View Full Version : Can you edit the skinset "Futuristic" somehow?

January 3rd, 2021, 20:01

i bought the skinset "Futuristic", but there are a few issues in the starfinder ruleset. I can live with that, but a few of my players are a bit pesky ... so i'm wondering if there's a way to edit the skinset? Since i didn't find a file in "extensions" i fear the answer is no or is there some way?

Best regards !


January 3rd, 2021, 20:11
The art packs are encrypted in the vault and can only be edited by the devs at the moment. Best bet would be to show some screenshots or detail the missing/wrong features. :)

January 3rd, 2021, 23:19
You could make an extension and set the load order after the futuristic load order to make your changes, but if something is wrong, post screen shots and it's likely Josh will get them fixed and you won't have to.

January 4th, 2021, 18:37
Hi, thanks for your replys. I added two screenshots with red markers for the areas that are the "problem". The lines around some values are not fully drawn (or not drawn at all) and if you switch the position in a ship there are several bigger graphic glitches occuring.

In the second screenshot you can see that the "lines" to the left / right of "Engineer" are drawn differently. While the right side is fully visible the left side has been cut off. And as soon as someone switches the position it looks like in the red square.

January 4th, 2021, 19:16
Thanks for pointing this out; I can get that sorted out straight away. As LordEntrails pointed out, if there are any issues, I will certainly handle them as soon as possible as these themes are created to work across multiple rulesets, and thus issues will pop up from time to time.

January 4th, 2021, 20:00
@jwatmough - thanks! I may have another question though. Some players did complain that the font used is somewhat harder to read than the starfinder basic skin's font. Is there a way to change the font? I guess it is the same "issue" since the files are locked, yes? So i would have to make another mod or skin that does overwrite the fonts, yes?

January 4th, 2021, 21:01
I will take a look at them and see if they need to be adjusted.

January 4th, 2021, 21:29
It seems that your second picture is a true glitch within the ruleset. I can reproduce it in all themes and with even the default graphics. I will pass this along. The other issues have been taken care of and will be updated in the theme's next update.

January 4th, 2021, 21:30
Awesome! Very much appreciated jwatmough, thanks!