View Full Version : Looking for help with chat choas

December 1st, 2020, 00:54
In combat the tracker and initiative keeps order to the chat.

But when out of combat the party all talks in and over each other in discord voice.
It is even hard to know when someone was finished, then other try to jump in.

Sometimes a conversion on subject 1. Other players bounce back in forth making it hard to give input. Now they have progressed through subjects 1 , 2 3, 4.... Annoying.

Has anyone come up with a solution?

Here is a couple thoughts I had.
Please critique these 2 before I bring them up with the group.
What I really hope for is hearing solutions other groups have successfully used.

A discussion intuitive roll?
To even get this you have to call to interrupt requesting discussion initiative.

Some object that can be visibly seen of the FG page.
Say a list of party names lights color indicator , presently talking, request to talk.

I look forward to hearing what others have done to solve chat chaos.
Thank you/

December 1st, 2020, 01:39
1&2 - no. RPGs are social games, they suffer, and benefit, from social dynamics. Having to formally takes turns is like sitting around the dinner table and waiting to be called upon by a parent. Or even worse, a class discussion where you have to raise your hand.

Yes it's confusing, imo it's just about having an open and honest discussion with the players. Let them know they will all get their (informal) turn and will get to say what they want, but they need to respect everyone else. Everyone gets a chance to talk, don't monopolize, don't talk over. Sure, things happen, but in general just have everyone accept that they need to show the respect they want.

If the players are too immature for that. Then and only then I could see something like you are saying.

December 1st, 2020, 01:43
Early this year I was working on a "I want to talk" indicator extension but I never finished it...

Also - I try to ask specific people their thoughts in situations like these - usually Im asking those who either volunteer thoughts less or get over spoken often.

December 1st, 2020, 01:47
Have a conversation with your players about manners and letting one person speak at a time. :)

I've done the Initiative thing as well though when people just can't seem to stop themselves or when 1-2 persons are monopolizing the game and 2-3 others are really quiet. I find the initiative turn works well to have the quiet ones speak out, but I generally don't need to do this at my vtt.

December 1st, 2020, 03:12
Slap them with a carp

December 1st, 2020, 22:59
if we where at a dinner table we would know when someone wants to talk.
but as we cant see each we cant see hands raising.
the chaos of chat conflict is detracting game play and fun.

December 1st, 2020, 23:09
if we where at a dinner table we would know when someone wants to talk.
but as we cant see each we cant see hands raising.
the chaos of chat conflict is detracting game play and fun.
We get it. It happens to all of us. But it's something that my various groups have managed to handle/overcome with the suggestions I listed. Doesn't mean they will work for all. Could you add video? Or when folks want to talk next emote something in chat?

Not sure what might work best for your group :)