View Full Version : FGU - Is there a way to assign an NPC to a PC's control without them seeing the Notes

November 23rd, 2020, 16:27

I'm keen to often put NPC companions in control of the PCs by dragging their sheet over to the PC portrait, however I was not aware this allows them to see the Notes section of that character sheet - which is where I type out all of that NPC's juicy secrets.

Is there a way to only share an NPCs attack and skills with a PC? Much like how the attack options show up on the Combat Tracker in shortened form for the DM?

November 23rd, 2020, 17:05
Not directly. When you share a record you share all of the record. But, if this is important, then make a copy of the NPC, delete the notes, and then share the modified NPC.

November 23rd, 2020, 17:06
Though doesn't solve the NPC issue, the Player Agency Extension does allow partial records to be shared. See; https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?54284-Player-Agency-Extension

November 23rd, 2020, 17:48
Thanks, will take a look.

I guess I could quick-copy out a new NPC, if needed, that's not too bad.

November 24th, 2020, 08:59
Put the notes in a story entry. Link the story entry in the NPC. It is the same as when an npc has a portrait linked.

November 24th, 2020, 13:23
Would the PC be able to open that Story entry? I'm guessing not, unless I've made it public. That could work too. Thanks

November 24th, 2020, 17:53
Not unless you share the story seperately.