View Full Version : Combat Groups Extension (Fantasy Grounds Unity 5E Ruleset)
November 30th, 2020, 18:57
Only in Forge.
Combat Groups Extension (Fantasy Grounds Unity 5E Ruleset) (
This stand-alone extension for Fantasy Grounds allows you to create and preload multiple NPC groups, then activate them with one click as your players explore a dungeon.
This extension unlocks the following functions:
Preload multiple NPC groups on a battlemap, but keep them off the Combat Tracker,
Make the groups visible to your players with a single click as they explore your dungeon,
Add and remove entire groups from the combat tracker with one button click,
A “friends” button extends this functionality to friendly & neutral NPCs as well!
Preemptively buff NPCs before they are encountered,
Setting up an ambush has never been easier!
Using the combat tracker menu button to remove things from CT is going to wipe out ALL the entries in the CT including ones not displayed via combat groups. Great way to lose all your setup work. Never use these menu options unless your cleaning out everything to replace with encounters and re-adding to groups (which I sometimes do and why the default menu behavior has not been changed). Use the "Delete From CT" button to remove CT entries from that group ONLY - the CT menu options should be avoided.
There is not a good way to handle map targeting buttons so they will ignore auto targeting of any groups that are not visible. They will not ignore any display only faction requirements so players could target things not showing in their CT potentially (FGU provides no way to determine if something is LOS/lighting visible to the active token in the code available to extensions). This was the best compromise to get the most things working as they should but can still get you targeting more or less than you want in some cases. If the CT entry is visible on the host CT (and not set to invisible in CT) you can target it. That is the hard fast rule to go by.
Make sure that maps you plan to have group tokens on are read/write accessible.
[See .txt file for early updates and features]
V1.53 - Update - Added new option "Encounter placed in active combat group name" defaulted to "off" which will cause any encounter to place all its entries into the active combat group name. If the combat tracker is not up or the active combat group name is blank then it will just place the encounter entries with no combat group as it previously would do. This lets me drop an encounter straight into a combat group if the option is "on".
V1.54 - Update - supported vehicle class as much as possible in the same manner as npc class.
V1.55 - Update - when using "Set Groups with Common Initiative (menu rolls only)" set to "on" it will always guarantee that the initial roll never has duplicates before it forces these common init settings. This prevents scrambled CT entries when they shared a common init roll. If carrier common init is used they will not be identical inits but still in sequence.
V1.56 - Bug - have to stay in synch with ct.lua and clientct.lua CoreRPG where I need some changes since this has its own copy. Was out of synch.
V1.57 - Bug - the whole purpose of combat groups was to insure the CT on the client could display owned items, but I found if I turned off all filtering options - which I never run without - it causes an invisibility bug where an owned NPC/PC/VEHICLE will not be displayed in the CT. This is a bug in the land of Combat Groups. Fixed.
V1.58 - Bug - with common init option the order was never really changing even though numbers generated were unique. This was because the number sample was generated based on random 20 and on large CT counts this was not a large enough random number sample to change the order. Now when common init option is set that init random number generator is based on current CT count so that sample is large enough to get unique numbers and change the order randomly. As usual with common init option you will see init much higher (if lots of CT entries visible or not). The CombatManager2.rollRandomInit code override is shared between carrier and combat groups extensions.
V1.59 - Update - added "Host only see active and its targeted" option defaulted to "off". This will essentially ignore all combat group visibility on the host CT and force only the active CT entry and what it has targeted to be shown in CT. Useful when you want to only see immediate action in a crowded CT. As its for me and I will only in certain situations it is defaulted to off and you should only use at YOUR OWN risk. I plan to drop the on and off option onto FGU toolbar at bottom so I can turn it on or off at will. Also allows me to tell if a player actually has something targeted at a glance (always annoying when they fire with no target). At first glance it appears most CT refreshing is done already except when the last target of something is removed. That's good enough for me as you can force the refresh just by toggling this option (clicking the off then on where I have it on toolbar).
V1.60 - Bug - removed bogus code that was not required.
V1.61 - Bug - when a CT entry was owned by a player the host would not have its selection/centering of the token updated as it was supposed to do. Client always worked correctly. Fixed.
V1.62 - Bug - something changed in FGU sometime in the last few years since I wrote this and I have to force the center of map call now to get NPCs to center on client when turn indicator changes. It will respect the auto-center map option.
V1.63 - FGU update - fixes to make it work with latest FGU update.
V1.64 - Update - option "Disable CombatListManager icon (requires restart or reload of app)" defaulted to "off" will now allow the CombatListManager icon to be removed from host and clients when set to "on" and the app is restarted or /reload is done in chat. This proved to difficult to override the player side logic to respect combat groups code or only remove the icon from player side so just removing it entirely for my games as it gives away things players should not see.
V1.65 - Update - option "Set token visibility when invisible effect added or removed from CT" defaulted to "off" will now allow "Invisible" effect conditions to automatically turn on and off token visibility when the effect is added or removed. Got tired of doing this manually - I've seen timing issues with effect add/delete data but hopefully worked around them. Any effect with a conditional invisible effect will only work properly if the IF: logic is fully supported in a non targeted dumb check - an invisible effect applied through IFT: will never work properly in setting the token visibility. Manually editing an effect to remove Invisible condition may also not process the token visible status properly. I've decided I can live with these limitations to get most things to work as I want. Anything stuck in a token visibility state that is no longer valid will need to be manually right click fixed in map.
V1.66 - Update - option "Preserve invisible token settings on startup" defaulted to "off" will preserve any token invisible always setting when the app or image gets redisplayed. FGU does not do this as it has a set of hardcoded rules it forces visibility to be set to. You can stay up in app and the invisible token will remain - but if you restart the app it will be back to the CT logic default. This is a pain to manually reset all the invisible tokens when I restart the app so now it is as I want it. I don't want my players seeing invisible other players or NPCs they do not own.
V1.67 - FGU Update - changes in update forced fixes to keep working.
Grim Press overview video.
Grim Press will be handling the sales and promotion of this extension.
If you'd like to engage with us, please feel free to join the Grim Press discord:
And a video for my own entertainment...
Extensions = RISK: This note is added to all the extensions I maintain. I want users to understand that extensions are code that is added to or overrides portions of code in the Fantasy Grounds Unity (FGU) application. When the underlying code in FGU changes it can break an extension. When you run with other extensions they can conflict by trying to overwrite the same parts of the FGU code. I will keep my extensions working with FGU changes, and the extensions I use (listed in my FGU signature) as I have direct control over those things. I cannot make the same promise with other extensions. If I am notified of an incompatibility I will attempt to resolve it - but if I cannot I will list what the known extension incompatibilities are. Understand before you get any extensions that it comes with RISK. Not just my extensions - any extension. These extensions are also maintained by me for me. I provide them outside of my own games purely to those who wish to take advantages of things I use for myself.
Included is detailed text used for describing this extension - has a lot of details but really provided for reference if needed.
December 1st, 2020, 07:45
This looks so cool.. I hope things get sorted out soon :)!
December 2nd, 2020, 22:27
For when it gets a home and for the few who bought and can still download it.
V1.2 - added combat groups only token vis eye button.
December 3rd, 2020, 08:43
Nice! so you can reveal all the Enemies NPCs with one button click if there in the Combat Tracker :)?
December 3rd, 2020, 17:12
Nice! so you can reveal all the Enemies NPCs with one button click if there in the Combat Tracker :)?
As in this included image you can see the new "eye" icon on top left above the global visibility eye icon you are familiar with in CT. The normal CT eye icon will change everything in the CT DB (just like menu options will) regardless of if its visible in CT window list view. The new eye icon will just apply to the active selected group - whether you have it visible in the view or not.
Confusing right? Really its super simple. Click button visibility and only CT entries in selected group will change. This allows you to set up all your groups with the visibility you want - then if you have to bring them up and guarantee players don't see what your view shows (you know normal CT behavior) you can set them all to invisible before you hit my new group Visible button - so you can work on them (maybe place them in maps if not preplaced) with out players seeing them in CT.
Before I did this new eye icon option all you had to set visibility was the global set them all one way or the other and manually setting them individually - which was a pain when I wanted to set only a group's visibility - hence - this new version.
Granted its just for me - and the couple people who bought it before it was shut down - but eventually it will have a home and I'll still be working on it as necessary before and after it does. (probably should have made a specific image to show the new eye icon button but really its the one above the normal one on the upper left of CT)
December 3rd, 2020, 17:26
Awesome.. I need this extension XD ... but my next game won't be ti'll 15th of December.. so hopefully DMSguild will get sorted out by then.. :)
December 6th, 2020, 23:04
I only heard about your extension, SilentRuin, after MadNomad pinged everybody on his Discord server, warning of the DMs Guild issue. Well, can't wait to see it anywhere else... Will you give us a heads up on this topic when it's up and running?
December 6th, 2020, 23:50
I only heard about your extension, SilentRuin, after MadNomad pinged everybody on his Discord server, warning of the DMs Guild issue. Well, can't wait to see it anywhere else... Will you give us a heads up on this topic when it's up and running?
As Soon as I know where its going I'll post it in here. I'll be shocked if I don't know something by the end of next week. For sure I seem to be the one who got caught "in between" battling giants of WOTC/DMsG/FG - I'm just a small fry so will have to wait with everyone else to find out.
December 7th, 2020, 01:12
Pre game setup for myself I noticed that the new visible eye icon was not really recognizable nor was it working when group was not visible. Fixed.
V1.3 - Fixed Visible group eye icon button to be more recognizable and to allow setting active group when group is not visible.
December 7th, 2020, 11:11
Hey, in the vid, it was mentioned that its a quite light running extension and not very taxing on the PC.. would you agree with them on that?
I notice if I run to many extension it lags.. FGs, probably due to that I'm not running a high end machine.. so I've got to be careful which extensions I run.
December 7th, 2020, 13:48
Hey, in the vid, it was mentioned that its a quite light running extension and not very taxing on the PC.. would you agree with them on that?
I notice if I run to many extension it lags.. FGs, probably due to that I'm not running a high end machine.. so I've got to be careful which extensions I run.
Think of it this way. If you put 100 items in combat tracker - then only display 10 of them - you still have 100 in the DB. While it will make things go faster since your only dealing with 10 in most operations - it does not mean it is not looping through them all to figure out which operations are required. So all your saving is some processing time. If your machine is low on memory and CPU - this will not "save" you from whatever your suffering from in terms of FGU.
So this will lighten the burden a little when you have lots of things in combat tracker - it won't save you from the things that burn your machine in terms of volume (memory) and speed (CPU).
December 7th, 2020, 14:30
Ok.. well as you say.. extension is risk :P, I use a Macbook air 2020.. which isn't particular high spect, 8b ram, 1,1 Ghz quad-i5 core. It's not that I'm short on CPU I think.. FGs.. just is less laggy.. and clunky, more responsive if I run less extensions.. windows open faster.. its easier to move tokens.. line of sight gets updated sooner.. I'm learning python right now.. but have no clue.. yet why this would be the case.. since I have more then enough CPU, available, though I haven't looked at if my memory ram gives shortage, though 8gb ram seems reasonably large I think..
I registered these Activity Logs.. with a map open in FGs.. which is more taxing on my cpu. They don't look to scary to hinder performance.. I think?
FGs uses:
Memory usage: 3,1 gb
CPU: 60%
I did a test with many extension loaded.. and I didn't see a big difference in Memory or CPU usage.
December 7th, 2020, 15:26
Ok.. well as you say.. extension is risk :P, I use a Macbook air 2020.. which isn't particular high spect, 8b ram, 1,1 Ghz quad-i5 core. It's not that I'm short on CPU I think.. FGs.. just is less laggy.. and clunky, more responsive if I run less extensions.. windows open faster.. its easier to move tokens.. line of sight gets updated sooner.. I'm learning python right now.. but have no clue.. yet why this would be the case.. since I have more then enough CPU, available, though I haven't looked at if my memory ram gives shortage, though 8gb ram seems reasonably large I think..
I registered these Activity Logs.. with a map open in FGs.. which is more taxing on my cpu. They don't look to scary to hinder performance.. I think?
FGs uses:
Memory usage: 3,1 gb
CPU: 60%
I did a test with many extension loaded.. and I didn't see a big difference in Memory or CPU usage.
That sounds like good enough for running FGU. Though you might want to discuss that sort of thing in another thread I suspect :)
Depending on what an extension does I'm sure it can slow things down if there is enough data that it has to go through to do its functionality. The more data you have them go through the slower it will get. Personally, the only way to get any of my extensions to slow you down is to have a huge amount of data for them to deal with. Generic Actions and Map Parcel will never slow down as they don't really deal with large sets of data. Equipped Effects I could see would do it if you had a large number of inventory items or custom effects (though cycling through stuff in DB is not that slow unless you get really silly large numbers). Polymorphism will only get slow if you create crazy number of NPCs in their list to turn into. And this one only if you have a very large number of combat tracker entries (though it will be faster if you have it and they are broken out into groups).
Gist being - anything that deals with a lot of data will slow you down potentially.
December 7th, 2020, 15:53
Thank you for explaining, I might ask somewhere else, but it loos like there is little to do about it.. other than just use less demanding extensions or buy a better spect pc :P! I can concur that your extension adds little load to FGs.. I only notice it just a bit with equipped effects :)!
Would Combat Groups be in the same order as Equipped Effect.. like if you would have a lot of encounters placed on a map..?
December 7th, 2020, 15:59
Thank you for explaining, I might ask somewhere else, but it loos like there is little to do about it.. other than just use less demanding extensions or buy a better spect pc :P! I can concur that your extension add little load to FGs.. I only notice it just a bit with equipped effect :)!
Would Combat Groups be in the same order as Equipped Effect.. like if you would have a lot of encounters placed on a map..?
Equipped effect would be due to inventory list and custom effects list population. This one would be due to combattracker.list in the DB population. And would be FASTER than without it. Nothing to do with the map. At all. Combat tracker is still combat tracker - nothing to do with this extension managing what can be displayed in its list.
December 7th, 2020, 16:17
Ok great, then I'll pick it up as soon as you find a place for it :)!
December 10th, 2020, 00:24
I just got back into D&D and found your extension by chance and I love them. Literally bought them all 3 days ago and hadn't seen this about the extensions coming down on DMsguild. Hope it all gets sorted out, the extensions I did buy are amazing and I cant thank you enough for improving my DMing as much as you have! in the one session I have been able to use them so far!
December 14th, 2020, 18:31
Just hit a milestone for myself with this extension - had to set up COS wizard of wines area while keeping Vallaki entries around in combat tracker and maps since the party can go either way. This was 249 combat tracker entries. Took 10 seconds to bring up combat tracker - but once it was up - was fine moving between setting more groups up, adding NPCs into them, and setting them to be not visible on CT when done moving onto the next one. I took this screen shot to show a few of the maps that are currently loaded. Now I'm sure it is also effected by machine speed and storage on how fast these thing react - but still... Not hit the limit yet. Not sure I want to test that limit - but this was a necessity for my pre game setup and figured I'd share it :)
December 14th, 2020, 18:51
Just hit a milestone for myself with this extension - had to set up COS wizard of wines area while keeping Vallaki entries around in combat tracker and maps since the party can go either way. This was 249 combat tracker entries. Took 10 seconds to bring up combat tracker - but once it was up - was fine moving between setting more groups up, adding NPCs into them, and setting them to be not visible on CT when done moving onto the next one. I took this screen shot to show a few of the maps that are currently loaded. Now I'm sure it is also effected by machine speed and storage on how fast these thing react - but still... Not hit the limit yet. Not sure I want to test that limit - but this was a necessity for my pre game setup and figured I'd share it :)
Wow, that's amazing...
