View Full Version : To migrate to FGU or not to migrate

November 30th, 2020, 01:46
As a long time FGC player and DM - would the transition be quick and painless for me and players alike? Including transferring a campaign.

Also, is there any reason why one would not upgrade, besides paying money? lol

Would I never need to port forward again?

Will I discover the meaning of life if I upgrade?

And yes, this is me pondering the Black Friday deal lol

November 30th, 2020, 01:53
As a long time FGC player and DM - would the transition be quick and painless for me and players alike? Including transferring a campaign.
It was for me. But if you have modules that were created outside FGC or lots of extensions, it might not be painless fo ryou. See; https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?55522-How-to-Migrate-a-FGC-Campaign-to-FGU

Also, is there any reason why one would not upgrade, besides paying money? lol
FGU does not run on Window 7. You should not be using it anyway, but if you are and refuse to upgrade their is that. FGU does have performance type problems with massive data sets that FGC does not. So if you play PF or similar games and have spell books with tens of thousands of spells, or feat lists with thousands of feats, then you might not enjoy the experience.

Would I never need to port forward again?
Not if you use cloud connection for your games.

Will I discover the meaning of life if I upgrade?
Yes, yes you will. I believe the answer is 42.

And yes, this is me pondering the Black Friday deal lol
Probably the best deal we will see for a long time.

December 1st, 2020, 20:39
Was thinking of migrating too. If I have the Classic License, do I still get a discount for the migration?

December 1st, 2020, 20:52
Was thinking of migrating too. If I have the Classic License, do I still get a discount for the migration?
Yes. You won't see it until you put the item in your cart though.

December 4th, 2020, 15:49
As a long time FGC player and DM - would the transition be quick and painless for me and players alike? Including transferring a campaign.

I migrated my 2 year campaign painlessly. I made a backup, moved it over, and then went in to check it out. I didn't move masking data on maps so I went into this week's map and masked it up. That's pretty much the extent of what I had to 'fix'.

December 7th, 2020, 03:55
Yes, one thing is that your maps will loose all masking. Possibly a big deal if you've been running the campaign for a long time as I have (5+ years).

December 7th, 2020, 04:16
Yes, one thing is that your maps will loose all masking. Possibly a big deal if you've been running the campaign for a long time as I have (5+ years).

But you only need the mask on the maps your players are on actually at the moment, isn't it? All the old maps probably do not need a mask anymore because players may not need the map anymore, because it is a finished section of the campaign etc.. And if, then one can still redo the FoW for that particular map :)

Most of the time one just needs one map with FoW (the actual battle map for example); so, in the most cases, importing a campaign means that you need to redo the mask for at most one map :)

December 7th, 2020, 04:20
In my campaign there are maps all over the place that the group goes back to again and again... it can be a problem.

December 7th, 2020, 04:33
In my campaign there are maps all over the place that the group goes back to again and again... it can be a problem.

Oki, for such situations certainly then :)

December 10th, 2020, 15:12
I had to split off and export all of my content into, player made modules. This was done from several very big hodge-podge modules. I am glad that I started that project about a year ago. Recently my place got flooded and I had to move out to a hotel for a month or so. Lucky for me everything I needed was already available for a seamless switch to FGU. I am still working on the last module.

I would say moving to FGU is good, but I still design in FGC for now.

I am sure after they I will find some new project.