View Full Version : Help Buying FGU

Wise Orc Tavern
November 11th, 2020, 11:19
Hi, I need help to buy FGU on Steam.

I am an owner of FGC-Ultimate Edition and I understand I would have a discount to upgrade to Unity-Ultimate Edition, but somehow Steam don't recognize my Classic Ultimate edition, only the basic FGC. Yes I linked the accounts, so I am not sure what is wrong.

Can someone please assist me?

Thanks in advance.

November 11th, 2020, 11:53
I think you need to copy your ultimate license key and activate it in Steam, but that's just something I remembering seeing mentioned on the forums here.

November 11th, 2020, 13:15
I will look and see if I can find the thread but I think that Steam does not support discounts on FG as an upgrade. I could be wrong and I will look to see if I can find the thread.

If you login to the FG store and add Unity to your cart you should be able to buy it with the discount. If you then wait a few weeks (total guess on how long) you would be able to put the key into Steam for Unity and it will unlock.

November 11th, 2020, 13:18
Here is a thread from Moonwizard. Still digging.


November 11th, 2020, 13:20
Activate your classic license on Steam first. Details on how to activate your license here: https://steamcommunity.com/app/252690/discussions/2/558755530621472814/

November 11th, 2020, 13:29

OK to summarize the thread. You might want to read through it incase I am incorrect. I think if you add the FGC FGU bundle it will discount the FGC from it if you already own it on Steam. If this does not work it seem you can then reach out to [email protected] and they should be able to give you a partial refund.

As Trenloe points out yes you would need to activate your FGC Ultimate license first in steam.

Wise Orc Tavern
November 11th, 2020, 14:16
Ok, I still don't understand.

My Classic license was already activated on Steam as far as I am aware. It only recognize my FGC and not my FGC-Ultimate.

When I open the bundle info on "UPGRADE FROM FG CLASSIC TO FG UNITY (ULTIMATE LICENSE)" I can see I have a -40% discount, but the only product that shows in my library is Fantasy Grounds, and it won't recognize that I have Fantasy Grounds - Ultimate Upgrade.
Is that correct?

Here is a picture of it:

Shouldn't I have Steam to see that I already own The Ultimate Upgrade for FG Classic, the second product in the list?

Edit: When I put my Ultimate License on Steam>add a game>activate a product on steam - I get a message saying: "Product Already Owned. This Steam account already owns the product(s) associated with activation code. Click next to proceed to installation."

November 11th, 2020, 14:32
Email [email protected] and explain the situation.

November 11th, 2020, 15:03
MytosBR I am going to assume you have had you FGC Ultimate license for awhile. (AKA long enough for it to have synced with steam.) Also I am going to assume you are not paying month to month for Ultimate.

You need to take your Ultimate license and go to Games > Activate a Product on Steam. Put the code in there when it ask and it should unlock the FGC Ultimate for you.

November 11th, 2020, 15:07
You need to take your Ultimate license and go to Games > Activate a Product on Steam. Put the code in there when it ask and it should unlock the FGC Ultimate for you.
MytosBR says they've tried that.

I see the same issue that @MytosBR is seeing. This needs to be sorted out by SmiteWorks direct.

Wise Orc Tavern
November 11th, 2020, 15:07
I have my license since 2012, and I activated it on Steam more than a year and a half ago at least. I don't pay by month, I bought the license, and as I stated in my last post I already tried to activate it on Steam. It says I already own that product.
I already contacted support as Trenloe suggested .

I've been using the Ultimate License every Sunday though without a problem.

What I am not sure is if I will get a reduced price or not, once this is sorted out. I suppose I will, since steam is asking me to pay for Ultimate again, but since this Unity upgrade is not clear to me and I don't know exactly what I need to pay for, I am not sure.

Support received my ticket and already answered they are on it. I will wait and see.

Thanks anyway.

Wise Orc Tavern
November 12th, 2020, 20:03
Ok, it seems I am out of luck. As I am no native English speaker, although I comprehend it very well, sometimes I have doubts understanding something. I will reproduce here the answer I got from smiteworks support in the hopes to clarify things. I have doubts if the person that addressed me correctly understood my problem. I will also reproduce my reply to his answer so anyone here can understand what I am facing, and so give me a better recommendation.

"Seeing you already have the Standard version activated on Steam there will not be a way to upgrade that to ultimate. To get the discount you will need to purchase the Unity upgrade from the website seeing you own Classic Unity from the site. This will give you the discount and then you will be able to activate Unity on Steam. Seeing you would have a new unity license you will need to wait until the next batch of unity licenses are sent over to Steam. Once that is done then you would be able to use the activate a product to Steam using your new license from the website.