Can't wait to have that DMs Guild issue sorted out.
December 14th, 2020, 19:56
Wow, that's amazing...
Can't wait to have that DMs Guild issue sorted out.
I'm pretty sure they "have". Waiting for SmiteWorks to sort out that app to sell .ext's ddavidson mentioned in that closed thread page 1 here references. In limbo till then.
December 15th, 2020, 18:27
As I keep getting asked here, in PMs, and in discord privately and publicly - I do not believe this extension will be for sale again till next year sometime. Sorry, I'm caught between a rock and a hard place. Here is a quote on the earliest it might happen. ( And I say "might".
December 15th, 2020, 21:01
Sorry to hear that SilentRuin.. pity.. it looks like a really cool extension!
December 18th, 2020, 17:21
As I keep getting asked here, in PMs, and in discord privately and publicly - I do not believe this extension will be for sale again till next year sometime. Sorry, I'm caught between a rock and a hard place. Here is a quote on the earliest it might happen. ( And I say "might".
As I understood it, the whole extensions fiasco is "over" and probably should have never that not the case? I still see the extensions for sale by other devs on dmsguild....just curious why Grim Press is different or refusing to put them back online for sale? From the perspective of the customer, this shouldn't be a "thing" any longer, so I apologize for my ignorance if there's additional behind the scenes stuff going on here that isn't being discussed....
December 18th, 2020, 18:58
As I understood it, the whole extensions fiasco is "over" and probably should have never that not the case? I still see the extensions for sale by other devs on dmsguild....just curious why Grim Press is different or refusing to put them back online for sale? From the perspective of the customer, this shouldn't be a "thing" any longer, so I apologize for my ignorance if there's additional behind the scenes stuff going on here that isn't being discussed....
The only behind the scenes stuff going on is people putting out lies about this being a "hoax" or "over". The only place I know of that was done was a private discord server where the owner apologized to me directly for implying it was all not true. However, if by "over" you mean DMsG has been directed by WOTC to jettison all .ext files as they are not licensed to be sold there - then "yes". It's over and done. When they will actually do this? Who knows. For sure new ones can no longer be put out there. It has NOTHING to do with publishers as anyone can use DMsG. Read the threads I've posted. Or the discord I've posted. Nothing has changed.
December 18th, 2020, 19:41
As I understood it, the whole extensions fiasco is "over" and probably should have never that not the case? I still see the extensions for sale by other devs on dmsguild....just curious why Grim Press is different or refusing to put them back online for sale? From the perspective of the customer, this shouldn't be a "thing" any longer, so I apologize for my ignorance if there's additional behind the scenes stuff going on here that isn't being discussed....
Hi SmackDaddy, I'd like to respond on behalf of Grim Press and to clear up any confusion. We did not pull the Combat Groups Extension from sale, the DMsGuild did. Extensions that are not created specifically to support 5e modules are not allowed to be sold on the DMSGuild. We have been told that all existing extensions will be pulled form the DMsGuild if they do not meet this requirement, but we have no indication of when this will happen.
We have discussed this at length on our discord. You are free join and read should it be of interest to you (
December 18th, 2020, 22:16
The sales for this product in DMsG are deactivated per this post - will let you know when it finds a new home. (
December 19th, 2020, 18:17
ok, I hope to hear from you soon. This extension will be a gamechanger, for sure.
December 20th, 2020, 16:43
I heard Rob2e was moving his extensions that were disallowed from DMSguild to drive-through-rpg I think.
Hope that helps!
December 20th, 2020, 17:20
I heard Rob2e was moving his extensions that were disallowed from DMSguild to drive-through-rpg I think.
Hope that helps!
Honestly, I get told different things. SW has told me in FG forum threads I've linked, and via communications through Grim Press, that they DO NOT want .ext on DTRPG because of the accounting/licensing headaches. But who knows? I sometimes don't think anyone has a clear picture of what is allowed and what is not as I keep getting conflicting messages (such as yours telling me someone is putting .ext on DTRPG). I am - as I have been for 3 weeks - utterly confused. And more or less trapped in a hurry up and wait position.
December 20th, 2020, 21:44
It was the DMSguild guys that contacted him directly about some extensions that should be moved to drive-through, so they might still contact you as well..?
Hope this will clear up soon for you!
December 20th, 2020, 22:05
It was the DMSguild guys that contacted him directly about some extensions that should be moved to drive-through, so they might still contact you as well..?
Hope this will clear up soon for you!
Yeah that is not true. DMsG wants to move them SW does not. Without SW approval (licensing) you cannot. So yeah, if you've read all things I've posted in my threads - you'd know that I posted the FORM letter they sent and also 3 weeks ago posted what they told me. Nothing has changed since then to my knowledge so you are simply stating something that is out of context. Unless he has a letter from SW saying "yes, you can" then "no, he can't".
December 22nd, 2020, 14:31
Ah Silentruin sorry to add to the confusions.. it seems matters were more complicated then I anticipated.. I wasn't aware of SW.. not liking it to be moved to Drive-Through-Rpg.. mmh I think their working hard on getting the Forge Launched Soon.. though and keeping extensions updated would be so much easier.. if the forge had good integration with FGs! I heard that some extensions from Rob2e group.. were taken down.. for a day.. but that Doug Davison of SW, sent an email.. if they could keep up these extensions until beginning of the new year..(their now back online) until things got sorted out.. so their might be a solution sooner then expected.. Really hope to add your latest extension to my FGs game it looks so awesome.. slowly learning to code here.. too :) .. I'm thinking of an extension that could.. allow values between 1-6 bludgeoning damage not to be applied.. its an effects coding, I want for certain armor upgrade :P to my knowledge.. it can't be done with the current effects..
Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas.. :)!
January 5th, 2021, 05:53
V1.4 - Changed map global targeting to not target invisible entries in CT on host.
January 9th, 2021, 02:09
Grew annoyed that I could never just click on something to center on the group of tokens in the map the tokens were in. No longer annoyed. Except about lua and getting zoom to be automatic which does not seem to work. For now when it comes up the first time you may have to double click on the field again to center the group with zoom. Have not figure out how zoom works yet so this will be changing.
V1.5 - Double clicking on the edit combat group text field will now bring up the map associated with the tokens (determined by the first token in group - assumes only one in any group but if more - only first will be brought up).
January 9th, 2021, 09:06
Any update on where this extension will be sold?
January 9th, 2021, 14:53
Any update on where this extension will be sold?
When SmiteWorks(SW) gets their FG Forge store up and running.
January 19th, 2021, 06:49
Would it be possible to code an ext similar to this one based on rounds? Say for example the usual caravan trope. Where horse runs away or the carts burn. Say the PC do nothing in the first round. Next round the caravan is spread out in a dash configuration or a fire token has now appeared on the wagons. Maybe instead a PC runs to some horses and rolls an Animal handling check. Success they stay, fail 60 ft away. A thrown water bottle would be handy to dose the flames. Roll it directly on the flames.
January 19th, 2021, 15:09
Would it be possible to code an ext similar to this one based on rounds? Say for example the usual caravan trope. Where horse runs away or the carts burn. Say the PC do nothing in the first round. Next round the caravan is spread out in a dash configuration or a fire token has now appeared on the wagons. Maybe instead a PC runs to some horses and rolls an Animal handling check. Success they stay, fail 60 ft away. A thrown water bottle would be handy to dose the flames. Roll it directly on the flames.
Not sure I understand why I would have to code something other than this. If I'm in my campaign (I have this extension obviously as I wrote it for me), and I have a lot going on in the same map - I would divide all the NPCs and PCs into various groups, and turn them off and on in CT - or just use the double click of the group name field to center on the group I'm currently dealing with when all are visible in CT (and map). Pretty much my call as DM what is in CT (and map via visibility) simply by clicking on the relevant button.
January 22nd, 2021, 21:04
Hopefully everything works out as I could really use this extension :)
January 25th, 2021, 01:28
Hopefully everything works out as I could really use this extension :)
Yeah, agreed - waiting on things to get sorted out so I can purchase as well...
January 28th, 2021, 05:17
Got annoyed on Monday trying to manage my global map and the other maps in it. So obviously, new feature in combat groups now. Basically, a tokenfield has been added into the active combat group name data so that each combat group can have its own token associated with it. Which can then be dropped on a global map. Then if you double click (host only) on the group name map token it will execute the same logic in V1.5 that will bring up the map centered on the individual CT entries of that group (if in a map). What does this do? Make my life WAY easier when moving a PC group through a global map where they encounter fixed NPC combat groups - plus even if I don't have the PC's in a map at the moment they are moving around the global map (unless I have some generic map with them placed in it or forget to remove them from the last map) I like to be able to have a labeled icon for them so that if I encounter a fixed encounter - that map will spring up when I click on that groups map token then can just add in my PCs and their NPC companions right into it. If you don't understand what I'm saying - don't worry about it. This thing is still in limbo until FG Forge gets out in January - or this month is ending - hopefully "soon".
V1.6 - Can also add a token to the active group name and drop it on a map. Double clicking on it will open up the map and center the token in it. This is useful for having a global map with the group name token in it. If you double click (host only) on this group name token then the same logic for the group name text field double click will bring up a specific map for the individual tokens in the group name.
The picture is my PC group's token that I doubled clicked on twice to bring up and center the global map, then in global map I doubled clicked on the PC's Group Name token and brought up the local map with individual members of that group were in - then double clicked again to get it centered. Makes my life so much simpler. Lazy DM wins again! Still no way to Zoom or window area so that is still an issue but getting map up and centered you can deal with mouse wheel zooming yourself.
January 28th, 2021, 17:23
This is pretty awesome can't wait for it to be released (again).
January 28th, 2021, 18:11
This is pretty awesome can't wait for it to be released (again).
If you were one of the lucky 5 who got it before it got removed from DMsG - you can still get the updates. Hence, why I keep updating this thread. Those original ones can still keep up to date. But yeah, hopefully they resolve FG forge soon as I now have two extensions essentially in limbo - with the rest going offline whenever DMsG gets around to doing what they said they would do. Probably giving us a chance to stay on till FG Forge arrives. But that is just a guess.
February 6th, 2021, 21:05
Just noticed that Map Parcel extension is now on DTRPG. Any chance of getting Combat Groups on there?
February 6th, 2021, 21:26
Just noticed that Map Parcel extension is now on DTRPG. Any chance of getting Combat Groups on there?
That would be great...
February 6th, 2021, 21:39
Just noticed that Map Parcel extension is now on DTRPG. Any chance of getting Combat Groups on there?
Its not its on DMsG - different - even though their web page lists it confusingly - that's just DMsG and the way they do it. Click on the link to it here - that's where it is and where I maintain it. SW will not allow any extensions on DTRPG (the actual technical author version) because it has complex licensing tracking ramifications. When they kick off all these extension - as they did this one - not sure when they've said they will - then it will be in limbo like Combat Groups and Assistant GM waiting for FG Forge. Where eventually all my stuff will be.
February 6th, 2021, 21:40
That would be great...
See previous message - its still on DMsG - the only place I've ever put it and the only place its allowed to be - till they kick it out - which will be soon. Hopefully FG Forge will be there by then. Page 1 has a link describing the DMsG saga thread.
February 6th, 2021, 21:50
Just noticed that Map Parcel extension is now on DTRPG. Any chance of getting Combat Groups on there?
Checked into it - that is just how DMsG works they crosslink everything because they are all owned by OBS. Its not what I have setup though. DMsG is the thing.
In right bottom bar you can see the publisher - in my case DMsG. If you saw an extension that was DTRPG it would be something not legit - or so I've been told. You have to have very specific publisher license with SW to do that. Not sure who - if anyone does.
February 13th, 2021, 12:20
So there are two new extensions on DMsG. I dont want to get anyone in trouble, but i would love to have your extension back up on the site for purchase if some of these problems are resolved. Its sort of bogus if they wont let you have your extension up, but there are new ones arriving from other authors. Any news?
February 13th, 2021, 17:39
So there are two new extensions on DMsG. I dont want to get anyone in trouble, but i would love to have your extension back up on the site for purchase if some of these problems are resolved. Its sort of bogus if they wont let you have your extension up, but there are new ones arriving from other authors. Any news?
Same news I reported is still in effect. Word on the street is that its such a large number of products that some slip through is all. I'm not going to worry about it and still wait for FG Forge.
February 13th, 2021, 17:41
I keep hearing about this Fantasy Grounds Forge but not finding any specific info on it. Is it an extension to the regular store but only for extensions and such?
February 13th, 2021, 17:58
I keep hearing about this Fantasy Grounds Forge but not finding any specific info on it. Is it an extension to the regular store but only for extensions and such?
It's being worked on not out yet - there is literally a link to what is known on page 1 of this thread.
February 15th, 2021, 17:51
DMsG felt bad my extension was only one being disabled during this temp time period they have allowed extensions to continue - and have let it come back to LIFE temporarily. No idea how long - probably till FG Forge comes out.
So for all you who wanted it - its now available. Of course when TEST goes LIVE you'll have to immediately update it again like every one of my other extensions - just FYI.
Note if you have extensions that do not use the CombatManager.getSortedCombatantList or window.list.getWindows() or CombatManager.isCTHidden to get CT entries you will probably have them grab things that are not visible as that will not be using my additional group visibility things. Extensions = RISK - beware.
February 15th, 2021, 19:06
Hey I'd absolutely like to buy this and set it up for me, but I play PF2 and not 5E on Fantasy Grounds and it's a safe assumption it won't work, right?
February 15th, 2021, 19:13
Hey I'd absolutely like to buy this and set it up for me, but I play PF2 and not 5E on Fantasy Grounds and it's a safe assumption it won't work, right?
Correct. I only play 5E and I design these for my use and preferences. The issue is that a lot of rulesets diverge from CoreRPG base combat tracker and override a lot of stuff so I would need to look into each individual ruleset and override each of their ct_host.xml and ct_client.xml code in a way that did not harm them. Very doable, but I have no real experience with those rulesets. I tend to only put things in my extensions for what I use. If there was enough interest and this has been out there for a bit with more than just me and a couple of other people testing/using it then I might consider it. Just would require me to look into a ruleset I've never used.
February 16th, 2021, 09:38
Awesome Congrats that it has been re-activated purchased it yesterday :D, love how smooth it works and saves me time during a session, somehow on my Mac it takes about 10 seconds to add and remove an encounter to the combat tracker, which is quite laggy, this really helps me as a DM running the game more smooth :)! By preloading them all beforehand in the combat tracker.
February 16th, 2021, 11:25
Awesome Congrats that it has been re-activated purchased it yesterday :D, love how smooth it works and saves me time during a session, somehow on my Mac it takes about 10 seconds to add and remove an encounter to the combat tracker, which is quite laggy, this really helps me as a DM running the game more smooth :)! By preloading them all beforehand in the combat tracker.
