View Full Version : Text Color and Multiple NPC's

May 24th, 2007, 21:44
Is there a way to assign different text colors to different NPC's? I have a couple of scenes where I have six or seven NPC's bantering back and forth, which gets a little grim in the chat window. If each NPC had their own text color it would help out a lot.

While I am at it, is there a way to preset emotes for NPC's from the Story pages in the same way you preset text?

May 24th, 2007, 22:30
You can set the speaker of a frame for your NPC conversations so that what was said came out as if they said it rather than just a blob of text. I'm not aware if this works for emotes or not.

May 25th, 2007, 09:43
i think it is not possible for emotes.
You can write the emote sentence into chatframe, but you have to drag ist not to the chatbox but to the chat input line and press enter...

this works but is somewhat annoying..

the same problem exists with dierolls which I like to predefine in npc descriptions. would be nice to drag them just to the chatbox.. but it only works as explained above.

I see no way to change textcolors.