.

Thanks man, all the best to you :)

February 22nd, 2021, 21:20
I played about 4 sessions here

Each week we hemorrhaged players and due to the party composition being primarily droids(who are great as PC's but not able to lead the pbp) I tried to carry the pbp through the week to the point where my PC had set up plans to return to the starter planet and engage in an excavation, with the new players essentially being hired to fulfill roles, scout, pilot, etc

I stayed up until 5 am doing pbp RP to help introduce his RL friend to the game; I felt being the longest running organic PC I wanted to do everything I could to keep the game from falling apart, because it being my first game after searching for months for one I wanted to give my all.

This was a mistake, a massive, sad mistake

In the 4th session he DM invited several new players, none of who would have any actual motivation to do the task we set out to do, because again, we kept losing people and had to fill in spots, the new people came in, tried to steamroll every situation to the point where even the DM agreed they aren't good fits. I told him that it's his game and he can do what he wants though; after all I tried to do in helping to keep the game afloat he told me that I was maybe better fit for a game where the DM let me be the hero.

This after me speaking with the DM about the fact I have 7k hours online RP experience and value the growth in my characters, I was shocked at how quickly he would turn on someone.

So after trying to help keep the game afloat, I get insulted, he then turns and starts questioning my stability due to a concussion I had sustained and am still recovering from, again, insulting. I never insulted him or his game, never tore into him for being overbearing and essentially being the reason why week in and out we have a revolving door of players. I tried to stay within the story; he kept trying to introduce characters who have no motivation outside of the potential of a pay cheque and me questioning why they would be trying to assert themselves in a leadership position not knowing anything in regards to what had happened with the story and allowing them to essentially run ramshackle and again, needing to be replaced.

I kept it classy and decided to cut my losses, even though I was genuinely hurt due to the remarks and the loss of what I was hoping to be a home to play a fantastic system.

Within 2 days after that I found a forever home.

My advice? Keep looking and stay classy

February 22nd, 2021, 22:20
I got removed from the game for not responding to a discord message within six hours during the weekend.

I think someone who can dedicate time to this game will get a lot of enjoyment back for their investment.

February 22nd, 2021, 22:26
I got removed from the game for not responding to a discord message within six hours during the weekend.

I think someone who can dedicate time to this game will get a lot of enjoyment back for their investment.


February 22nd, 2021, 22:28


February 22nd, 2021, 22:37

Like...you deserve to have 6 hours with your family, sorry man, sure you'll find a game out there

February 22nd, 2021, 23:53
I played about 4 sessions here

Each week we hemorrhaged players and due to the party composition being primarily droids(who are great as PC's but not able to lead the pbp) I tried to carry the pbp through the week to the point where my PC had set up plans to return to the starter planet and engage in an excavation, with the new players essentially being hired to fulfill roles, scout, pilot, etc

I stayed up until 5 am doing pbp RP to help introduce his RL friend to the game; I felt being the longest running organic PC I wanted to do everything I could to keep the game from falling apart, because it being my first game after searching for months for one I wanted to give my all.

This was a mistake, a massive, sad mistake

In the 4th session he DM invited several new players, none of who would have any actual motivation to do the task we set out to do, because again, we kept losing people and had to fill in spots, the new people came in, tried to steamroll every situation to the point where even the DM agreed they aren't good fits. I told him that it's his game and he can do what he wants though; after all I tried to do in helping to keep the game afloat he told me that I was maybe better fit for a game where the DM let me be the hero.

This after me speaking with the DM about the fact I have 7k hours online RP experience and value the growth in my characters, I was shocked at how quickly he would turn on someone.

So after trying to help keep the game afloat, I get insulted, he then turns and starts questioning my stability due to a concussion I had sustained and am still recovering from, again, insulting. I never insulted him or his game, never tore into him for being overbearing and essentially being the reason why week in and out we have a revolving door of players. I tried to stay within the story; he kept trying to introduce characters who have no motivation outside of the potential of a pay cheque and me questioning why they would be trying to assert themselves in a leadership position not knowing anything in regards to what had happened with the story and allowing them to essentially run ramshackle and again, needing to be replaced.

I kept it classy and decided to cut my losses, even though I was genuinely hurt due to the remarks and the loss of what I was hoping to be a home to play a fantastic system.

Within 2 days after that I found a forever home.

My advice? Keep looking and stay classy

This guy quit because he was trying to dictate what happened in the story and when it did not materialize the way he wanted he got angry. Being used to video games, the oscillations in fortune associated with a live GM were too much for him. Sorry for the adversity. He also expected new players to kowtow to him and didn't want them to be equals, he wanted servants. He talks about the introduction of those characters and how those players were there for a paycheck? I introduced new PCs joining the group to make credits in an Edge of the Empire game. I poured time and attention into this guy and then he bailed 10 minutes into a session. Also his ego was insatiable and when he felt things were less than optimal he got quiet and let the other players solve the problem. But then again this was his first TTRPG.

February 22nd, 2021, 23:57
Feel like if the game is not right for someone then it is in everyone's best interest to not continue. I am open about what is needed and try to vet people, but I have noticed that commo drops off sharply after an invite. It's not a job interview, if it is not for you then don't sign up. It's nothing personal. Game is full anyway and I am not going to use this forum any more.

Moon Wizard
February 23rd, 2021, 00:05
Closing this thread for now.