Have a good week.

SmiteWorks USA, LLC"

My reply:
"I am a bit sad with your answer. To not buy on Steam means to give up on regional pricing, which considering how Brazilian money devalued during the Pandemic where the economy went down is a huge difference. Not only that, what makes it worse is that the only reason I didn't bought during the -10% pre-launch discount was because I was waiting for it to come out on Steam where I could take advantage of both regional pricing, but most important multiple installments, which if I am not wrong I can't get on the site. Using steam I can pay for it in 3x payments, which is kind the only way I will ever be able to buy it considering how the change skyrocketed in the last months.

Is there any way I can pay in the site with the same kind of benefits?
Also, what exactly do I need to buy to get my ultimate license upgraded to unity? This is really not clear enough to me.

Thank you."

I am yet to get a reply on that, but I don't quite understand what he means by "since you already own Classic Unity from the site."
I am 100% positive I own FGC-Ultimate Edition, bought on the site, and that is the key I used to activate it on Steam, but apparently it didn't work and only activated the Standard Edition, I don't know why.

I will be very disappointed if I lost the -10% Pre-launch bonus to be able to buy it on Steam and now I won't be able to do it anyway.
For sure, someone somewhere should be able to fix this, right?

I would appreciate any help.

November 12th, 2020, 20:18
What support are saying is that since you purchased your license (of whatever type) from the store you can only upgrade that license to Unity via the store and get the discount. Steam won't give you a discount because you didn't buy the original product from Steam. Registering the license on Steam unfortunately doesn't mean that you'll get any kind of discount since as far as Steam is concerned you didn't buy it from there and so you are effectively making a new purchase.

You can tell what license type you bought by looking at your order history in the store dropdown or looking at the top right hand side of the Classic start screen; if you bought an ultimate license it will say ULTIMATE after the version number. Otherwise you have a standard license.

November 12th, 2020, 20:27
Okay, we need to get one of the portugese speaking brazilians in here to help?

Wise Orc Tavern
November 12th, 2020, 20:33
No we don't.
I understand English well enough. It's just that sometimes, people use words that makes no sense in that sentence outside their language. Sometimes people make mistakes or even make a not so good choice of words, and in that comprehension for non native speaker are not 100%. I understood what was said, but I was left with some doubts. Since Classic and Unity are two different products, I was left with the impression that the person who answered me either didn't understand me, or misscomunicate (since they said I own Classic Unity), which leaves a gap for me.

Zacchaeus was direct and ruled out any doubts I could have.

Although I don't think that is fair. I am loosing -10% discount for something I could not have known. I also will never understand why companies don't give customers the option to pay in multiple installments, when Paypal gives that option. The only thing needed is for the company to tell paypal it is an option.
How can a company be ok that I can buy their product from Steam, but can't buy it directly from them is a little bit uptight, don't you think?

Edit: I confirmed that as expected I own an Ultimate license for FGC.

November 12th, 2020, 22:43
I suggest that whoever was assisting you on Support just misstyped.

Products bought on Steam probably generate 30% less revenue for FG than those bought on their own store.
Plus products that have regional pricing may generate significantly less (up to 75%) revenue again.
There are also Im sure limitations in the integration between the two stores.
If something cannot be automated then there is going to be no way for them to do this.
If they do it manually it then costs both FG and Steam even more money.

I see your frustration but it sounds like there is probably not going to be a solution that makes you 100% happy.

Wise Orc Tavern
November 12th, 2020, 23:11
Oh I would be glad with any solution that makes me 10% happy.
I can understand all that. I can't understand that they can't do nothing.
As it is right now I have the worst combination. Lost the 10% discount. Cant pay regional price. Can't have installments. Can't buy it on steam, and as far as I am aware, there is no explanation why my Ultimate license activated a Standard FG key on steam instead of an Ultimate one, since I never bought a Standard key. The only Key I bough was a Ultimate one on the site, not that this matters that much, but sure is not convenient. In fact I repeat that when I try to activate the key on steam it says I already did, and I am talking about a an Ultimate key, not a standard one.

Thanks anyway.

November 12th, 2020, 23:22
I have no idea how this translates world wide but I bet they run a sale around the end of this month for Black Friday if not then I bet they have a Xmas sale. Maybe you could get a deal then in your region?

My wife is not a native English speaker also. When people speak in idioms she has a hard time following some of them. It has been fun trying to explain them to her as they come up. Things like as the crow fly or it raining cats and dogs are fun to try and explain.

November 12th, 2020, 23:23
This is my understanding of the situation and may not be fully (or even close to) correct.

The Ultimate License on steam is not recognised as a License - its recognised as DLC for the Standard License.
Steam doesnt understand the FG model.
In Steams mind you have the game or you dont have the game, there are not different levels of the same game.

