View Full Version : Eberron Ruleset.

May 29th, 2007, 05:40
Are there and Eberron rulesets in the works?

May 29th, 2007, 06:34
Nope. Eberron is closed content (copyright WotC), and no one has the rights to make and distribute one. You're free to make one for your own use, but there won't be one for sale, unless things change with WotC's licensing policies.

May 29th, 2007, 07:19
That's make and distribute. If anyone has made one I'd like to play in your game :)

July 6th, 2007, 18:13
I currently run a Eberron campaign but haven't added anything in the ways of a custom ruleset as I'm very new to FG2 but since this is my home campaign migrating into a virtual tabletop format with FG2/Ventrilo I may be creating a ruleset for use in my campaign.

August 30th, 2007, 13:31
I would love to see that ruleset. Now if i remember my Lawyer stuff right, you can make it and distrubiute it as long as you make no money off of it.

August 30th, 2007, 15:18
I would love to see that ruleset. Now if i remember my Lawyer stuff right, you can make it and distrubiute it as long as you make no money off of it.

No, you don't remember.

August 30th, 2007, 17:58
No, you don't remember.
Its been awhile. I have no problem addmitting I was wrong.
On a side note though I do belive that DnD does have a open loop in their Copy Right that does allow for creation and distrabution of matrial providing you make no profit off of there name.
It would also stand to follow seeing as to how many adventures and such are released under the DnD banner.

August 30th, 2007, 18:04
You may not distribute rules, period, that are not OGL. Most modules are allowed under the OGL as long as you don't use anyone's intelectual property. You can use anything or distribute anything in the SRD (https://www.d20srd.org/index.htm). Ebberon is WotC's IP and not available (legally) for distribution without their permission. Under fair use, assuming you own a book or PDF it is probably legal to make a ruleset for your personal use as long as you don't distribute it. This is USA law, of course.

August 31st, 2007, 08:40
I think that there may be a misunderstanding here between what people think is a ruleset and what SmiteWorks call a ruleset.

The ruleset for FG2 is basically, the character sheet, a theme, NPC sheets, and the mechanics for the game (like the combat tracker). Generally, character sheets are allowed to be copied and distributed - although check with the copyright owner or their website.

The reference material for the rules is now held in the modules. This is what would be closed content and you couldn't distribute this without a license from the copyright owner, or by offering to them for distribution.

August 31st, 2007, 09:15
Where it gets shady is when you start to add 'intelligence' to your character sheet. For example, I have automated the "XP required" field, so that it calculates the XP needed for the next level based on your current XP. Very simple really, but I think the XP tables are not in the SRD, so it would probably be illegal for me to post it here.