View Full Version : New Horror Theme (for Josh W)

November 12th, 2020, 17:44
Hello and well met, is there anyway to get a hold of Josh W about the new horror theme?

I have a couple things.

One, the dice tower, gargoyle looks great!
However, it is too tall vertically, it could really be resized to half or 3/4 of its' size now.
And, upon selection, when you select it or drag some dice to it, rather than whiting our fading out, just make the eyes glow bright red.
Also, the three default faction button face graphics. Can you please design three strange mood masks , one with a smile, one looking mad, and maybe one normal half smile or crying?


November 12th, 2020, 17:55
Good day, Laerun,
I will take a look at it and see what can be done, and I can certainly update the faction icons.