View Full Version : Dragonborn breath recharge

Dax Doomslayer
December 6th, 2020, 03:38
Hi Folks,
This may be a dumb question but figured I'd ask. I'm thinking of making the Dragonborn's breath weapon operate with a recharge as opposed to 1/short or long rest. I think it would make it more thematic and give a boost to a relatively lack luster race. Is there anyway to automate that like it's done for a monster? I know the NPC stat blocks are much different with how they function with the CT. Any direction would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!!

December 6th, 2020, 04:25
Add an effect line that the player can add when the breath weapon is used. The below example would recharge on a 4+ on a d6.

RCHG: 4 Breath; [SELF]

Dax Doomslayer
December 6th, 2020, 12:40
Thanks Cyrian!

December 6th, 2020, 17:57
Add an effect line that the player can add when the breath weapon is used. The below example would recharge on a 4+ on a d6.

RCHG: 4 Breath; [SELF]

What if we wanted it based off of a different die roll? This is on a d6 but say we wanted to do it on a 11 based on a d12?

Or is it that all recharge can only be based on a d6?

December 6th, 2020, 18:12
Recharge is all based on a d6.