View Full Version : Software/website for communication with whisper function

December 12th, 2020, 23:59
Hello guys.

with the LOS of the unity version i was looking for some way to split the group audio when the get far away from each other, like another room or other side of the dungeon for example.
Before i get the FGclassic and then the unity version we (the group) used the ROLL20 for our sessions and the system there allows to speak with the other players in private.

Sorry for my english, i hope i was clear enough.

December 13th, 2020, 01:15
You can /w (first 3 chars of playername) (message)

eg /w tho You feel a tingling sensation as though you are being watched

But you cant whisper to multiple characters

You can also share images and items and anything else individually by dragging the link and dropping on their portrait

December 13th, 2020, 02:47
Discord and Teamspeak both have the ability to have multiple "rooms" or "channels" that allow you to split the party. Not sure either of them allow you to be in both rooms at once though.

December 15th, 2020, 00:30
Thanks for the reply damned, i already use the /w command and sometimes when the text is too big, i save as a note and drop it in player portait.

i was looking for something with audio and video.

I'll try the discord, thanks LordEntrails.

Thank you once more.

December 15th, 2020, 01:06
I use Discord and Teamspeak and both support multiple channels

December 15th, 2020, 16:12
It easy to whisper to a player by right clicking on his portrait BUT it is much more complicated to whisper to the GM (have to type /w GM text) witch is boing for the players. It could be easier if there was a portrait for the GM with the same function.

Fear Grounds
December 15th, 2020, 19:31
It easy to whisper to a player by right clicking on his portrait BUT it is much more complicated to whisper to the GM (have to type /w GM text) witch is boing for the players. It could be easier if there was a portrait for the GM with the same function.

Instead of right clicking on the DM's portrait, you can right click on the dice tower. Works exactly the same.

To reply to your last received whisper, type /r followed by your reply.

December 16th, 2020, 07:44
What exactly is the relationship of the LoS to the group communication issue you are trying to address?


December 28th, 2020, 22:18
hello, when the group is separated id like to speak only with those on that room and then speak with the rest.

like, in one session the players were following a group o bandits, one of them decided to go alone, he was ambushed, because i did not have any other mean to speak (sure, i could type, but its not that fast or cool) in private with him the rest of group find out what happend and then found a excuse to help him.

For me, it's kind of breaks the ilusion in someway.

By the way, i'm a new GM/player and i'm trying my best do make a good game for my friends, who never played RPGs before.

Thanks for all the help, the community is amazing.
(sorry for my english)

December 28th, 2020, 22:20
I followed the suggestion and started using Discord.

The High Druid
December 29th, 2020, 01:01
While you can have multiple voice channels in Discord, it may sometimes be quicker just to "deafen" those party members that aren't in the room you are trying to describe. Just remember to "undeafen" them when you are finished.