Just beware I abuse my combat tracker pre placing around 200 NPCs on about 10 different maps - meaning even with this extension it will take me 10 seconds to bring up CT initially. After that of course only one or two of those groups are displayed in CT so it’s much faster than normal. But remember they are all still in CT database unless you blow them all away by using the menu delete operations or remove them individually with the group delete button. Blanking (deleting) a group name will just add all the group members into active CT (like normal without a group). Make sure you take advantage of double clicking group text field twice and also the group token. Someday I plan to cover a battlefield with group tokens where each group has tokens in their own smaller battle map - then when party group token gets close bring up the group token they are approaching map and add party group tokens into it. Like most of my extensions use your imagination! Also PCs have to be manually added to a group - which I always do. Easier to build out other groups by turning them off.
February 16th, 2021, 15:32
Thanks for the handy tips :D!! Loving it so much :)!! I Look forward to your group small battle map addition, though I'm already really happy with it as it is now :D!!
February 16th, 2021, 15:48
Thanks for the handy tips :D!! Loving it so much :)!! I Look forward to your group small battle map addition, though I'm already really happy with it as it is now :D!!
? No addition. That would be what I plan to do with it as it exist now. I just have not yet. So... you should do it first maybe? :)
February 16th, 2021, 16:44
Thats awesome I've figured out how to do it :D!!!
February 16th, 2021, 16:56
Thats awesome I've figured out how to do it :D!!!
Not sure what that is showing.
If the battlemap example, I was envisioning a PC's and their NPC's party group name with a group token assigned, and many other encounter groups in map each with their own group token assigned. Then putting the encounter group CT entries all in their own maps. Then put all the group tokens in the main global map. As you move around your PC group token and get close to one of the other group tokens on the map - you double click on that NPC group text field. It brings up its battle map with the NPCs pre placed for that group. You double click group text field again and it does best possible zoom center it can find around that group of tokens (you may have to mousewheel to get it right). Then you place your PC CT entries in that map. Battle - done. Clear out your PC tokens - go back to global map - keep moving group token to next place. Rinse and repeat.
If I'm trying to find something on global map I just double click on the group token to get that map up. And double click on it again to get it to do best zoom center it can attempt (may be good may be bad - mousewheel to fix).
Not seeing that from that picture :)
February 16th, 2021, 17:10
Thanks for explaining again, though I understood what you meant :), here's a picture though showing that I understood :D!!
February 16th, 2021, 17:16
Thanks for explaining again, though I understood what you meant :), here's a picture though showing that I understood :D!!
Yep! Sorry thought you were originally replying to my previous comment with your picture.
February 16th, 2021, 22:59
you must update extensions - they will have issues with latest fgu update - if you don't update fgu then keep your old extension
Nuclear P0wers
February 16th, 2021, 23:53
Purchased! Can't wait to start playing around with it!
February 16th, 2021, 23:56
Purchased! Can't wait to start playing around with it!
The current version requires the new FGU update they just moved from TEST to LIVE FYI
(because I don't remember which of my extensions actually blow up with ERROR due to the recent changes - so update them all!)
February 20th, 2021, 21:48
I would like to hear how this is working for people - either here or in DMsG. I literally have had one person's feed back - in here - after I delivered. Given how many have grabbed it - I would like to hear back if its even working for you! Let me know something. ANYTHING!
February 20th, 2021, 22:05
I would like to hear how this is working for people - either here or in DMsG. I literally have had one person's feed back - in here - after I delivered. Given how many have grabbed it - I would like to hear back if its even working for you! Let me know something. ANYTHING!
I picked it up earlier this week, and used it in an actual session for the first time last night. Overall it was very easy to use.
It did take me a minute to figure out what the group token was and how to use it. But I do find that helpful as well.
The only non-intuitive thing for me was when I attempted to create the group by typing in its new name, and then clicking the add button without hitting the enter. By not hitting enter, the group itself was not actually created. So when I clicked the add button, instead of adding all the NPCs to the group, it just created the group and didnt add any NPCs. once I figured out that you needed to hit enter after typing the group name, then hit the add button it worked just fine.
One question I did have was how it handles hidden NPCs in groups that are deleted. Do the NPCs in a deleted group become visible in the CT, or are they silently deleted from the CT or just orphaned.
February 20th, 2021, 22:23
I picked it up earlier this week, and used it in an actual session for the first time last night. Overall it was very easy to use.
It did take me a minute to figure out what the group token was and how to use it. But I do find that helpful as well.
The only non-intuitive thing for me was when I attempted to create the group by typing in its new name, and then clicking the add button without hitting the enter. By not hitting enter, the group itself was not actually created. So when I clicked the add button, instead of adding all the NPCs to the group, it just created the group and didnt add any NPCs. once I figured out that you needed to hit enter after typing the group name, then hit the add button it worked just fine.
One question I did have was how it handles hidden NPCs in groups that are deleted. Do the NPCs in a deleted group become visible in the CT, or are they silently deleted from the CT or just orphaned.
Thanks for the feedback!
Yes I'm super lazy and hate all the buttons fields etc. people jam in so I tried to minimize to one line (tough) what I put in combat tracker. That meant things like having multiple uses for each button/field entry in some cases. For me, and that was my target audience, the lack of real estate it took up was a major driver. But once you do understand the mechanics it should not be an issue from that point forward.
As far as deleting - I cover that in my .txt file with the many details I cram in there - but in a nutshell the CT commands have not changed. All of the entries are still in DB of combat tracker they are just hidden (or not). The menu commands of combat tracker, as I warn in several places in this thread/.txt file, will WIPE OUT ALL YOUR WORK. It will go after the entire CT regardless of if its in a group or not - visible or not. That is why you have a button by groups for deleting things out of the current active group. In fact all those buttons/fields work off the current active drop down selected group at the top of combat tracker ( that real estate conservation thing again).
So to be clear on what happens with deleting things.
To delete a group (not the entries in it) you simply choose that group to be the active group - and blank out the text field. That will delete the group - and anything in that group will become normal non group CT entries immediately.
To delete everything in a group entirely - select active group and select the delete group button on that same line of controls at top of CT.
To wipe out everything in the CT visible or not (except group names of course) - you choose the menu commands of the normal combat tracker which is going to empty out everything in combat tracker DB. Lot of empty groups!
Visibility you just have to remember the rules of the road....
Visible icon on group row of controls makes everything in a group visible for the token - or not - regardless if its currently visible in CT or not. (normal CT visible icon below does what it always did - what you see in CT currently has tokens made visible or not - players will see it in their CT's or not).
That's it. Now its helpful to always remember - setting a token in a map via right mouse to visible or not does NOT effect CT entries. Never has - still doesn't here. But changing visibility icons (group or normal one) will effect players ability to see CT entries AND the token on the map. Its a one way trip for visibility settings.
Does that answer you? Feel free to ask more if it does not.
February 21st, 2021, 06:44
Well spent two hours resolving a conflict where my the setActive on my tokens player side are some how being triggered by some Height extension. It is incompatible with Combat Groups and maybe two of my other extensions which do end turn logic overrides for NPC ownership settings (which are either getting clobbered or something not sure what).
IN any case, that extension and mine appear to be incompatible.
February 21st, 2021, 12:37
Could you point out which Height extension?
Thank you very much SilentRuin!!
February 21st, 2021, 14:24
Could you point out which Height extension?
Thank you very much SilentRuin!!
I "think" it was this one ( Somehow it was triggering my token logic (where a setActive call is defined among other things - that was just the first) on the player side of things generating a zillion "setActive not in host" type of calls after end turn (end turn is modified by me - not one you can call the old code version either in 3 of my extensions - Combat Groups, Polymorphism, and Assistant GM - all in the same way for handling shared NPC ownership - per each of my .txt file extension details in each page 1 thread) on the player side. I thought about trying to guard that token setting call to only be called by host but I could not see anyway it COULD be legally called by anything but host in my code so am leaving it till that extension is fixed for latest stuff. Then maybe revisit if there is still a conflict.
February 22nd, 2021, 20:05
FGU 4.1.10 (Ultimate) (2021-02-04)
Combat Groups 1.7
Setup 41 groups in my Dragon of Icespire Peak yesterday and everything was working fine - I could close the map and reopen and the tokens would appear and any of the groups I chose would appear in the CT. Today, got into the campaign to work on it and when I brought the map up, no tokens were showing and while the group names are still listed in the CT, selecting any of them adds nothing to the CT.
February 22nd, 2021, 20:16
Sounds like you did what I warned to be careful about in Page 1 .txt file and several posts in this thread.
Basically read this post ( a few above yours if you don't want to dig into the detailed .txt file.
Gist being I think you cleared all the items out of your CT via the menu buttons. Which I warn specifically would wipe out all your work - I think I put it in all caps somewhere also.
Pretty sure you forgot you had all these things in CT and instead of removing them out with the group delete you just wiped the entire CT DB records like a normal CT when you were done with a menu global CT command. Not something you want to do in this world.
February 22nd, 2021, 20:18
I'll check but I never deleted anything from the CT - i just made groups visible and non-visible. and they worked several times yesterday but didn't work today.
February 22nd, 2021, 20:20
I'll check but I never deleted anything from the CT - i just made groups visible and non-visible. and they worked several times yesterday but didn't work today.
We can talk in PM if you can duplicate it - but in a normal day to day running of the CT what do you do when your players are done with the encounter? Do you individually delete the NPCs out of the CT? Or do you mouse over the menu button at the bottom and clear out all enemies or something? ALL enemies in CT. Did you read that post I referenced?
February 22nd, 2021, 20:22
I haven't used this in a live environment - testing before I get caught with my pants down, like I did today. Normally I would delete the NPC's as they died but as I said, I'm still in testing mode.
February 22nd, 2021, 20:24
Well I'll PM you - not seen this and none of the others have seen this yet who use it. Never say never - maybe something unique going on here so I'll contact you in PM. But it given what you described - groups still there - nothing in them - nothing in maps - that is exactly what will happen if you use the global menu command to remove all things out of the CT. Because the groups are still in the CT - just not visible in it per the post I referenced you.
February 22nd, 2021, 20:26
Okie dokie - and I'll try and do a Camtasia recording of my process when I have a few mins. :)
February 22nd, 2021, 23:08
I bought this today and could make very good use of it. Unfortunately it throws some errors when being loaded vanilla into PF2 campaigns (mostly CT hook based it seems). So I will have to try to modify it for my PF2 usage, as we don't play 5E. I know that this is a 5E extension, like many useful ones out there, but this is really needed functionality for many GMs.
One problem I see is that having many tokens active on the map also means that many LOS calculations have to be done. And FGU did not demonstrate to be very performant at doing so yet.
February 22nd, 2021, 23:23
I bought this today and could make very good use of it. Unfortunately it throws some errors when being loaded vanilla into PF2 campaigns (mostly CT hook based it seems). So I will have to try to modify it for my PF2 usage, as we don't play 5E. I know that this is a 5E extension, like many useful ones out there, but this is really needed functionality for many GMs.
One problem I see is that having many tokens active on the map also means that many LOS calculations have to be done. And FGU did not demonstrate to be very performant at doing so yet.
As I've told others all the rulesets have diverged on ct_host/ct_client so this is ONLY for 5E. But yes I don't see it as a herculean task to modify it for other ones. I know someone else told me they were going to make personal mods for 4E or something. Wished them luck. I just don't use anything but 5E - if at some point there is enough interest I can probably try to learn how to do those but this is just out of the gate and need to see how it goes. After all the primary customer it has to satisfy is ME. As that is who I wrote it for. Personally I can't live without it in my session prep now but as I only do 5E that is my priority.
You can't escape cluttering one map with a ton of tokens - especially if the LOS is complex. However, LOS is going to apply to the active token so not really seen any problems in my stuff - but then I'm more about having lots of group icons on my global map with the non PC group tokens all invisible to the players - then have each of the groups in their own personal maps which when the PC group encounters I just drag them into it - seconds to set it up instead of all the pain of pre setup. Now do I have thing with multiple floors in one map where there is a ton of NPCs in? Sure. But again a lot of that can be your memory/cpu on your machine - nothing will save a weak machine. Though this can help drop the load since most code only processes what is visible in CT - that is not true for everything. Example being it takes me about 10 seconds in my current COS campaign to bring up my 250 CT entry 10 map bonanza I have going. But I abuse it. Terribly. And understand that I will pay a price if I stick to much in there.
Anyway - let me know how it goes.
February 24th, 2021, 22:15
New Page 1 line 1 entry - READ IT if you don't read the .txt file or this thread. Else Combat Groups will have NO MERCY ON YOU!!!! ;)
Technically I suppose FGU standard operations will not have any mercy on you but that seems much less ominous. :pirate:
February 25th, 2021, 12:49
Ok, I’m seeing the messages regarding deleting many items from the ct but what is the common practice for deleting individual npcs from the ct (as they get killed) without messing up the npcs in each group?
February 25th, 2021, 13:11
Ok, I’m seeing the messages regarding deleting many items from the ct but what is the common practice for deleting individual npcs from the ct (as they get killed) without messing up the npcs in each group?
I’m not sure what you are asking. Nothing has changed in how CT works - only what is visible or not in it. If you are having an encounter involving a group then you have it visible in CT. If one dies and you want to remove that one you right mouse on entry in CT and remove it. Same as you normally would without this extension. I admit the question is confusing me as it seems more about normal CT operations than this extension.
February 25th, 2021, 13:17
I’m not sure what you are asking. Nothing has changed in how CT works - only what is visible or not in it. If you are having an encounter involving a group then you have it visible in CT. If one dies and you want to remove that one you right mouse on entry in CT and remove it. Same as you normally would without this extension. I admit the question is confusing me as it seems more about normal CT operations than this extension.
Right and when you delete the npc the standard way from the CT, it also removes it from the group. Is there a way to NOT have it delete from the group (in case I want to run a particular adventure again without rebuilding the group from the encounter).
February 25th, 2021, 13:39
Right and when you delete the npc the standard way from the CT, it also removes it from the group. Is there a way to NOT have it delete from the group (in case I want to run a particular adventure again without rebuilding the group from the encounter).
Again a confusing question to me. Combat groups allows you to group CT entries and control whether they are visible in CT or visible in map as a group. End story.
So forget this extension. If I’m done with an encounter in CT I delete it from CT. If I ever prepped for a new dungeon I’d set like I normally do with encounters.
Now if you are making some weird reusable dungeon then you’d have to decide how to do that for yourself. Off the top of my head if your asking what I’d do - I’d probably copy that campaign in its setup initial state and use it for a seed of any new campaign.
But really not something I’d do. New campaign - new prep setup for me. With encounters.
But really you do what you want how you want.
February 25th, 2021, 13:50
And to be clear every session I’m setting up the groups I think the players are going to encounter or revisit and clearing out and removing any groups they are done with. A moving changing set of groups as they move through the world. I can think of nothing worse or more crippling to a machine than trying to define 1000’s of prepped CT entries. I already abuse my CT with about 250 entries and 10 maps at a time. Some stick around for duration other get cleared and removed as I play through. But really you prep like you want and I’ll prep like I want - just tools to use as you see fit.
