View Full Version : Hide effect coding for Comabt Tracker

December 6th, 2020, 05:40
I haven't seen anyone post this, but it would be nice if player based effects from spells and such instead of saying the code only said what the effect it from so it is only names not coding in combat tracker. Say for instance there is an effect typed like this: Defensive Stance [AC: +1 Circumstance]. Anything in the brackets would not be visible in combat tracker, but on the player sheet whatever the actual name of the effect is shown. If an effect has multiple things you can name the effect and hide the code. Not huge, but nice quality of life I think.

December 8th, 2020, 01:56
Yeah I have considered this before. A new "Title: xxxxx;" effect that was the only thing that displayed when the effect button was collapsed in the combat tracker if present.

Would be nice given how big combat tracker entries can get.

Something else I recommend doing is getting your most used and longest effects and hard coding them into the ruleset, it made the combat tracker a lot easier to read for me :)