View Full Version : STARFINDER - Players looking for GM

November 20th, 2020, 19:49
We are 4-5 players looking for a GM to host a Starfinder adventure. We are working out characters right now.
Please no paid sessions.

FG License: FGU Ultimate
Time zone: varies
Availability: Wednesday evenings seem to be the best
Term: Would like to start on a new adventure or campaign.
Voice: yes - English
Game System: Starfinder
Characters: So far and Operative, Soldier, Mechanic
Game Experience Level: we are all new-ish to Starfinder
Fantasy Grounds Level: Moderate

Contact @jasonmountain on FG's discord.

November 23rd, 2020, 15:30
If you do find a GM, I am eager to play as well. Still learning fantasy grounds but I have run starfinder before.

November 23rd, 2020, 16:04
We have plenty of players. Just need a GM at this time. Thanks.

December 2nd, 2020, 18:18
Bump, bump bump. Still looking for a GM.