March 1st, 2021, 09:37
Hi Silentruin :D, just wanted to give a shout out of appreciation :)!!!, I ran my first game with your Combat Group Extension, and it made my game run so much smoother :D!!!
Thank you so much, really appreciate how well you support your extensions and add new features too them too :D!!
March 4th, 2021, 05:50
Something I will need to think on at some point to support in here - but for now - TIP: If you use polymorphism and change into or change back from something - you will no longer be in a group. The act of doing that literally removes you out of combat tracker and puts you back in. At some point I should probably change polymorphism to recognize you were in a group and change it like I do all your targets, concentration effects, etc. - but for now - remember - they are out of the group the second they change. That may not matter as your in the encounter but if it does - you'll have to remember to add them in again each time they change.
March 4th, 2021, 18:25
V1.8 - Bug for wiping out previous session's token visibility setting for the combat group token - Fixed.
March 21st, 2021, 05:49
V1.9 - Made header toggle for combat groups a relative placement instead of hardcoded like the rest of those header toggles. This "might" help resolve conflicts in button placement. No guarantees though.
There was a conflict someone pointed out with something in the header toggle area of combat tracker and I thought I'd redo it to a relative placement of that toggle so that it might resolve the conflict. No guarantees though - did what I could. Size of toggle also now matches size with ones it lines up with below.
April 3rd, 2021, 09:12
Hello, could you tell me if you are adding the Mask Sensitive Visibility feature to this extensión?
Thank you.
April 3rd, 2021, 16:54
Due to number of updates I make videos of my extensions are out of date the day after I drop them. The only way to know what they do is the read the version updates/fixes on Page 1 or the .txt file included there if I run out of space for all of them on page 1. Also all the conversations in here usually cover most topics.
I'm not entirely sure what your asking but if its do I allow the combat tracker visibility icon to apply only to a group - yes. You can read this section buried in this thread - but as I'm not entirely sure what your asking you may have to look for your own answer...
April 4th, 2021, 03:16
V1.9 - Made header toggle for combat groups a relative placement instead of hardcoded like the rest of those header toggles. This "might" help resolve conflicts in button placement. No guarantees though.
There was a conflict someone pointed out with something in the header toggle area of combat tracker and I thought I'd redo it to a relative placement of that toggle so that it might resolve the conflict. No guarantees though - did what I could. Size of toggle also now matches size with ones it lines up with below.
I'm using Combat Groups, but also using Diablobob's Custom Damage Manager, and the Combat Groups CT menu is covering up a damage type button on the Custom Damage Manager. This isn't anybody's fault, as I know you and DiabloBob work independently of each other, but I was wondering if you might have any advice on anything I might be able to do to resolve the problem (maybe change a setting somewhere).
April 4th, 2021, 04:24
I'm using Combat Groups, but also using Diablobob's Custom Damage Manager, and the Combat Groups CT menu is covering up a damage type button on the Custom Damage Manager. This isn't anybody's fault, as I know you and DiabloBob work independently of each other, but I was wondering if you might have any advice on anything I might be able to do to resolve the problem (maybe change a setting somewhere).
I based the start of all that stuff starting relative from the contentanchor - if he does also and is relative - I'm not sure we would have a problem? Just not sure. Don't know what they do nor do I really look at things I don't use unless the developer gets with me to resolve it.
You can try looking at the extension.xml load orders and reverse whatever order they are loading in now and see what happens. Other than that he'd have to contact me in PM and workout a way we can both put something there when the other one is present.
Till then - its not compatible.
April 4th, 2021, 05:24
Thanks for your feedback. It's not a huge issue, and as I said, it's not anybody's fault. Just how extensions go sometimes. As you always say: "Extensions = risk", right? Thanks again.
April 11th, 2021, 22:21
Hi @SilentRuin. I purchased this extension from Dmsguild. It's an excellent extension. I have 2 questions:
1) This is more of an issue. I am running the Sunless Citadel (like what was shown in the video). My players appear to be having lots of lag in moving their tokens. I am assuming that the combat groups actually hide and skip the CT records but they are actually still there. I think this is causing some lags with the party members. Their tokens move very slowly. Is it possible that I am doing something wrong? I have a very beefy computer. The issue seems to get better as I delete some of the groups that were created. However, this defeats the purpose of the extension.
2) How do I get updates to the extension once I bought it?
April 11th, 2021, 22:32
Hi @SilentRuin. I purchased this extension from Dmsguild. It's an excellent extension. I have 2 questions:
1) This is more of an issue. I am running the Sunless Citadel (like what was shown in the video). My players appear to be having lots of lag in moving their tokens. I am assuming that the combat groups actually hide and skip the CT records but they are actually still there. I think this is causing some lags with the party members. Their tokens move very slowly. Is it possible that I am doing something wrong? I have a very beefy computer. The issue seems to get better as I delete some of the groups that were created. However, this defeats the purpose of the extension.
2) How do I get updates to the extension once I bought it?
1) If your using TEST and trying to run with map lock token movement - don't. The lag bugs will kill you. As far as normal operations my stuff will not effect token movement at all. Now having said that I abuse my curse of strahd campaign with it putting about 250 npcs and 10 maps preloaded. But I also have a good machine so it takes 20 seconds to bring combat tracker up and then I'm good. But everything is still in combat tracker and as long as your not using any extensions that cheat on where they get data out of combat tracker you should be faster not slower. By that I mean FGU has specific functions that retrieve filtered combat tracker data and that will respect combat groups. But never forget - everything you put in there is still in the combat tracker DB list - just filtered out for stuff. So if you abuse it like me - then you are going to eventually kill it. So how many NPCs did you define? How many maps are they in? Part of my game prep is to decide what groups need to be permanent (Party will revisit them) and which they are likely to visit if not in the area they will be playing. But nobody has reported what you're seeing so if not in TEST, I'd remove every extension you have except mine and see if your speed improves. If so, then one of your extensions is incompatible or not playing nicely with the combat tracker filters. Unless you have > than what I was abusing it with - then your pushing it.
2) Same as any other - you go into DMsG in your login - My Library - choose the Updated Only - and see if you need to download anything. I also notify changes that are made here and in Page 1 of this thread.
April 11th, 2021, 22:46
As far as I remember the latest test fixed the token movement issue (every single pixel being LoS calculated instead of half-grids only). I left the TEST channel, so I cannot check. LIVE suffers from the same problem, though, so when you use locked tokens the GM needs to move the tokens manually after players dragged their movement arrows.
April 11th, 2021, 22:55
As far as I remember the latest test fixed the token movement issue (every single pixel being LoS calculated instead of half-grids only). I left the TEST channel, so I cannot check. LIVE suffers from the same problem, though, so when you use locked tokens the GM needs to move the tokens manually after players dragged their movement arrows.
Ugh was not aware LIVE had that issue also. Just recently started using LIVE again this week and I only had a few minor issues - but it was a small one shot campaign. Thanks for info.
And I've not seen the lag issue fixed for what I showed them yet. Involved shared NPC then becoming unplayable in TEST in 3 moves. 100% duplicatable. Not seen any engine update this week (or much of the rulesets I use either - 5E).
April 11th, 2021, 23:03
1) If your using TEST and trying to run with map lock token movement - don't. The lag bugs will kill you. As far as normal operations my stuff will not effect token movement at all. Now having said that I abuse my curse of strahd campaign with it putting about 250 npcs and 10 maps preloaded. But I also have a good machine so it takes 20 seconds to bring combat tracker up and then I'm good. But everything is still in combat tracker and as long as your not using any extensions that cheat on where they get data out of combat tracker you should be faster not slower. By that I mean FGU has specific functions that retrieve filtered combat tracker data and that will respect combat groups. But never forget - everything you put in there is still in the combat tracker DB list - just filtered out for stuff. So if you abuse it like me - then you are going to eventually kill it. So how many NPCs did you define? How many maps are they in? Part of my game prep is to decide what groups need to be permanent (Party will revisit them) and which they are likely to visit if not in the area they will be playing. But nobody has reported what you're seeing so if not in TEST, I'd remove every extension you have except mine and see if your speed improves. If so, then one of your extensions is incompatible or not playing nicely with the combat tracker filters. Unless you have > than what I was abusing it with - then your pushing it.
2) Same as any other - you go into DMsG in your login - My Library - choose the Updated Only - and see if you need to download anything. I also notify changes that are made here and in Page 1 of this thread.
Thank you for the quick reply! Yes, I am using Test and I do use Token Lock. As of 2 nights ago it was running a bit slow.. I will test what you recommended to see if it speeds things up. I may also have the 5E Enhancer (skip CT actor that has not rolled initiative). Not sure any others use the combat tracker.
Thanks for the info on getting updates on DMsguild as well. I do love this extension and want to figure it out. I'd prefer to keep the token locking but I will play with it.
April 11th, 2021, 23:36
Thank you for the quick reply! Yes, I am using Test and I do use Token Lock. As of 2 nights ago it was running a bit slow.. I will test what you recommended to see if it speeds things up. I may also have the 5E Enhancer (skip CT actor that has not rolled initiative). Not sure any others use the combat tracker.
Thanks for the info on getting updates on DMsguild as well. I do love this extension and want to figure it out. I'd prefer to keep the token locking but I will play with it.
Yeah TEST killed me last week with that token map locking on. Caused a lot of other side issues it seemed also. Not seen an update since then yet. Was told one of my problems was fixed but it was a blackout issue not the lag issue. So still waiting on both fixes to FGU - nothing to do with my stuff.
April 11th, 2021, 23:56
Here is an old post with an animated GIF showing slow token movement (due to CPU overload) on clients only (GM not affected):
The GIF also demonstrates one way how GM and players' tokens can fall out of sync (show up in different places due to players' computer still being busy slowly moving tokens).
While I bought and would love to use the Combat Groups Extension we only play Pathfinder (2), so it was not loaded when the GIF was created. So the extension is not to be blamed for any of this other than maybe contributing extra CPU load?! Could be worthwhile to do a quick CPU load measurement with and without the extension for those using the extension on weaker computers.
April 12th, 2021, 00:05
Here is an old post with an animated GIF showing slow token movement (due to CPU overload) on clients only (GM not affected):
While I bought and would love to use the Combat Groups Extension we only play Pathfinder (2), so it was not loaded when the GIF was created.
Sadly while most rulesets use a common CoreRPG set of code - they all went off and did their own windows for the host/client combat tracker. I only use the 5E ruleset and as the extensions were written for me, that is the only thing they fully support. If I get really bored sometime I may branch it out - but truly I'm not much into marketing this stuff. People keep telling me I try and scare people off using all my stuff by saying EXTENSIONS = RISK all the time.
They are correct ;)
April 12th, 2021, 00:11
I understand. Would still be great to have such an extension for PF2, especially for large open air maps with lots of tokens visible to pre-scouting PCs. Being able to pre-load a neighboring room's tokens without spamming the CT is useful, too. Best solution would be for CT groups functionality being built into FG core.
Here is a feature suggestion: Allow to remove/hide CT entries of dead NPCs without removing their corresponding token from the map. Thus the mountains of dead adversaries can stay on the map for showing "difficult terrain". The token highlighter extension already allows to grey them out, but hiding would be even better (less end turn clicking). ;)
April 12th, 2021, 00:23
I understand. Would still be great to have such an extension for PF2, especially for large open air maps with lots of tokens visible to pre-scouting PCs. Being able to pre-load a neighboring room's tokens without spamming the CT is useful, too. Best solution would be for CT groups functionality being built into FG core.
Here is a feature suggestion: Allow to remove/hide CT entries of dead NPCs without removing their corresponding token from the map. Thus the mountains of dead adversaries can stay on the map for showing "difficult terrain". The token highlighter extension already allows to grey them out, but hiding would be even better (less end turn clicking). ;)
You can do that now (in 5E)! Simply add the dead NPC's into their own group - name it "Dead but not forgotten" and just add them in as they die. Hit the visible button and they are gone! I use death indicators extension so all mine are already tombstones for their tokens on the map. But really in the end - I just delete them to get them out of the way. If I'm going to reuse a campaign I make sure I have a base copy and copy any new one from that one, so I don't have to worry about "destroying" all the stuff as a party rampages through it.
Is that the Pathfinder (2E) ruleset? I suppose that is part of ultimate license. I will make a point to look into it to see how horrifically they diverged from CoreRPG code as that it how much work is involved in getting it on there. No promises - but I'll take a peek.
April 12th, 2021, 00:30
Great, thanks for taking a look. The PF2 CT is definitely modified, missing anchor points for your extension's controls are the first errors to pop up. No hiding happening at all. The "Encounter Safari" extension had similar problems of no hiding happening even when the controls itself got properly anchored.
A quick default group of dead people with a quick button might be useful, but admittedly I don't know how easy or hard the current on-the-fly group works.
April 12th, 2021, 00:35
Great, thanks for taking a look. The PF2 CT is definitely modified, missing anchor points for your extension's controls are the first errors to pop up. No hiding happening at all. The "Encounter Safari" extension had similar problems of no hiding happening even when the controls itself got properly anchored.
A quick default group of dead people with a quick button might be useful, but admittedly I don't know how easy or hard the current on-the-fly group works.
Wow that 2E stuff has completely redone the combat tracker code completely. Just took a look at the ct subdirectory and they basically disable the old window class completely and redesigned the whole thing. It would not be a simple task to untangle all that and figure out how to weave all my stuff into it from what I'm seeing. I might attempt it at some point - but for sure its a major project just to figure out what its doing now on its own. Sorry bout that but I was always afraid a lot of the rulesets just went off on their own - and they have. I used to think if an extension was close to the CoreRPG stuff it would work most places - I've become wiser over time - that is not the case.
April 12th, 2021, 01:05
Thanks for taking a look anyway! I am assuming you mean PF2 and not DND 2E (just making sure)?
Manually adding encounters just to show a scouting party what's where and then removing superfluous ones does work. It can be quite slow with lots of tokens, though, and there always is the feeling that FGU still gets bogged down after the tokens/CT entries are deleted again.
These are the encounters of only the lower third of a bought PF2 adventure path open air map (+PC party):
Fortunately I introduced regular heavy rain and fog in these jungle adventures, so vision and movement can be impeded. Never will a party be as happy to finally reach civilization again, though, as they are sick of all the rain (environment being their most unnerving adversary). Fortunately the next adventure is placed in a capital city. ;)
April 12th, 2021, 04:28
Thanks for taking a look anyway! I am assuming you mean PF2 and not DND 2E (just making sure)?
Manually adding encounters just to show a scouting party what's where and then removing superfluous ones does work. It can be quite slow with lots of tokens, though, and there always is the feeling that FGU still gets bogged down after the tokens/CT entries are deleted again.
These are the encounters of only the lower third of a bought PF2 adventure path open air map (+PC party):
Fortunately I introduced regular heavy rain and fog in these jungle adventures, so vision and movement can be impeded. Never will a party be as happy to finally reach civilization again, though, as they are sick of all the rain (environment being their most unnerving adversary). Fortunately the next adventure is placed in a capital city. ;)
Well crap. I looked at the wrong one. Let me look again. I assume its PFRPG2? Otherwise its not in the ultimate license. I'm going to look at that one on assumption it is.
