View Full Version : Spelljammer Ship Combat Advice Request

December 10th, 2020, 01:06
Hello everyone,

I am getting ready to run a spelljammer campaign using the following source. https://www.gmbinder.com/share/-LBaY4l6HcR4M-sItfl_

I am trying to determine how to run combat speed. Per the above sourcebook, a ships speed is the sum of it's Helm rating and it's Maneuverability Rating listed in a ships stat block. The party is going to interact with a ship that would rate a helm rating of 1 and an MR of 3. Three seems like a rather agile ship. This ship has a beam length of 45 feet. So when I make a grid, what scale should the grids be? How would you translate the ship's speed into movement points? Someone gave me the advice that it should cost 1 movement point in order to change facing. Thoughts on this?

February 1st, 2021, 10:43
Hi! I'm just wondering where you're at with your work on creating ships and ship combat. I'm building a Spelljammer campaign too and I'm not sure how to do it.

February 14th, 2022, 04:28
I am also doing this, they way i run it is your ship has a speed (HR+MR) this is how max # of hex's you can move in a round. your MR allows you to accel or turn (1 hex forward or 1 hex turn per point of MR) They start the round with a speed = to the MR of the ship ...basically cruising speed. Ships carry their velocity forward each round and use the MR to slow down if they wish.

Example a Galleon with a max speed of 4 and an MR of 2
rnd 1 - Accel's by 2 so now it is going 4
rnd 2 - Still going 4 the ship decides to turn one facing right after moving 3 hex's forward then turns right 1 hex side followed by 1 more forward using its last point of velocity.

February 14th, 2022, 11:37
On a side note, have you seen the rules on Wildjammer:



February 15th, 2022, 01:46
Did anyone ever make an extension or module for FG for this?

February 15th, 2022, 09:10
I have not seen anything - and would also be interested....