View Full Version : LFP Need 3-4 players | DRAGONLANCE DL1-16 | day/time TBD | 5th Edition

December 15th, 2020, 14:53
DRAGONLANCE DL1 Dragons of Despair

EDIT: WOW! I did not expect so much interest. I have enough people and had to start a waitlist. Thank you all!

FG License: Unity Ultimate. You can play with the free demo version of Unity (Not Classic).
Game System: D&D 5th Edition

Time Zone: Mountain Time USA
Day of week and time: To be determined. Would like to run during a weeknight.
If new game, planned start date: Sometime in January
Planned Duration & Frequency: Bi-weekly (2x a month)
Term: I will be running Dragonlance DL1 through DL16 (two of the modules are only reference manuals, so there’s 14 adventures). Each module takes roughly 15-20 hours to beat. Each session will be roughly 3 hours. So roughly 5-6 sessions a module with 14 modules at every other week. Does that paint a picture?

Text or Voice: Voice
Voice software used: Discord
Will this be recorded and/or live streamed? This WILL be live streamed on Twitch then uploaded to YouTube. Only your voice will be heard. You will NOT be on live webcam video.

Roleplay & Combat mix: Well, that depends on all of you, doesn’t it? I’d estimate without knowing my all players that these campaigns are roughly 60% Roleplay / 40% Combat, but you all determine the actual ratio by your own actions. I currently have three players that all love to Roleplay, just a heads up.
Number of Players in game & needed: Have 3 players, need 3 more.
Character starting level & equipment: All characters start at level 5 except Raistlin. He starts at level 4.
Character restrictions: You will be using the pre-gens that came with the module: Tanis, Tasslehoff, Flint, Sturm, Goldmoon, Riverwind, Raistlin, and Caramon.

Details of your scenario: DRAGONLANCE IS BACK! You stand on the road east of Solace, tired from five years of adventuring, from a fruitless search for lost clerical magic. You know the old proverb that claims, "You must return to find what you left to seek," but the saying never really made sense. Soon, however, it will.
For the world of Krynn is not the same: refugees stream out of the northernmost human lands, telling horrible tales. An invading army has burned their villages and put their families and friends to the sword. Among these stories you hear even darker rumors-that older evils, the dragons themselves, have returned to the world, for new and more terrible purposes.

About me: I have been playing D&D since the late 80s. I have been a Dungeon Master for roughly 25 years now. I have been using Fantasy Grounds for four years now. I started D&D with Dragonlance and read almost all the books. I love the world of Dragonlance so I converted the original 1st edition modules into 5th edition and Fantasy Grounds. I even sell them on the DMsGuild. We will be streaming our campaign on Twitch then putting it on YouTube to help promote Dragonlance and keep it alive. Both Hickman and Weis are aware of this and have given me their blessing. I am also LGBTQ friendly!

Link to YouTube page: https://www.youtube.com/c/vodkard

If you are reading this, then thank you for reading the whole post! So how can you join? Send me a private message and I’ll respond within 24 hours. In your message, tell me what days/times work for you. Also tell me how well versed you are in Dragonlance and Fantasy Grounds. Normally, I love teaching people Fantasy Grounds, but with this being streamed, for once I’d prefer to have players that know about Fantasy Grounds. Knowing about Dragonlance is a plus as I love it when players roleplay their characters (and so will the audience!). Thank you!

December 16th, 2020, 14:11
Glad to hear! I ran a Dragonlance /Homebrew a couple years back and it triggered a lot of interest. Good to see one of the old 'classics' getting some play.