April 12th, 2021, 16:06
Nothing is written with relative positions in those non 5E ones I've looked at and seems to be specifically designed to make things difficult to modify (lots of hardcoded positioning - template coding which can only be replaced not overridden). I did take a few hours looking into how hard it would be to get my stuff in and came to conclusion that it could be done - but because of the way things are in those other rulesets even a slight change would probably force and update and since I don't use any of them I'd not be aware of when it broke. Nor do I wish to take on the burden of keeping it working in things I do not use that use almost no relative positioning off of anchors - or where I have to literally replace (and keep up to date when they change) template .lua code (template referenced .lua code cannot be overwritten and has to be replaced). In the end these other rulesets were not written with modifications by extensions in mind.
April 12th, 2021, 16:56
Too bad. Thanks for the effort!
April 26th, 2021, 08:21
With the Party Token we can add top right of CT, when I drag to a map players can move it around fine but it doesnt change LoS for them
That correct ?
April 26th, 2021, 15:00
With the Party Token we can add top right of CT, when I drag to a map players can move it around fine but it doesnt change LoS for them
That correct ?
That token is a place marker for groups of NPCs and PCs that you defined as GM in that group tokenfield. As they are moved around the map by the GM you can decide "hey these two are now close enough to expand" and double click on the encounter group name to bring up the map with group members in it - double click again to get zoom as good as it can do (which is not always enough) - then zoom with mouse wheel to how you want and start placing the other group (usually PC's but really whatever group is not pre placed) CT entries into the map. Then you are ready to go. When done - go back out to global map with the tokenfield token and start moving around (usually I remove the encounter group token from the global map and the moving group tokens from the local map at this point also - or just outright remove all from local map and delete the encounter group as I'm done with it). That is from a purely GM view of things and tracking of things. As far as players you want to make sure (in most cases) any encounter group tokens you put in global map are not visible to them, which I can't remember if that is the case by default. If you want them to have LOS and lighting (using TEST as example as that is worst case scenario) then GM will have to right mouse over the group token you want the players to interact with and add it into party vision (one of the radial menu options). Otherwise, as one would expect, that global map will be a big black screen as players don't have anything on it with vision or lighting. Obviously if its dark you'd also, as GM, need to add token lighting to your group token. But it works fine if you do that sort of thing. Which I'm not going to do for you as there are to many variables in how people will want to use this. So if you want to play with DUMB tokens like that you have to play in the same way you would with any other dumb token in FGU. Add it to party vision (I believe I handle all the sharing/ownership for you as part of me dropping it in map). But if your just doing a big dumb global map with only masking and no LOS or lighting - then its good to go as is.
May 5th, 2021, 21:43
V1.10 - Feature - Added new option "Players only see same Friend/Foe" for "Combat Groups (GM)" defaulted to "off". If set to on then all player's combat trackers will only be able to see the same friend/foe/faction for their active identity (who they are playing as in combat tracker). This requires you to be logged into host with an active PC in combat tracker already to find the active faction to filter the combat tracker with. If the host changes the option or any CT entry faction the filter for that player will be triggered to redisplay their combat tracker with only matching faction entries. This allows you to split the players into different factions (or with Assistant GM different NPCs) and battle each other where they can only see other factions in the map if LOS/visibility allows them to. They will not see them in CT (just like if you had manually turned off visibility of NPCs in host - only it applies to everything based on faction setting). As in everything I do, this is just a tool - use it in whatever way you like - or not.
Simple but useful to me in my games. Whether they are in yours? Not my problem :) But its in there if you want to use it :)
May 27th, 2021, 19:58
Hi SilentRuin!
I hope everything is fine on your side.
I'm having some issue regarding the token visibility in the combat tracker. Once I add the encounter in the proper combat group, I toggle the Visible button but the token are not disappearing from the CT.
Furthermore, it seems that I'm able to make visible all the tokens in the map or none, independently form the selected settings.
Probably I'm doing something terribly stupid but it is not working for me.
Any suggestion?
May 27th, 2021, 20:57
Hi SilentRuin!
I hope everything is fine on your side.
I'm having some issue regarding the token visibility in the combat tracker. Once I add the encounter in the proper combat group, I toggle the Visible button but the token are not disappearing from the CT.
Furthermore, it seems that I'm able to make visible all the tokens in the map or none, independently form the selected settings.
Probably I'm doing something terribly stupid but it is not working for me.
Any suggestion?
Not sure what you mean. There is a Visible button next to the group name that controls visibility in the host/client CT's. If the CT entry is a member of the group currently showing in that field and you hit the Visible button it will not be in the CT's until you toggle it back by hitting the button again - just as the tooltips describe for it.
The visibility icon on the far left on the combat groups line is applied only to the currently displayed combat group in the field. Which is the same as the global visibility icon below it (dont' use that one or you will change the status of everythings visibility whether you see it or not - unless that is what you intended). And visibility icons do what they have always done - just effect visibility to players in CT and on map.
So, given the above description - I really don't know what you are trying to tell me.
May 27th, 2021, 21:03
Sorry, I was in a hurry...and I still am, unfortunately.
I'll do a little bit more testing...could easily be an extension conflict.
I'll come back with more testing on my shoulders.
Thanks a lot!
May 27th, 2021, 22:52
Sorry, I was in a hurry...and I still am, unfortunately.
I'll do a little bit more testing...could easily be an extension conflict.
I'll come back with more testing on my shoulders.
Thanks a lot!
Well one more suggestion - are you sure you added the CT entries you wanted in the group - into the group? You can check in the individual CT entry which group they belong to. As long as the group selected at the top matches the group they belong to in their entry - the visible button should work.
July 2nd, 2021, 17:58
New to the extension just now and was just wondering; is there any perceptible negative effects to having a ton of groups filled with NPCs on the Combat Tracker with this?
July 2nd, 2021, 18:50
New to the extension just now and was just wondering; is there any perceptible negative effects to having a ton of groups filled with NPCs on the Combat Tracker with this?
As you can see from the numerous discussions in here - while preventing groups from being visible can let you put a lot more load on the system (as things usually use just what is visible) the CT entries are still actually all in the DB and only being filtered out. So if you abuse it - like I do in my COS game - you can have about 20 seconds to bring up the CT (200 CT entries and many maps associated with different groups) though it will run fine once its up. Gist being - you can throttle your system - just not as easily with combat groups. I only define the number of groups I think the players will encounter during a session (keeping places they always come back to defined) and as they kill off or get past those maps/groups I just remove them so that the groups are a living entity in the CT. Where locations they revisit remain permanently part of the groups, and places they go through and are done with are added during prep and removed after they are done.
I for sure still use encounters to be able to recover any groups that need to come back.
Now - can you prep an entire campaign and play that way? Sure. Maybe. If its not to big. I keep mine down to around 200 CT entries at any one time, but I have a decent machine and good network also.
Always back up your campaign after prep. For sure I copy mine after any major work to it. And while it only takes one mistaken use of the menu remove all foes, or the group visibility icon to wreck all your work to never forget again - I warn you now - ONLY remove things or do visibility with your group controls. Doing with the menu will effect everything whether you have it filtered out of the CT or not.
Be it on your head if you decide to overpopulate the CT - or foolishly use global commands that effect all groups.
July 2nd, 2021, 20:19
Always back up your campaign after prep. For sure I copy mine after any major work to it. And while it only takes one mistaken use of the menu remove all foes, or the group visibility icon to wreck all your work to never forget again - I warn you now - ONLY remove things or do visibility with your group controls. Doing with the menu will effect everything whether you have it filtered out of the CT or not.
Be it on your head if you decide to overpopulate the CT - or foolishly use global commands that effect all groups.
I've done this a couple times myself.
Is there a way to add this into the ext as an option to turn off those options? I have no idea how hard something I'm asking is to code, just wondering. Because I'm like you have a ton of stuff in the CT and I've had to use my back up DB a couple times because of this.
July 2nd, 2021, 20:58
I've done this a couple times myself.
Is there a way to add this into the ext as an option to turn off those options? I have no idea how hard something I'm asking is to code, just wondering. Because I'm like you have a ton of stuff in the CT and I've had to use my back up DB a couple times because of this.
Because they designed it as a template it means I would have to completely override/replace the button_ct_menu template code and the ct_menu.lua code. I hate templates as a general rule as they make the code completely untouchable without replacing the entire thing. Hence, I have left that to be a RISK. For sure I want a lot of the underlying logic to ignore my filtering and apply things across the entire CT - not just what you see. Effect expiration, init rolls, rest, etc. The primary purpose of combat groups is to make sure you can work with only the group of CT entries your interested in - which does not preclude the fact that the rest of them all exist simultaneously in your world. For sure sometimes I leave things filtered off the CT because I don't want them to know stuff is there (only LOS visualization on the map lets them see and interact with things). Gist being that menu button will apply to everything - and while it would be nice to safety it up for the clearNPCs part of the radial buttons - that would mean having to overload a chunk of that code and I don't feel it is warranted to take on that additional RISK. Personally, it only took one time for me never to use that menu button to remove NPCs ever again.
So while it would be nice to just toss in an option to make that clearNPCs to use my getSortedCombatantList which has only the filtered visible CT entries returned - where that code resides makes it not worth rocking the boat (RISK) to me. Sorry.
[Note: I'm nervous enough having had to replace other templates in there already - so while you could argue "you've already done it for other things" that was because I had no other way to get things to work properly. This is not required to get things to work - tis a safety thing - and not worth adding in more overrides in that template code just for that.]
The result of any changes to that logic would also span groups (everything visible) which in most of my campaigns is usually more than one group that I use to manage multiple things - which may all be visible in CT at once. I admit I myself would love an option to just turn on or off (on to do effect expiration, rest, init, remove type of things only applied to visible CT entries for all the menu radial commands). Just not sure if other extensions mess with that menu button currently - in which case I'd RISK conflicts I did not have before.
July 2nd, 2021, 21:12
Completely understand and thanks for the reply (and fast too).
July 2nd, 2021, 21:15
Completely understand and thanks for the reply (and fast too).
Well I expanded my commentary in that first reply just now also. I admit its tempting to have those menu items only react to visible CT entries (even though that can cover multiple groups).
July 10th, 2021, 21:10
V1.11 - Bug - changed option name to be more accurate and fixed "Players only see same Faction" option to actually only let the client show the same faction entries in the CT. If no active charsheet defined currently in CT then it will default to only showing friendly faction entries.
Was messing around with SW5e campaign and realized the combat groups was not showing the same factions when the option was set. Turned out this was because I had no active character chosen yet and that led to some testing that made me find out I had to have the active user charsheet defined in CT for this option to work (wanted it to default to friendly if nothing defined - as in my space combat its all NPCs that player controls) - then found out it was not working properly for all 4 toggleable factions in FGU (client CT should only match whatever their active charsheet in CT factions is defined as). Tested by testing with no client charsheet chosen yet (defaults to friendly entries in CT only), by dropping the active charsheet into CT for client and toggling through each of its factions on host (client should only show matching factions in its CT any time it was toggled). This is the fix once I got it all working the way I wanted.
July 13th, 2021, 00:26
V1.12 - Bug - missing init call and did not place limit in combobox definitions so that scroll bar would be used properly.
July 13th, 2021, 00:56
Somehow adding in limit and correct call of super stuff has added some weird pulldown arrow on CT entries - its harmless but annoying and opens into nothing. I will have to check into it later tonight or tomorrow.
Appears if you add a size limit to combobox it reserves that space in the CT entry. As the combat groups pulldown in the CT entry has a limit of 15 now (instead of unlimited) it has that arrow to indicate the space it reserved for the combo box expansion. While it was "unlimited" before it must have run time allocated that space so did not think it had need of any expansion space.
I can either put that combobox back to unlimited (with the problems that could have if you run out of window space to hold it - or leave it as it is. I'll wait to see if people care about it. It does take an extra line in CT entry for that arrow and then if you click on it will expand it out to blank reserved section.
All this is assuming as the only thing that has changed is the max number of lines before a scroll bar takes effect.
July 13th, 2021, 06:42
V1.13 - Bug - V1.12 change has caused issue where the combobox button was permanently displayed even though combobox itself was not currently displayed. Fixed as best I can by making combobox initially invisible.
July 13th, 2021, 16:48
I have to say that I and my players are hooked on Combat Groups "Players only see same Faction" option. They can only see things or be aware of them (target them) by LOS in map and never know which of them is going next in the initiative order ;)
Means I don't have to mess with visibility status all the time either because if they can see them they know they are there - if they can't - CT won't be giving away anything that is there. Plus I assigned a player Assistant GM NPC control to run friendly NPCs and did not have to worry about all the enemy NPCs my full display of CT showed on host as he only saw (thus got control) of the same faction (friendly in this case). Saved me dragging them all onto his portrait as there were 5 of them. Though next session I'll be disabling his NPC control and individually parsing out (drop on portrait) the friendly NPCs.
July 15th, 2021, 10:54
I have to say that I and my players are hooked on Combat Groups "Players only see same Faction" option. They can only see things or be aware of them (target them) by LOS in map and never know which of them is going next in the initiative order ;)
Means I don't have to mess with visibility status all the time either because if they can see them they know they are there - if they can't - CT won't be giving away anything that is there. Plus I assigned a player Assistant GM NPC control to run friendly NPCs and did not have to worry about all the enemy NPCs my full display of CT showed on host as he only saw (thus got control) of the same faction (friendly in this case). Saved me dragging them all onto his portrait as there were 5 of them. Though next session I'll be disabling his NPC control and individually parsing out (drop on portrait) the friendly NPCs.
This is a very nifty feature that I overlooked first time around. Thanks! Do you know if there is a way to neuter the "target enemy units" function on the image toolbar? It can very easily overcome all the hard earned secrecy that hiding the enemy faction brings :)
July 15th, 2021, 15:36
This is a very nifty feature that I overlooked first time around. Thanks! Do you know if there is a way to neuter the "target enemy units" function on the image toolbar? It can very easily overcome all the hard earned secrecy that hiding the enemy faction brings :)
Not sure why anyone would use target all enemies in a map - as it will target all enemies in the map. Nothing to do with my stuff.
If I have the "Players only see same Faction" option then the players are just going to CTRL click targets or use the map target selection to add multiple targets or some combination of the two - never target all enemies.
My extensions are tools. Imagine them like pieces of rope - you can do all sorts of things with them. Including garrote yourself. Use them wisely -_-
And if you don't trust your players - or they don't trust you - you have larger issues that nothing I have will solve.
July 21st, 2021, 23:04
V1.14 - Feature - added new option "Use Marching Order for Faction Drop" defaulted to "on" which will do "best it can" to use your defined marching order when dragging the green faction icon at bottom of CT onto a map. The basic rule here is I take the first thing I see in CT and place it down in CT - then if its in marching order I store it as last known token in marching order that was placed along with its position. As I loop through the CT entries being placed I keep the old logic in place (it offsets constantly to the upper left) but if the entry is in the marching order and there has already been a marching order token placed - I offset it to that last marching order token placement based on marching order relative position and set that one as last marching order token and so on. Any entries not in the marching order will just be offset per normal from last placement - obviously this "could" get you dropping things over eachother but in my tests it never happened and I had as I said 4 PCs in marching order - 1 PC not in marching order - and an NPC.
