View Full Version : A reflection generated by the updating of professions

December 18th, 2020, 10:15
Some doubts that arose with the addition of primary and secondary skills to professions:
Will this addition help to better focus on what professions are focused on?
Behold, there arose the doubt, when I am creating the character, there are the skills of adolescence, which from what I understand are skills acquired at level 0, am I right?
So I ask, would this be related to profession or race?
As they are more "limited" than the huge range of possibilities of primary and secondary skills, which can evolve or grow as the character rises, it would be possible to have a tab with the skills of adolescence in the races with a kind of check mark, to select when the race is chosen, to better develop and focus on the character's region?
Like happens with 5E backgrounds?

December 18th, 2020, 16:42
I don't currently have any plans to do that anytime soon but it should be possible with an extension.