View Full Version : LFG 1 Player LF Games Tues-Friday Pacific Time, Prefer 5E

December 24th, 2020, 21:03
FG License: Standard License
Time Zone: Pacific Standard Time, San Diego, CA
Day(s) of week, frequency, and time: The best/preferred time I am available will be mornings, 7am-5pm Tuesdays-Fridays. Although time is flexible. I would like it to be frequent and consistent, the more the better, so multiple sessions a week is cool with me. I think 4-5 hour sessions is also cool.
Term: I don't care how long the overall campaign will be. But I don't prefer one shots.
Game System Preferred: 5e, I don't know any other.
Text or Voice: Prefer Voice, I don't mind any voice chat software and also willing to use cam.
Game System Experience: I've played 3 sessions on Roll20 using discord.
Fantasy Grounds Experience: I've had 1 session on FG. But thats all, I'm in general new to tabletop RP games.
Character Type Preferred: My favorite class atm is the Rogue. I've never played any other class but I think the Rogue fits me best.
Roleplay & Combat mix: 40/60 Combat or even 50/50.
About me: I've actually been wanting to try it out for years but didn't really know quite how or had the confidence. Fortunately I one day decide to try it out and starting asking around on my usual discord spots and found a group. Literally 1 by 1 who agreed their down to play. Long story short it was fun, the game is very well designed and not that complicated. I'm looking forward to finding a group and finishing my first campaign. Anyhow, I think I would prefer 40% Role Play 60% Combat but not picky as long as I can stab something during a session. I don't mind goofing off as long as it doesn't consume/waste to much story progression.

Update 1/3/2021
Not to new to FG anymore. I've had a few more sessions and joined a few more campaigns. Love this game.

Best method of Contact is discord under: Kvothe214#8886