July 24th, 2021, 20:08
V1.15 - Feature - added new option "Display Owner as CT link tooltip" defaulted to "on" which will display the Owner of the CT entry as a tooltip over its link icon. As real estate on the CT entry line is at a premium I chose the link icon as a place to display this information as it has no tooltip. When its a PC owned by a player or an NPC a player has been given control of that Owner will be displayed when you hover over the link icon on the CT entry line. Very useful with Assistant GM.
July 28th, 2021, 21:17
V1.16 - Bug - V1.14 marching order support did not limit combat tracker entries to only the ones currently visible. Fixed.
Unfortunately like the idiot I am I tested on my test project which evidently only had ONE friendly NPC - when I was running the Combat Groups new video for chuckles I was using my SW5E copy of my live campaign which is CHOCKED full of friendly NPCs :sob:
It was a really impressive list of tokens going up to the left and wrapping around in 3 rows - which also ripped them out of their current maps of course - so lucky I always work with a copy
July 28th, 2021, 21:41
Come to think of it if you use the normal Friendly faction drag and drop to place all friendly CT items in the map it WILL place all of them when marching order is turned off. Just like the menu CT commands, those operate on everything in the CT per normal FGU.
July 29th, 2021, 00:47
Another video for my own entertainment...
I guess it has some use as every time I make one of these I find bugs. You can safely ignore it for sure ;)
August 1st, 2021, 22:48
V1.17 - Bug - When user identity was changed (in case controlling multiple characters) the client CT was not being updated. This would have an effect if using "Players only see same Friend/Foe" as that would only display the same faction as the user's current identity - and it would never refresh the CT to reflect the new identity change. Fixed.
During a massive battle test where I had tons of orcs vs tons of humans in about 10 different groups with 4 different factions (one of each flavor), I went to test in my test player by selecting each character and the client CT never updated as I changed my controlling PC (each with one of the 4 flavors of faction should have been displaying a different group of CT entries matching that PC's faction). The host had them all visible (a lot) - but as I was not even going to use the host to do anything having given control of all NPCs to the test player (which would only see his factions NPCs) that was what I was after.
August 2nd, 2021, 19:34
V1.18 - Feature - added new option "Display Group on Map Token" defaulted to "off". When turned "on" this will change the CT entry map token name to have the current combat group name on the 2nd line after the CT entries name. This will be updated any time the CT filter is updated (includes changing group assignments or change of this option).
I resisted doing this for a long time because it was a pain in the neck to implement but I have surpassed my annoyance factor in not having this feature so have bitten the bullet and implemented it. Gist is - hover over CT entry map token and the group will be displayed under the name - if the option is turned on - which is off by default. It's instant change when you flip the option.
August 6th, 2021, 01:54
V1.19 - Feature - added new option "Players only see same Group" defaulted to "off". If set to on then all player's combat trackers will only be able to see the same combat group for their active identity (who they are playing as in combat tracker). This requires you to be logged into host with an active PC in combat tracker already to find the active combat group to filter the combat tracker with. If the host changes the option or any CT entry combat group the filter for that player will be triggered to redisplay their combat tracker with only matching combat group entries. This allows you to split the players into different combat groups (or with Assistant GM different NPCs) and battle each other where they can only see other tokens in the map if LOS/visibility allows them to. They will not see them in CT (just like if you had manually turned off visibility of NPCs in host - only it applies to everything based on combat group setting). As in everything I do, this is just a tool - use it in whatever way you like - or not.
Was working on my next session of SW5E and realized that limiting player CT by faction was not enough so now can also limit it by combat group also. You can off course double limit the player CT by faction and combat group (where the active charsheet identity is what is used as the limiting faction and combat group). No combat group defined then it does not do anything different than it normally would. No identity chosen yet and faction will default to friendly and combat groups will just not be limited.
August 7th, 2021, 01:58
V1.20 - Feature - added new option "Display Owned NPC Reach (Re-Open host map)" defaulted to "off". If set this will allow the players to ALL see any owned NPCs reach by hovering over the map token. This will occur whether they personally own the NPC or not, as long as it is visible on the map and owned by someone. Also (no option for this), if a CT entry has an empty faction it will have its own active token color when the map token is selected instead of defaulting to the neutral faction color.
August 8th, 2021, 21:37
V1.21 - Feature - added new options "Highlight token for Old Eyes (on turn)" defaulted to "off" and "Select Owners Token (on turn)" defaulted to "off". Needless to say, I have "old eyes" and when it's a token's turn (as host or client) I want to see a BIG GIANT CLUE of which is the active token. I've accomplished this by simply adding an overlay of the usually calculated nSpace which is a BIG box around the token so old folks like me can spot it easily in giant crowded maps. This will be the faction color, or neon orange, green, or magenta no matter what the faction. Switching the option gives an instantaneous colored overlay - or removes it if off. I also tire of having to click a token (as host or client) to get it to be selected when that token's turn comes up. I can't count how many times the wrong target is chosen by me or my players. When a token enters its turn it will ONLY be auto selected on host map if nobody owns the CT entry for it. When a token enters its turn it will ONLY be auto selected on a client map if they own the CT entry for it. A host and clients token selections are independent of each other.
If you don't want these just leave them off - which they are defaulted off.
August 11th, 2021, 16:10
V1.22 - Bug - addUnderlay call was not being prevented from being called in client - should have been host only. Fixed. This would generate a harmless error (as host already did the work) anytime you have a client up with a token in a map that had been turned off for "old eyes" option. Would happen coming up in client app or when "old eyes" option was turned off or left off.
Basically I called something in both host and client that should have only been called in host. Will annoy you if "old eyes" option is off after it has been on in one of its forms.
September 4th, 2021, 22:29
V1.23 - Fix - Discovered that a backspace and delete key will trigger the field to process before its ready - I'm pursuing why this is with FG in forum question - but in meantime I'm supplying a workaround to insure the combat group name edit field can handle backspace and delete keys without losing their place. It will still process the field as I can't prevent that as long as FG treats as backspace/del key as if it was a change of focus (process the field indicator). Gist is you can use backspace to delete text in this field with this workaround.
While I don't envision this ever happening - if the combat group field ever stops working (internal crash causing flags to get out of sync) you just have to restart the app. Though if something like that happened you'd have other major issues (that caused it) going on. So while I mention the possibility - I don't really see how it could happen.
September 5th, 2021, 00:03
Thank you for this workaround! Keep up the awesome work!
September 8th, 2021, 18:27
V1.24 - Fix - CoreRPG ruleset code was updated for a fix in CT faction drag and drop and my override that implements marching order needs to have the same changes in it. Fixed.
September 27th, 2021, 14:55
V1.25 - Fix - Messages to players will be hidden when a target is not visible in their CT. But with combat groups this should only be happening when the tokenvis flag is actually indicating it is really not visible on the map (as we hide things in CT that are visible on map in Combat Groups). This will now send the player a HIT/MISS/etc. message when they own the CT entry that is doing the action while the target is visible on the map (not simply hidden in CT). Fixed.
Basically I was annoyed my owned NPCs for players were not showing the player the HIT/MISS/etc. chat messages (hidden so showing on host only) when a target was visible on map - but not visible in CT (due to combat groups visibility). So fixed it.
October 3rd, 2021, 09:21
Still so hoping for a PF2 compatible version. :D
October 4th, 2021, 17:12
Still so hoping for a PF2 compatible version. :D
Don't play it so not likely to come about by me. I'm only willing to support things I actively use.
November 2nd, 2021, 20:55
V1.26 - Feature - added combat group option "Set Groups with Common Initiative (menu rolls only)" defaulted to "off". If set to "on" then all members of the same combat group will have the same initiative when the CT menu is used to roll them. This was because in massive combat where my players controlled multiple PCs/NPCs they wanted to run their turns for their "teams" all at once. We never did that - but now we can if the DM (me) chooses to allow it.
December 23rd, 2021, 07:18
V1.27 - Feature - when the options "Players only see same Friend/Foe" or "Players only see same Group" are on the chat window will only show the turn message on the host unless the client owns the CT entry that is getting the turn. The FGU ring bell on turn option will also now ring if the client owns the CT entry that is getting the turn.
The [TURN] message in chat was giving away things that were not displayed in client CT. If you don't have the options mentioned above on then this will do the old behavior (everybody sees all CT entry [TURN] messages).
January 1st, 2022, 20:08
this looks awesome, just one quesiton, how do I actually CREATE groups? cant figure it out,
January 2nd, 2022, 01:35
this looks awesome, just one quesiton, how do I actually CREATE groups? cant figure it out,
Tootip, text, and video tell you. You set the group selection to blank (some text I forget tells you to select one) - then key in a group name in the edit field. Poof - just like tooltip describes a group is created. Or name edited - or name deleted (though in that case the annoying way FGU handles character delete processing your better off just highlighting all the text then deleting it). Gist is - watch one of the several videos and it will probably be out of date but will show you that. Otherwise, trust in the tooltips - its easy and they tell the truth.
January 2nd, 2022, 16:06
V1.28 - Feature - new option "No Map Toolbar Target or Select for Players (Re-Open Player map)" defaulted to "off". Because map toolbar target and select icons can allow discovery of hidden tokens this option is provided to prevent players from having those toolbar options on the map. The map must be closed and re-opened for the option setting to take effect.
January 2nd, 2022, 17:45
yes thanks finally made it worked. for some reason i couldnt type anything in the dialog box but after a few relaunches everything became accessible.
April 1st, 2022, 19:55
V1.29 - Bug - token name was not being updated correctly and could wipe out other modifications. Fixed.
April 20th, 2022, 18:36
This is one of my fave extensions, for sure.
However, I'm probably being blind here, but I can't find documentation on what the options mean:
Display Group on map token
Display owned NPC reach
Can someone point me in the right direction, please.
April 20th, 2022, 18:43
This is one of my fave extensions, for sure.
However, I'm probably being blind here, but I can't find documentation on what the options mean:
Display Group on map token
Display owned NPC reach
Can someone point me in the right direction, please.
All are in version text - which if not on page one (got kicked off due to room) - it will be in the .txt file included on page one which has all the version info from the beginning.
Just search for keyword string in txt file and it will pop up.
April 20th, 2022, 21:45
It was, indeed, right under my nose. Thank you!
June 5th, 2022, 14:22
I should warn that someone found Combat Groups unusable. While they have not given any details - and I vaguely remember their name from someplace - their is no requirement they pursue the matter. Still, I feel the complaint should at least be registered here even if no action will be taken on it.
June 8th, 2022, 19:31
V1.30 - Feature - now supporting holding down SHIFT on the combat groups visibility button which will force all but the active combat group to go invisible and holding down CTRL on combat groups visibility button which will force all but the active combat group to go visible. Active group will toggle as normal regardless.
Was in my weekly game when I had to setup a bunch of groups then make them all carriers then get all the groups back displayed on my CT. It was a royal pain. To assist me next time I have a ton of CT entries and want to turn off or on all the groups at once I added this new feature. It does not change the toggle of the actual Visible button press for the active group when holding down SHIFT(turn all other groups off) or CTRL(turn all other groups on). This makes life lazier for me.
July 12th, 2022, 22:43
V1.31 - FGU changes - Latest FGU update required changes.
Not compatible with previous LIVE. Only current one.
August 3rd, 2022, 23:55
V1.32 - Update - Support for Sir Motte's theme.
August 16th, 2022, 03:22
V1.33 - FGU changes - Latest FGU update required changes.
DMsG is updated, Forge will be when Grim gets around to it.
August 16th, 2022, 09:53
Very quick response, thank you!
August 16th, 2022, 15:40
Sometimes my old man brain gets confused. So I ask! :) In the following image, which extension should I use with FGU? They are in a storage folder for now, not into the %appdata of FGU. Thanks a bunch!
August 16th, 2022, 19:20
Sometimes my old man brain gets confused. So I ask! :) In the following image, which extension should I use with FGU? They are in a storage folder for now, not into the %appdata of FGU. Thanks a bunch!
You should only use the latest one you download. Forge keeps the names the same I think - DMsG scrambles them completely on a regular basis - no idea why. As in the highlander...
So make sure you delete the other named versions. I never suffer from this as I only ever have CombatGroups.ext file in my extensions folder - just don't have control over what delivery mechanisms choose to rename them. That is the name I use to deliver is all I know. Just verify the version number that appears for it in your chat when you start up matches the latest one in page 1 of this thread and your good. Right now that is V 1.33
August 17th, 2022, 00:05
For some reason, when I activate this extension it is shifting the text for each column to the right.
August 17th, 2022, 00:14
For some reason, when I activate this extension it is shifting the text for each column to the right.
The header used to have room for all the global buttons which have been removed by FGU - evidently I still have something that offsets the header text in expectation of that no longer existing button that was added. I'll have to look at it. Probably later today or tomorrow.
August 17th, 2022, 05:10
V1.34 - Bug - due to FGU removal of global buttons and hardcoding the header label positions I have to shorten the label header size to allow the text to line up with fields in the columns.
I predict that others adding buttons to the CT entry section header will encounter the same problem and end up being in conflict for lining up the texts - simply because FGU did not put the header txt relative to each other but instead hardcoded it from right based on overall size of header label frame. Not going to worry about it as not much one can do when they iron clad hardcode distances like that.
August 18th, 2022, 12:07
I guess v1.34 is not available? I tried updating several times and even removed and re-update, and I am still on v1.33
August 18th, 2022, 19:07
I guess v1.34 is not available? I tried updating several times and even removed and re-update, and I am still on v1.33
I have no control over when forge gets updated as Grim press controls that. They have the update they will update it when they update it.
Plus that update is a trivial update to line up headers, and the way FGU has implemented it it will never line up anyway if any other extension inserts a button like I do (and they do) in the ct_entry section controls. It likely never going to line up until they code those headers sensibly to match how the ct_entry columns they match get placed and then all the extensions that put those type of buttons in will have to redo their stuff to work with it. So not really holding my breath or caring about the headers lining up when its only possible to do it for me.
August 19th, 2022, 16:14
deleted by me
September 10th, 2022, 22:52
V1.35 - FGU changes - FGU now supports faction drop of marching order from party sheet so removing all my stuff that also did that.
September 11th, 2022, 06:58
I should warn that someone found Combat Groups unusable. While they have not given any details - and I vaguely remember their name from someplace - their is no requirement they pursue the matter. Still, I feel the complaint should at least be registered here even if no action will be taken on it.
I wouldn't say its unusable, but it still suffers from the same resource limits that having everything on the combat tracker would, its not a fix for FG resource limits, which I think is what some people may be expecting.
Fantasy grounds seems to have a visible token limit, which is compounded all the more by LoS.
I think the admins have stated in the past, that FG can only address (use) so much of a computers resources, regardless of how powerful the computer is due to how its written.
Its a shame really, FG would be a great platform for epic battles otherwise.
I still find this extension very useful for what its intended for, not exactly sure why FG cant show staged tokens on a given map by default, but I appreciate the planning utility this extension adds.
September 11th, 2022, 17:15
Well There is a quote responding to another quote that I'm not even sure where it came from - weird.
To address this - Combat Groups I could not run my campaigns without - much to annoying without it. As its designed for me, by me, it may not be everyone's cup of tea. Which is fine. It helps me run large sets of NPCs given my machine and network and their are plenty of comments in this thread on that subject so won't rehash it in here.
