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View Full Version : Is it possible to make a module that works in all rulesets?

June 2nd, 2007, 03:45
The "definition.xml" file contains the name of the ruleset. Is it possible to make a module, say a help screen, that would work in any ruleset without having to edit that file and repackage the module? Is there maybe a generic tag you could put in the place of "d20" in that file?

June 2nd, 2007, 07:15
Probably not, but what you <i>can</i> do is leave the ruleset name as d20, and then anybody who wants to import that module while using a custom ruleset can modify their ruleset's base.xml file to include the following:

<acceptfrom ruleset="d20" />

That way, anybody not using a custom ruleset can still use the default ruleset with their module (and therefore, their players won't have to download a ruleset they already have), and those who are using a custom ruleset can include the above code and make your module available to them.

June 2nd, 2007, 07:43
An interesting question when we are faced with so many games and game systems!

I imagine you might make a book keeping module that is about recording the most basic meta gaming data - Who is playing, What date, Experience given etc...

To be universal the module would have to be very basic to the player experience and not dependent on _any_ game system.

I think it would requre a serious level of modularization of the existing modules to create this meta layer.

Could be worthwhile if anyone ever uses FG for a convention though.


June 2nd, 2007, 13:22
Petition to create a variable for "definition.xml" that will allow a module to be used in any ruleset without user intervention :)