View Full Version : Another silly question - How to en-/disable tocken lock in FGU?

January 7th, 2021, 20:00

it might sound strange, but i somehow managed to activate "token log" in FGU in my starfinder campaign, but i cannot remember where i activated it, so i'm unable to deactivate it. All i found out by searching the board and google was, that there WAS no option in FGU in the past, and there SHOULD be one right now - but i didn't find a clue where the option is located at nor how it's called.

Can someone please guide me to the right place please?

Thanks a lot from an ashamed Mordred

January 7th, 2021, 20:41
Unlock the map and click the lock token toggle (it's next to the LoS toggle).

January 7th, 2021, 20:42
I've never used tocken locking, but a quick search of the wiki gave me this link; https://fantasygroundsunity.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/FGCP/pages/996640805/Token+Locking+-+GM+Approved+Player+Movement

January 7th, 2021, 20:59
Wtf? I honestly didnt think of looking into the wiki after my google and YT search didn't get me any results O_o.

Life could be so easy...thank you two!