View Full Version : Changing characters class module?

December 6th, 2020, 00:22
I had tried to search for this a couple different ways, but couldn't find anything. One of my players (we are 7 levels in now) has created their class from the SRD originally. But has been upgrading / adding things from the normal players handbook (at both times I owned both, but have since turned off the SRD's so that people don't choose things from it).

How can I switch their class to the players handbook version instead of the SRD?



December 6th, 2020, 01:00
You would need to create it from scratch. Once you have linked something to the character sheet it stays linked. I suppose you could change the links in the xml file.

December 6th, 2020, 01:00
You might have to edit the db.xml...
It might be best to create the char from scratch again.
Most things can be dragged over from one to the other but do all the levelling from the PHB.