View Full Version : Problems with innate spells

December 24th, 2020, 18:34
Ive been working on a creature that is a bit of a cross between a wraith and a soul monger, however i have run across an issue where if i drag and drop spells from the spell list onto the npc, and then i place it in the combat tracker, it seems to be coming up with some outrageous numbers for hits and saves, like +23 to hit or DC 31 saves. I'm not sure whats going on as i pretty much copy/pasted all the other stuff abilities/traits/etc
any ideas? please?
thanks in advance

December 24th, 2020, 19:02
Don't drag and drop spells into an NPC. See the last video here on how to create innate spellcasting ability for an NPC https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?42440-Tutorial-Video-Series#

Or here on the wiki https://fantasygroundsunity.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/FGCP/pages/996641934/5E+NPCs+and+Encounters#Spellcasting-NPCs

December 24th, 2020, 19:09
Awesome... thanks @Zacchaeus :) you r videos are always the best... also, love your accent :)