Im not 100% following you.
Did you buy your Ultimate license on Steam originally?
You say "I never bought a Standard key."
If you bought on Steam you could only buy a Standard License and then buy an Upgrade (which Steam sees as DLC not as the game itself)

Please keep hashing this out so that we have a clear understanding of the situation and then when its crystal clear - a solution may appear.

Moon Wizard
November 12th, 2020, 23:24
What's the ticket number for your support ticket?


Wise Orc Tavern
November 13th, 2020, 00:23
No, I bought my license in 2012 on the Store. I never bough anything but some dlcs on Steam, but somehow according to the picture I posted in the first page, and according to the person from support (the transcript I copied above) I own a Steam Standard License, meaning that my ultimate license is not recognized by steam. Again, the very strange part of it is that when I copy my Ultimate License key from my FG Store order history to activate it on Steam, it says I already own that product, but the picture I posted shows that Steam don't recognize me as owner of a Ultimate license (since I bought on the store and not on steam), and so is charging me again for it.

My Ticket number is - SUPPORT-6751 - but I was kind of lazy and only briefly explained the situation, asking them to come read my OP in this thread, sorry for that. I thought I was able to explain it better here. Apparently not!

November 13th, 2020, 00:31
Did you read what I posted.

On Steam there is no Ultimate License as a product. It is DLC.
DLC does not sync between the stores only the base License can.
Thats just how Steam works.
They have 30,000 game titles and they expect Game Publishers to fit in with their model rather than them trying to accommodate everyone elses model.

Wise Orc Tavern
November 13th, 2020, 00:44
I did read what you posted, and I think what you said makes perfect sense. Still, the store page and the picture I posted shows a dlc called Fantasy Grounds - Ultimate Upgrade. Don't you think that as a owner of an Ultimate License, my key should also unlock that instead of a Standard version? Wouldn't be best if when I did activate it the first time Smiteworks would give me one key for the Standard version and another for the Ultimate upgrade DLC? Because until now, and that is why I lost the pre-launch discount, I was not aware my key wouldn't be good for both.

Also I just did the math. If I upgrade my Classic to Unity (with the discount) on FG Store I will pay more than if I buy three products on Steam. That's right, the single upgrade from Classic to Unity costs more than a Ultimate Upgrade + FG Unity + FG Unity Ultimate Upgrade. That is why I am saying something is very wrong.

November 13th, 2020, 01:02
Please dont take anything Im writing as antagonistic. Its not intended that way.

I couldnt find a screenshot you posted that shows Ultimate DLC (Steam) as being owned?
AFAIK no DLC ownership records are transferred between the stores and the Ultimate License is DLC on Steam so it doesnt transfer.

It has always been recommended that you buy all your content from one store or the other and not mix and match.
You can only get the regional Pricing from Steam and the Regional Pricing discount for you is substantial.

You state "Also I just did the math. If I upgrade my Classic to Unity (with the discount) on FG Store I will pay more than if I buy three products on Steam. That's right, the single upgrade from Classic to Unity costs more than a Ultimate Upgrade + FG Unity + FG Unity Ultimate Upgrade. That is why I am saying something is very wrong." and its kind of true but not really.

Buying it on the FG Store is the correct price. Buying it on Steam gives you - due to regional pricing - a discount.

I dont know if FG will be able to resolve this. For the most part they cant make Steam do things - its not in Steams interests to start making new models to accommodate different licensing modes. FG cant give you the difference - due to Steams cut and Regional Pricing they would probably not just make no money, but make negative money.

November 13th, 2020, 01:06
Wait and see if Moon Wizard has any other suggestions but you might find that buying it completely again on Steam is the best way - dont buy the Classic Ultimate Upgrade - just Unity and Unity Ultimate Upgrade. You might consider waiting till it goes on Sale - no idea if it will go on sale any time soon being a new product. Classic is still working for you - you dont have to stop gaming while you wait.

November 13th, 2020, 01:06

Upgrading on our website for an Ultimate license you purchased on our website will grant you a 40% discount off the price. It will be charged in USD and do a direct currency conversion.

When you bought your license on our site in 2012, we set that key up to grant you the Standard license of FGC on Steam. It doesn't recognize that you have the Ultimate license since that is DLC on Steam -- as Damned mentioned. You can upgrade to FGU on Steam and it will grant you a discount and use regional pricing; however, it will only grant you an Standard license. You can then upgrade that license to an Ultimate license by getting the Ultimate Upgrade. This will also use regional pricing. It's possible that is cheaper for you in the long run.