If you get it from Forge - the only place to get it - I'm quite sure FGU has some way to refund it in a given time period - but I'm not sure on that and don't control any of the selling of this anymore (Grim Press and FGU Forge). I just wrote it and use it. Up to you if you want to use it or not - no big deal either way for me as I'm happy with it.
Always remember...
All extensions - not just mine.
September 12th, 2022, 05:00
I think the admins have stated in the past, that FG can only address (use) so much of a computers resources, regardless of how powerful the computer is due to how its written.
I think you are confusing it with FG classic, there was some limit in RAM due to it being 32-bit programme :) This is now not the case anymore (technically there may still be a limit of course, but this is muuuuuch higher, not really a need to mention) :)
September 12th, 2022, 05:09
I think you are confusing it with FG classic, there was some limit in RAM due to it being 32-bit programme :) This is now not the case anymore (technically there may still be a limit of course, but this is muuuuuch higher, not really a need to mention) :)
I had originally forgotten that FGU was 64bit. :o
Perhaps the comments that I had seen in other posts around the forums was only referring to FGC.
That said, there still appears to be some artificial ceilings with the way FGU is written, why else would a host computer have plenty of resources yet the application hits an invisible road block?
In my world of IT work, this points to programming "inefficiencies", and not hardware or OS limitations.
Just sayin...
September 12th, 2022, 05:12
I had originally forgotten that FGU was 64bit. :o
Perhaps the comments that I had seen in other posts around the forums was only referring to FGC.
That said, there still appears to be some artificial ceilings with the way FGU is written, why else would a host computer have plenty of resources yet the application hits an invisible road block?
In my world of IT work, this points to programming "inefficiencies", and not hardware or OS limitations.
Just sayin...
This sounds like performance issues and coding, the recent updates for FGU were actually also about improving performance :) So, not necessarily a hard limit, just some coding stuff which may need improvement since it is sometimes already very old code :)
September 12th, 2022, 05:15
Agreed, but you stated it more clearly than I. :)
September 12th, 2022, 06:51
Agreed, but you stated it more clearly than I. :)
Hehe, no worries :D I just wanted to provide some optimism regarding that subject :D
September 13th, 2022, 05:37
Just found bug in Combat Groups where if it is present in my new campaign the players maps will no longer show any of the map toggle targeting controls at top of the map - works fine in my older campaigns though. I'll have to investigate and try and figure out what was going on.
September 13th, 2022, 05:45
Just found bug in Combat Groups where if it is present in my new campaign the players maps will no longer show any of the map toggle targeting controls at top of the map - works fine in my older campaigns though. I'll have to investigate and try and figure out what was going on.
Wow I'm an idiot - too much code over to many years. I have a no map targeting option in combat groups because it can be used to give away positions on map. And for some idiotic reason I set it in my new campaign (as its defaulted to off). I'll have to look at making sure it only messes with factional ones (which give away stuff) not the target/clear target ones.
September 13th, 2022, 13:51
Wow I'm an idiot - too much code over to many years. I have a no map targeting option in combat groups because it can be used to give away positions on map. And for some idiotic reason I set it in my new campaign (as its defaulted to off). I'll have to look at making sure it only messes with factional ones (which give away stuff) not the target/clear target ones.
I have a fix!
Here is you're sign.... ;)
September 17th, 2022, 22:12
V1.36 - Bug - need to insure any factional drops to map only use what is currently visible in CT (combat groups can turn on/off things in CT - only want things visible to host CT to be dropped).
Problem with combat groups is the normal FGU function will drop everything in CT which can drag things turned off in CT by combat groups - in different maps even - and suddenly drag these things into the map your dropping the CT faction icon onto.
October 8th, 2022, 06:20
New CT header bug 2022-10-07, no combat group icon
The only extension is combat groups
5E ruleset 2022-09-27,
Core ruleset 2022-09-27,
Combat groups v1.36.
I tried my strahd campaign and a 1 NPC 1 PC test campaign.
It was working for me yesterday.
October 8th, 2022, 18:06
V1.37 - Bug - V1.34 fix no longer functions - no idea what changed in FGU but made the headers line up by modifying the rightanchor spacer. Headers in CT should now line up (for my stuff - still no idea if other extensions are playing the spacer game here so with anything else may mess up the header names position - nothing I can do about that).
October 10th, 2022, 04:16
Still no combat group header icon using version 1.37
October 10th, 2022, 05:15
Still no combat group header icon using version 1.37
I have no idea what your talking about. The header labels now lineup as they should. I see nothing missing from that picture you just showed me - it is all as it should be as far as I can tell.
(as I'm currently working on this for monday's session the red boxes show everything is as it should be)
October 10th, 2022, 05:22
Still no combat group header icon using version 1.37
Those icons have been removed by FGU. You can check on no ext version.
October 10th, 2022, 20:27
Those icons have been removed by FGU. You can check on no ext version.
I had not known that the global combat groups icon that used to be in the header was removed by design. I used to use it frequently.
Thanks for that MrDDT.
November 15th, 2022, 19:54
V1.38 - Bug - left over code from when I did drop factions myself which I no longer need. Fixed.
This caused the drop factions from CT onto map to fail to drop anything not visible in map. Fixed.
December 13th, 2022, 21:08
Removed as not sure this was a problem.
December 14th, 2022, 15:48
V1.39 - Bug - option to do "No Map Toolbar button for Target all friends/foes" was not just removing those buttons I wanted (was doing all targeting buttons). Fixed.
December 14th, 2022, 19:47
V1.40 - Update - added new map toolbar button to add all selected tokens into active combat group currently displayed in combat tracker - host only. If CT window is not currently up then you will get a chat system message stating it is required to be. If the active combat group is blank then all selected tokens (CT entries) will have their combat group blanked also, if set the active combat group has text in it then they will all be set to that.
Got really annoyed in a map with a ton of tokens and getting them into different groups for the players to control. Selecting them and just having them go into the current active group works wonders for saving time. Of course I wish the map selection tool had abilities to choose only friend or foe - but meh - better than nothing.
December 28th, 2022, 02:25
V1.41 - Update - added new option "Create Encounter from Active Combat Group" defaulted to "on". It supports 3 settings. If the setting "on" is used then Encounters sheet will get an "CG Encounter" (if not there app must be restarted) and when clicked will take the active combat group in list (CT window has to be up for this button to work) and will create an identically named encounter which will contain every npc or vehicle entry. If the entry name and faction are the same they will get a count added to one entry for them all. If the setting "maplink" is used then the encounter entries will also get the placement data added in for any combat group entries that were in a map. If the setting "off" is used then the app should be restarted to get the encounter sheet button "CG Encounter" removed. This is handy for me to create encounters from combat groups I have made but wish to remove and use again at some other time or in a template of the campaign for reuse in a new game of it. Keep in mind if the combat group entry is not an npc/vehicle class with a non empty name and a sourcelink to the NPC list - it will not be created in the encounter. I tend to copy any of my CT created NPCs I plan to reuse back into the NPC lists myself as I've usually added inventory, death indicators, or changed the token from the default NPC list. Keep in mind its a good idea to remove the combat group (CG) before you copy it over or it will have that CG assigned next time you drop it in the CT.
December 28th, 2022, 16:28
V1.42 - Bug - accidently removed drop faction functionality in V1.35 that makes it only move things that are visible in CT - that part should not have been removed. Fixed.
December 31st, 2022, 17:14
V1.43 - Bug - was not dropping map invisible tokens during faction drop. Fixed.
December 31st, 2022, 17:51
Thanks, working good now. Thanks for your hard work!
December 31st, 2022, 19:01
Thanks, working good now. Thanks for your hard work!
Hardly, I need it for my own game Monday! ;)
January 7th, 2023, 17:18
V1.44 - Bug - common init option was not working properly. Fixed.
January 8th, 2023, 00:20
V1.45 - Update - Allow Placeholder PCs (logged in but not in CT) to see all user owned things in the player CT.
When a player has no PC but one or more NPCs to control and I don't want to be bothered with putting the placeholder PC into the CT - this will allow me to drop it in CT - make sure it has all the ownerships stuff it needs and then delete it out (if using Assistant GM which I am). Or just drag the CT links of stuff I want it to control onto the logged in placeholder PC.
I should also note that the only way to get that Placeholder PC to do its thing is if the faction and/or combat group filters are in use. Just FYI.
January 8th, 2023, 17:19
V1.46 - Update - support polymorphism data so that a logged in PC can maintain its faction/group filtering of the client CT.
January 23rd, 2023, 21:31
Are there step-by-step written directions on how to use this extension? I have watched the video but there are steps missing. When I try to set up the combat groups for a specific area they are immediately deleted when I set up the next room.
January 23rd, 2023, 21:49
Are there step-by-step written directions on how to use this extension? I have watched the video but there are steps missing. When I try to set up the combat groups for a specific area they are immediately deleted when I set up the next room.
This forum thread page 1 has a .txt file that has all the version info, that and the comments in here are the only "written stuff" around. There is more than one video around but the latest (a few weeks ago - usually means video is hopelessly out of date - which is why I don't make them usually) is in the "Did you know..." ( thread where I show how I setup and run a campaign (CG is part of that). But basically as I add stuff in I just add another version blurb about what it is. However, that video at the top shows how it is done.
And FYI, combat groups are as described - still part of the combat tracker (CT) just controlled on whether visible or not to host and players or just players (lots of options).
January 24th, 2023, 16:59
Are there step-by-step written directions on how to use this extension? I have watched the video but there are steps missing. When I try to set up the combat groups for a specific area they are immediately deleted when I set up the next room.
Are you adding enemies to the Combat Tracker Group, then dragging their tokens to the map from there? Or are you saying they are deleted from the Combat Tracker?
February 12th, 2023, 18:45
V1.47 - Update - changed all default options to what I want as I got tired of updating them all. Users can turn them off now if they don't want them.
February 15th, 2023, 01:23
V1.48 - Update - implemented node and childList changes to code that SW wanted.
February 16th, 2023, 21:07
V1.49 - Bug - V1.48 generated an console error "manager_combatgroups.lua"]:594: deleteNode: Invalid parameter 1". Fixed.
February 18th, 2023, 23:10
V1.50 - Bug - Was not adding the encounter button for option "Combat Group can create Encounter(restart app for off)" in a generic manner which could cause conflicts. Fixed.
February 23rd, 2023, 16:01
V1.52 - Update - double click on combat group name edit field now will zoom in better (zoom = 1.5). First time you double click it will bring up the map with group centered in default scale. Second double click will bring in to whatever zoom 1.5 is relative to that map. Zoom level in FGU is pretty cryptic - but this setting is better than the previous zoom = 1.0 setting.
Lou Ciphor
February 26th, 2023, 05:57
Getting a SLEW of errors on the latest FG update.
February 26th, 2023, 14:26
Getting a SLEW of errors on the latest FG update.
Not sure why your telling me this. Find out what is causing it. I don't even call any of those things. Because they have been deprecated. The only way you'd get them from me is if you had some ancient version of CG. If V 1.52 is not your current version then get the current version.
Or find out what extension you have causing those errors as its not mine.
Lou Ciphor
February 26th, 2023, 15:30
This is the only extension I have loaded in trying to track it down. Errors occur on first opening of the CT with the extension enabled. The current version is <version>1.52</version>, pulled from the Forge.
Will keep digging....
February 26th, 2023, 17:08
Getting a SLEW of errors on the latest FG update.
I have similar. Though, I can't see that they have caused anything not to work, having played a session regardless last night.
I also have a fair few extensions, so could be any of those without investigating myself.
Let me know in direct message if you want me to test anything on my end to help narrow it down.
Lou Ciphor
February 26th, 2023, 17:16
Try deleting the extension from your /extensions folder and re-updating from the forge. That seemed to clear it with version 1.52.
February 26th, 2023, 17:39
I got my extension from DriveThruRPG, but in an effort to replicate your steps I deleted the file completely from the extensions folder, re-downloaded and plopped it back in there again.
That solved my issue too, thanks!
February 26th, 2023, 18:16
Yeah I fixed where I said V1.51 to V1.52 - so many changes. Sounds like you had the an old one or multiple versions in your extension directory and it was picking up some ancient one? I have to admit that it makes no sense that simply reloading it would make a difference as I don't call those functions (at least since they went out of scope in TEST a while back (talking many weeks)) - but glad you worked it out.
March 2nd, 2023, 19:46
V1.53 - Update - Added new option "Encounter placed in active combat group name" defaulted to "off" which will cause any encounter to place all its entries into the active combat group name. If the combat tracker is not up or the active combat group name is blank then it will just place the encounter entries with no combat group as it previously would do. This lets me drop an encounter straight into a combat group if the option is "on".
Once you turn this option on its up to you to realize any encounter you drop will be added to the active combat group name - if you forget and stick tons of things in one combat group - or put the same encounter unintentionally (can see cool reasons to use it as build tool to do intentionally) in the same combat group over and over... its on your head. DON'T TURN this option on if your forgetful. Use at your own risk. However, having said that - with the ability to put a combat group into an encounter based on active combat group name and put and encounter into the active combat group name is a powerful tool. Which of course, in the wrong hands is a disaster waiting to happen. DO NOT USE IT if you are a walking disaster waiting to happen :) You have been warned.
Oh and for those who don't know how FGU NPC data works - its not like PC data. Their is no data update between an NPC list record and the CT NPC list record. And encounters use NPC list records. So if you edit data in a CT NPC entry and want it preserved you'd have to copy it to your NPC list as a new record. And I always delete the old CT NPC record and replace it with the new copy NPC list record so that the sourcelink points to it as its originator. Ignore this if you have no idea how FGU data works - this is just to prevent people from asking "where did my CT data go after I put it in encounter"... yeah... I can't solve the way FGU does its data.
Also, when you add these into the active combat group it will be Visible or not Visible in CT based on current Visible button setting for that group. As far as the map visibility - they still will default to the FGU default NPC placement settings (which is not map visible - eye icon). Up to you to set those how you want.
March 3rd, 2023, 00:17
V1.54 - Update - supported vehicle class as much as possible in the same manner as npc class.
March 8th, 2023, 05:29
V1.55 - Update - when using "Set Groups with Common Initiative (menu rolls only)" set to "on" it will always guarantee that the initial roll never has duplicates before it forces these common init settings. This prevents scrambled CT entries when they shared a common init roll. If carrier common init is used they will not be identical inits but still in sequence.
March 22nd, 2023, 22:17
V1.56 - Bug - have to stay in synch with ct.lua and clientct.lua CoreRPG where I need some changes since this has its own copy. Was out of synch.
March 29th, 2023, 04:50
V1.57 - Bug - the whole purpose of combat groups was to insure the CT on the client could display owned items, but I found if I turned off all filtering options - which I never run without - it causes an invisibility bug where an owned NPC/PC/VEHICLE will not be displayed in the CT. This is a bug in the land of Combat Groups. Fixed.
This has always been a bug since day 1 - just never had options I use off to notice it. Combat Groups should always respect ownership and display the PC/NCP/VEHICLE in client CT if they own it regardless of visibility.
