View Full Version : LOS for Dungeon Painter Studio?

November 26th, 2020, 05:23
Is there any way for DPS to incorporate LOS for FGU? I know you guys didn't make that program, but it would be super amazing if the line of sight exported from walls into FGU.

November 26th, 2020, 06:00
It will be up to DPS to support export of a FGU compatible xml file for the occluders. I thought DPS already did this, but perhaps its one of the other mapping programs that does this.

November 26th, 2020, 07:00
Rumour has it that DPS v2 (which is supposed to be out soon-ish) will have LoS for FG. I've got a python script that generates the LoS data for reasonably simple maps from DPS.

November 26th, 2020, 16:20
I posted this same question on the DPS forum and they said LOS for FGU is going to be released on their December update.

This is great because you can import a DonJon map to DPS and Easily change the wall and tile patterns, with them adding line of sight to it you could have a good looking dungeon or cave map in less then five minutes.

November 26th, 2020, 16:23
Rumour has it that DPS v2 (which is supposed to be out soon-ish) will have LoS for FG. I've got a python script that generates the LoS data for reasonably simple maps from DPS.

DPS v2 and the first one is still in early access? Interesting

November 26th, 2020, 16:45
It seems that they're doing some significant behind-the-scenes adjustments to things since apparently the current map files will not be openable (or even importable) into the new version. I like that DPS is pretty easy to use (easier than, say, Campaign Cartographer), but the impending save file changes have put a pause on any more work (for me) until the new version is out.

April 12th, 2021, 22:52
Now that DPS v2 has been released -- does anyone know if the LOS functionality for FG has been implemented? I see another app - Dungeon Draft - which has LOS and a third party converter to convert LOS data into FG's format.....so I was curious if DPS v2 did finally get this incorporated....

April 12th, 2021, 22:58
Apparently it does, but they rather significantly changed how the program works (as in how one interacts with the program), and made it much harder to use, in my opinion. I’m disappointed and moved on to Dungeondraft.