Aside from this, we usually participate in Black Friday sales and Winter holiday sales. If you aren't in a rush, you might find them discounted slightly during the holidays as well.

November 13th, 2020, 09:52
Hello. I have some questions too:

I am from Italy and I have the FGC classic ultimate on Steam.

I will upgrade soon, maybe in the next 6 months to FGU.

Should I do it on steam too?

IS there an advantage, aside from price, to buy directly on fantasy grounds? and not through steam?
I think that as I have FGC on steam I should take UNITY too on steam.

Which is the advantage of not using STEAM? Is this possible anyway?

I played for years through steam never had an issue, so I don't want to have any issue also with FGU.

November 13th, 2020, 10:14
If you want to take advantage of the discount for upgrading to Unity then you'll need to do that in Steam since that is where you purchased your Classic license. If you purchase Unity from the store then you won't get any discount for owning a license since you didn't buy that from the store.

The only advantage in buying from Steam (either licenses or DLC) is that you can take advantage of Steam's regional pricing which could reduce the cost to you over buying from the website in US dollars.

Wise Orc Tavern
November 13th, 2020, 11:21
Please dont take anything Im writing as antagonistic. Its not intended that way. I appreciate that. Be sure I am not taking this as personal in any way. Just be so kind to take my words in the same way.

I couldnt find a screenshot you posted that shows Ultimate DLC (Steam) as being owned? Because I don't own it on Steam, I bought FG only once, on the Store in 2012, and only activate it on Steam later on.
AFAIK no DLC ownership records are transferred between the stores and the Ultimate License is DLC on Steam so it doesnt transfer. Ok, I understand. Case closed. I do disagree though. Every business has that line where both sides are right, or both sides are wrong, or no one is either right or wrong, but at the end of the day someone will have to pay the bill. I have some forum threads created many months ago, when Unity first came out, where I came to this forums to understand if I should try to buy it back than or wait for a Steam release. Apparently, I choose poorly and lost 10% discount. I did it because I had no clue that all this would happen.

It has always been recommended that you buy all your content from one store or the other and not mix and match. Except from some more recent maps I always did that. That is a no brain, and I totally agree. It doesn't really matter, but I am not even sure it was available on Steam when I bough - I am sure I was not aware of it, and to be honest the change was fine in that old days, so it wouldn't make a difference for me. I just thought that like many games and softwares I bough over the years direct with the company webpage store (like Campfire), the key that I would get to activate the product on Steam would properly translate my product. I am fine with your explanation, I do understand this is not something SmiteWorks can work out, but in the same way this is for sure not my fault. Ok, probably steam's fault, but Smiteworks is letting me the customer pay the price.
You can only get the regional Pricing from Steam and the Regional Pricing discount for you is substantial. Very Substantial. Could Smiteworks enable multiple payments within paypal? What else can be done? Anybody cares? Look, I have a degree in marketing, I am perfect aware that to run a company is not just want to do stuff and they magically happen. I know everything must be carefully weighted, studied, and considered. Everything has an impact. I just see this part as lack of interest, because for the bulky of your customers it wont make a difference.

You state "Also I just did the math. If I upgrade my Classic to Unity (with the discount) on FG Store I will pay more than if I buy three products on Steam. That's right, the single upgrade from Classic to Unity costs more than a Ultimate Upgrade + FG Unity + FG Unity Ultimate Upgrade. That is why I am saying something is very wrong." and its kind of true but not really. Actually never trust me with math. Although it is still cheaper for me to buy everything again from steam, I didn't consider the -40% on steam, I compared a discounted price on FG Store with a full price on Steam. I made a mistake there.

Buying it on the FG Store is the correct price. Buying it on Steam gives you - due to regional pricing - a discount.

I dont know if FG will be able to resolve this. For the most part they cant make Steam do things - its not in Steams interests to start making new models to accommodate different licensing modes. FG cant give you the difference - due to Steams cut and Regional Pricing they would probably not just make no money, but make negative money. And that's fine - the question I have as a customer is: will they even try to meet me in the middle? maybe meet me just before the finish line? Or will they just think it's all on me. I always though that more important than fully fix any issue what make customer happy with companies, what makes them really bond is consideration, is to care. This forum is a really great tool in that. People here are amazing, polite and helpful. By far the best forum I ever used. I just think that for this particular situation the final outcome until now, don't show that.

Yes, I can wait for sales, and I am able to use FGC fine, which to be honest I am not even sure if I want to stop using it yet. But I am really, really afraid that my money will devalue even more, and I will be really, really in disadvantage. I even stated this same concern on another thread here many months ago, and guess what, it happened, it devalued more.

Let me finish saying that at least the situation is pretty clear now.
Thank you for all your help in this.