View Full Version : Can't change Bardic College

December 17th, 2020, 21:20
Hi everyone,

Apologies if this has been answered elsewhere, I've tried to have a look around to no avail.

I had a bard reach level 3 recently and Fantasy Grounds automatically assigned them the College of Lore. I tried to re-create the level up several times to see if I could edit this, but no options seem to appear.

Has anyone experienced this before? Or have any clues about how one modifies their choice of college at level 3?

Big thanks :)

December 17th, 2020, 21:50
Welcome to FG.

What options you get for your Bardic College (or any archetype for any class) will depend on what modules you have open and available when creating the character. It sounds like the only module you have available (or loaded) is the SRD data module - the only option there is the College of Lore.

December 17th, 2020, 22:25
Thank you! I knew it would be something simple I've overlooked!

March 24th, 2021, 03:43
Welcome to FG.

What options you get for your Bardic College (or any archetype for any class) will depend on what modules you have open and available when creating the character. It sounds like the only module you have available (or loaded) is the SRD data module - the only option there is the College of Lore.

Greetings, Zacchaeus. I have a related question. My player accidentally closed the window with the Bard College choices when he leveled up to 3rd. Is there a way he can access that window again? It doesn't look like any of the special 3rd level features were added to his Abilities tab (i.e., for the PHB Bard College, Bonus Proficiencies [Lore or Valor], Combat Inspiration, Cutting Words, or Expertise).

Should I go into the "Class & Level" window, change the Level 3 back to 2, and have him level up again?

Or can I drag and drop features (I noticed I can choose "Bard" from the "Classes" banner on the right, then choose the "Other" tab, where I find all the features I listed above under "Features" as well as "College of Lore" and "College of Valor" under "Specializations." If the latter is true, should I drag and drop both "Bard College" and the specific College of choice, or just one or the other? Could I do the same drag and drop for the different Colleges in either Tasha's or Xanathar's?

Many thanks in advance for your expert help, as always.

March 24th, 2021, 10:21
Yes, drag in the College and any abilities that they get at third level and drop in the abilities tab. I'm not really sure how that would affect level ups in the future. It may not pull in future abilities related to that College. Might be less painful to remake the character from scratch.

March 24th, 2021, 10:48
Yes, drag in the College and any abilities that they get at third level and drop in the abilities tab. I'm not really sure how that would affect level ups in the future. It may not pull in future abilities related to that College. Might be less painful to remake the character from scratch.

Thank you. At least I remembered to save the character at 1st level (forgot to do it for 2nd, and I just learned my lesson).

Where should I put the previously saved 1st level character in order to import it? I put it in the Fantasy Grounds general folder but don’t see it when I push the up button in the character selection window.

Thanks again.