View Full Version : Switching from Classic to Unity

November 12th, 2020, 21:43
Hi there!

Apologizes if this is the wrong section of the forum, but I wasn't sure. I am currently running a campaign in classic, but was considering a switch to unity. How difficult would it be to transfer my campaign data/modules/files over to unity? And would my players have to download Unity as well in order to access it? In case it's relevant I am running on a Mac. Would it be a good idea/worth it?

Thank you!

November 12th, 2020, 21:49
Considering FGU runs natively on Mac I would say yes, definitely worth it. Not to mention that FGU also is a superior program due to new features and whatnot. It's not difficult at all, you just copy/paste the campaign folder over and your modules will redownload when you update. Yes your players would have to download unity as well (and have the associated license or connect to your ultimate license).

Only downside could be that FGU is a significantly more resource intensive program. Make sure you and your players can run a game that requires moderate GPU power, otherwise it can run poorly. See the system specs if that's something that's concerning to you.

November 12th, 2020, 21:53
lavoiejh is correct.

Here is a handy guide:

Migrating FGC Campaign to Unity (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?55522-How-to-Migrate-a-FGC-Campaign-to-FGU).

November 12th, 2020, 23:09
Also make a backup of your campaign regularly. If you put the original campaign in the Unity directory and open it in Unity you will not be able to copy it back to classic and open it there.

Also if you are using extensions check to see if any of them have Unity versions.

If you have a Ultimate license then your players will not need anything other than downloading the demo Unity client.