March 29th, 2023, 19:33
Hey SilentRuin,
I understand that this was written for 5E, love using it there, I also run other systems like AD&D 2E, Castles and Crusades, etc. I would love to have the functionality that this provides in other systems too, any chance of there being a wider audience of systems in this extensions future?
March 29th, 2023, 20:18
Hey SilentRuin,
I understand that this was written for 5E, love using it there, I also run other systems like AD&D 2E, Castles and Crusades, etc. I would love to have the functionality that this provides in other systems too, any chance of there being a wider audience of systems in this extensions future?
One of the most common questions I get about my extensions.
Here is the long answer I always give...
I only play in 5E and wrote all these extensions for my games, so its the only one I support. At one time I thought rulesets shared a common CoreRPG and tried to support extensions across them but found that in fact they all diverged and did their own thing so all of them required their own special way of doing things especially in the combat tracker. I'm not willing to figure each one out if I'm not using them myself, nor maintain them if I did. So sorry but there is no chance I'll support an extension used in a ruleset I don't play on (know and play to keep up with when it breaks - which it will).
Here is the short answer I always give...
Notm :)
March 30th, 2023, 07:13
If you use common init option - beware your numbers may be higher - just like the version info implies it will (to be unique init it has to be higher). For sure effects that adjust on initiative will respect the init that is placed when the effect is set (high or not) but if like me you use the roll every round option your still going to have issues with those. So if those adjustments on your effects are more important than turn order - for sure turn them off. It won't save you from the roll every round option messing you up regardless (if just raw FGU or common init is in play) unless you have Effective Initiative.
Plus if you turn on or off this effect after effect adjust on inits have been set - obviously they will not be correct (just like when you reroll init on round changes normally would not be).
Also fixed inits like lair ranges set to 20 or things like that would have to be modified by the DM to be more toward the top or bottom of your unique inits (or just don't use common init options).
March 30th, 2023, 07:40
Common init option is currently defaulted to on - going to change that to off - as I'm the only one that probably uses it in my campaigns and those are the defaults delivered in the extension - which is going to be more trouble than its worth. I'll just manually turn it on in any new campaigns for myself. No version change for this will appear.
April 18th, 2023, 18:11
V1.58 - Bug - with common init option the order was never really changing even though numbers generated were unique. This was because the number sample was generated based on random 20 and on large CT counts this was not a large enough random number sample to change the order. Now when common init option is set that init random number generator is based on current CT count so that sample is large enough to get unique numbers and change the order randomly. As usual with common init option you will see init much higher (if lots of CT entries visible or not). The CombatManager2.rollRandomInit code override is shared between carrier and combat groups extensions.
Henrique Oliveira Machado
April 23rd, 2023, 04:08
I used to have this extension, (Bought on DMs guild) and used to DM last year with it. Do i have to buy it again in Forge to get the updates? I'm getting combat tracker errors with it
April 23rd, 2023, 04:17
I used to have this extension, (Bought on DMs guild) and used to DM last year with it. Do i have to buy it again in Forge to get the updates? I'm getting combat tracker errors with it
I update DMsG for all my extensions. Just keep it updated from DMsG like you would anything else. This thread will always tell you when I update it. And if your out of date from not tracking this thread or DMsG updates - don’t do that. Keep it updated.
April 23rd, 2023, 18:16
I used to have this extension, (Bought on DMs guild) and used to DM last year with it. Do i have to buy it again in Forge to get the updates? I'm getting combat tracker errors with it
Fact also is that DMsG is updated before FORGE =P
November 6th, 2023, 20:36
V1.59 - Update - added "Host only see active and its targeted" option defaulted to "off". This will essentially ignore all combat group visibility on the host CT and force only the active CT entry and what it has targeted to be shown in CT. Useful when you want to only see immediate action in a crowded CT. As its for me and I will only in certain situations it is defaulted to off and you should only use at YOUR OWN risk. I plan to drop the on and off option onto FGU toolbar at bottom so I can turn it on or off at will. Also allows me to tell if a player actually has something targeted at a glance (always annoying when they fire with no target). At first glance it appears most CT refreshing is done already except when the last target of something is removed. That's good enough for me as you can force the refresh just by toggling this option (clicking the off then on where I have it on toolbar).
November 9th, 2023, 22:45
November 11th, 2023, 18:31
As usual this looks like a great improvement to Combat Groups. Thanks for continuing to improve things for all of us. I could be at fault here, but have used your extensions without difficulty for a long time. Currently it seems that the version i have downloaded from the DM's Guild is 1.58 and does not have the new host visibility option. Could you confirm that 1.59 is on DM's guild so i can try other things on my end if its the correct uploaded version?
November 11th, 2023, 18:42
As usual this looks like a great improvement to Combat Groups. Thanks for continuing to improve things for all of us. I could be at fault here, but have used your extensions without difficulty for a long time. Currently it seems that the version i have downloaded from the DM's Guild is 1.58 and does not have the new host visibility option. Could you confirm that 1.59 is on DM's guild so i can try other things on my end if its the correct uploaded version?
I can confirm the comment says 1.59 in DMSG (which is first thing I update before giving to GP to update the Forge). As far as the actual .ext being the right one - you'll have to tell me. I don't load my own stuff - but I did/should have loaded it on 11/6. If your asking me if your DMsG updated only list is bugged or something - No idea. But it should have been loaded and should show up when you check DMsG updated only list of things (should be in there).
Just for chuckles I'll load it again - in case somehow I did not load the .ext but only the comment. Unlikely but lots was going on that week.
November 11th, 2023, 19:19
Thanks for looking into it, i will see what i have done wrong.
November 16th, 2023, 07:04
As usual this looks like a great improvement to Combat Groups. Thanks for continuing to improve things for all of us. I could be at fault here, but have used your extensions without difficulty for a long time. Currently it seems that the version i have downloaded from the DM's Guild is 1.58 and does not have the new host visibility option. Could you confirm that 1.59 is on DM's guild so i can try other things on my end if its the correct uploaded version?
I can confirm the comment says 1.59 in DMSG (which is first thing I update before giving to GP to update the Forge). As far as the actual .ext being the right one - you'll have to tell me. I don't load my own stuff - but I did/should have loaded it on 11/6. If your asking me if your DMsG updated only list is bugged or something - No idea. But it should have been loaded and should show up when you check DMsG updated only list of things (should be in there).
Just for chuckles I'll load it again - in case somehow I did not load the .ext but only the comment. Unlikely but lots was going on that week.
Thanks for looking into it, i will see what i have done wrong.
I have both the FORGE version and the DMsG version and DMsG version is indeed 1.58 and not able to use the new stuff.
No idea where its going wrong but I checked it twice.
November 16th, 2023, 10:06
Thanks for confirming this MrDDT. I went ahead and bought the Forge version because i could not download the new version from DM's Guild. I thought maybe it was just me and wasnt going to argue.
November 16th, 2023, 10:16
Thanks for confirming this MrDDT. I went ahead and bought the Forge version because i could not download the new version from DM's Guild. I thought maybe it was just me and wasnt going to argue.
There is no reason you should have had to do that. For the 3rd time I've redownloaded the same file (verified again it was correct one) and uploaded it to the DMsG after having removed the old one. I can only assume that DMsG is doing is renaming thing again where your extension directory has more than one .ext version put out there and its picking up the wrong one. Remove ALL versions of that .ext from your extensions directory and try again.
This is nothing I'm doing different but I know DMsG has done that sort of thing in past (randomly renamed it to something wierd and then people have both names still in their .ext and when they go to their campaign they have two versions and constantly leave the old version checked)>
November 16th, 2023, 16:41
There is no reason you should have had to do that. For the 3rd time I've redownloaded the same file (verified again it was correct one) and uploaded it to the DMsG after having removed the old one. I can only assume that DMsG is doing is renaming thing again where your extension directory has more than one .ext version put out there and its picking up the wrong one. Remove ALL versions of that .ext from your extensions directory and try again.
This is nothing I'm doing different but I know DMsG has done that sort of thing in past (randomly renamed it to something wierd and then people have both names still in their .ext and when they go to their campaign they have two versions and constantly leave the old version checked)>
This doesn't even have to do with FGU as I can check the file coding ext itself and it shows 1.58, it is also missing the updated coding. I just redownloaded again.
November 16th, 2023, 16:57
This doesn't even have to do with FGU as I can check the file coding ext itself and it shows 1.58, it is also missing the updated coding. I just redownloaded again.
As I told you in the thread - I can see the file I'm downloading - it is 100% the 1.59 extension.xml version - and I've deleted it now and downloaded it 3 times. As I told you in your GP thread you will have to delete all version off your machine and NOT use the DMsG update tab and go to the actual owned first tab and hit that download. As I don't know what else to do - I've replaced the file - the date/size and what I open in zip before I drop it out shows its 1.59.
November 16th, 2023, 17:18
I rebuilt it completely - github shows no diff to files except date - it is 1.59 - it is now removed and delivered again in DMsG. Providing you tried what I asked and removed it completely from your extension directory - then loaded it from owned tab and not updated tab already - this is the last thing I can try. If they are not uploading the file when they claim its uploaded there is nothing more I can do with it.
This 4th try was my last.
November 16th, 2023, 23:34
I'm not even mad that i gave you a few more dollars. Your extensions are invaluable to my games. I tried repeatedly to delete and redownload from DM's Guild to no avail. When i loaded up FGU it always showed 1.58 and did not have the new option. I liked the new option so much when i saw the video i decided to try getting it from the forge. That worked fine and i used the new option in 1.59 in my game this week. I thought i was crazy or overlooking something obvious. I was just glad to see Mr DDT had a similar experience.
Now for shits and giggles, i just downloaded the extension from DMs Guild again to check. From that brand new download, I opened the .ext file with winrar and in the extension.xml i can clearly see version 1.58 as the version. When i do the same thing with the .ext downloaded from forge it says 1.59. So i cant begin to tell you why its happening, but the DMs Guild version is different than the Forge version.
November 17th, 2023, 00:48
I'm not even mad that i gave you a few more dollars. Your extensions are invaluable to my games. I tried repeatedly to delete and redownload from DM's Guild to no avail. When i loaded up FGU it always showed 1.58 and did not have the new option. I liked the new option so much when i saw the video i decided to try getting it from the forge. That worked fine and i used the new option in 1.59 in my game this week. I thought i was crazy or overlooking something obvious. I was just glad to see Mr DDT had a similar experience.
Now for shits and giggles, i just downloaded the extension from DMs Guild again to check. From that brand new download, I opened the .ext file with winrar and in the extension.xml i can clearly see version 1.58 as the version. When i do the same thing with the .ext downloaded from forge it says 1.59. So i cant begin to tell you why its happening, but the DMs Guild version is different than the Forge version.
I mind - because it should work.
I can see its the right file - I can see I deleted it - and I did the same thing I always have done. Just now I tried one more thing to force the one file I have to be FORCED to save the changes (you can hit save changes button as many times as you like). It claims it has.
If I now have to do that in DMsG then thats a new thing as previously deleting the file and reloading it was all it took. Anyway, you can try the 6th try if you want. If that works you should be able to get a refund from Forge.
November 18th, 2023, 11:29
I had a chance to delete and re-download both from the DM's Guild and the Forge. I hate to tell you, but it seems as though DM's Guild is still 1.58 and forge is 1.59. I did notice a difference on the DM's guild from a few days ago. When looking at the library, i can see you updated the file at 2023-11-16 18:20:28. following that date is a small letter "i" in a circle. When you hover over the "i" there is a small pop up with some notes. Previously it was notes for 1.58, but now (even though the extension.xml shows its 1.58 when i download it) its shows multiple notes for 1.59. The first being on 11-6 and the second on 11-11. There are three more in regards to you re-uploading the file on 11-16.
To be clear i am downloading these from the DM's Guild into new locations outside of my extensions directory. When downloading a new copy I delete the first one entirely and do not save over the existing file. Each time when i open the file and look at the extension.xml, it shows 1.58. The version in my extensions directory is from the forge and opening it and looking at the extension.xml shows 1.59. I dont want to cause you stress, when this is obviously beyond your control; but i did want to try and see what happened this morn when i downloaded it again. from DM's guild. I only tried two browsers (firefox and edge) so maybe there is a bug in them. Ultimately I will just abandon DM's guild for your extensions and get them on the forge if this continues to be a problem. Thanks again silent ruin for all the hard work in making FGU a better place to play my games.
November 18th, 2023, 12:03
Yes I know the comments are out there. I tried one more thing - delivered no files - then edited extension.xml (removed some blanks) and built another zip yet again. Then uploaded that zip from a new directory. If they can't tell I uploaded it this time we will just have to assume DMsG is busted in this "non selling active" type of update which used to work but no longer seems to.
November 18th, 2023, 15:59
I had a chance to delete and re-download both from the DM's Guild and the Forge. I hate to tell you, but it seems as though DM's Guild is still 1.58 and forge is 1.59. I did notice a difference on the DM's guild from a few days ago. When looking at the library, i can see you updated the file at 2023-11-16 18:20:28. following that date is a small letter "i" in a circle. When you hover over the "i" there is a small pop up with some notes. Previously it was notes for 1.58, but now (even though the extension.xml shows its 1.58 when i download it) its shows multiple notes for 1.59. The first being on 11-6 and the second on 11-11. There are three more in regards to you re-uploading the file on 11-16.
To be clear i am downloading these from the DM's Guild into new locations outside of my extensions directory. When downloading a new copy I delete the first one entirely and do not save over the existing file. Each time when i open the file and look at the extension.xml, it shows 1.58. The version in my extensions directory is from the forge and opening it and looking at the extension.xml shows 1.59. I dont want to cause you stress, when this is obviously beyond your control; but i did want to try and see what happened this morn when i downloaded it again. from DM's guild. I only tried two browsers (firefox and edge) so maybe there is a bug in them. Ultimately I will just abandon DM's guild for your extensions and get them on the forge if this continues to be a problem. Thanks again silent ruin for all the hard work in making FGU a better place to play my games.
I haven't caught up on this whole thread so ignore me if you have tried it this way; but when you are downloading from DMsGuild are you clicking each file and doing download or clicking the box that downloads it all together as a zip file? I have hit the weird bug from them that when doing just the files it is the older version of an extension but when doing it as a zip file it get the correct updated ones.
December 2nd, 2023, 07:17
Do you have any plans to make this extension work for other rulesets? I know that there is a PF1e extension with similar functionality, but I would love to be able to buy this extension for PF2e...
December 2nd, 2023, 15:13
Do you have any plans to make this extension work for other rulesets? I know that there is a PF1e extension with similar functionality, but I would love to be able to buy this extension for PF2e...
I only play 5E and FGU is always shifting the ground under me to break things. Other rulesets tossed the CoreRPG common programming template out the window to do all their own things and I have no intention of trying to follow and track those changes when I don't use them.
Make no mistake, as documented at the bottom of all my extensions (EXTENSIONS = RISK parts), all my extensions were written for me. The rest of you are along for the ride if you so choose to take the risk.
Feel free to make an extension on this extension which overrides whatever code needed to make it run in another ruleset. But I won't be supporting it anymore than FGU supports changing underneath me.
January 2nd, 2024, 23:08
Am I correct in saying that there isn't currently a way to roll initiative for all NPCs (or all actors) currently visible in the CT without also rolling for all the hidden actors?
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