View Full Version : Can't Unselect Grid

January 1st, 2021, 14:10
I set the grid in the map, and I can put tokens on the map, but then I am unable to do anything with the tokens, though my players can. If I try hitting the arrow keys, it shifts the grid location. This eventually goes away as I fiddle with stuff, but I have as of yet to figure out what actually works.

Please help. All the videos I've looked up just show the grid locking into place automatically, so one explains needing to press a special button to lock it after setting it.

Thank you

January 1st, 2021, 14:39
Sounds like you're still on the grid edit mode. Move to the play mode (click the dice in the top left of the image edit sidebar).

January 1st, 2021, 15:09
Ah! That did it. Thank you! The videos never showed having that side menu open before. At least none of the videos I watched did. XP