View Full Version : Grid units

December 15th, 2020, 09:50
Hi, i'm new to FGU and i'm starting to discover its functionnality. I am a bit disappointed about one thing in particular : the fact that the base grid unit seems to be set at 5' and the lack of paramater to change it.

As a french gamer, we use the same square grid for our games based on 3.5E or 5E. BUT we calculate in metric system : 1 square = 1,50 m. It has been like this for more than 20 years now... So for a full VTT system like FG i don't understand why we can't choose.

So, why not adding a general option to change the grid unit ? The base option should be these ones :
- 1 square > 1 square. Simple, work everytime, all distances are measured in multiples of 1 square. And it's system agnostic.
- 1 square > 5 ft. The actual proposition
- 1 square > 1,50m. The European standard.
- 1 square > 2m. For games like Savage Worlds.

Ideally we should be able to set a different unit for each type of grid (square, hex etc.) for games like Starfinder which use different kinds of maps.

And if you want to be really complete ... Automated unit conversion for number fields relative to length (reach, range etc.). I don't know if there is already a type of variable homogeneous to a length in FGU but that should also be a great addition to calculate automatically things like range malus.

December 15th, 2020, 10:55
The grid units absolutely can be changed. Look in the right-most tab in the image settings.


December 15th, 2020, 10:56
If you are using Unity then you can add a multiplier to the grid and change the units that the grid measures in.

If you are using Classic then this extension will do what you want https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?39463-MUSE-Map-Unit-Settings-Extension-(CoreRPG)

December 16th, 2020, 06:36
Yup, sorry i didn't realise the setting could be changed directly on map ! thanks !