View Full Version : Map Reveal Setting?

November 10th, 2020, 21:50
I've read through the Wiki but can't find what appears to be a simple setting: How do I get token movement to reveal a map?

I'm playing a test only connected as DM (so it would also be handy to know how/if you can click a button to see what the Players see) and when I move I can see a line of sight being shown but the mask is not getting unmasked, as it were.

What am I doing wrong?


November 10th, 2020, 22:04
Make sure that the token has been placed on the map by dragging it from the Combat Tracker and that the token is selected once on the map.

November 10th, 2020, 22:07
Yup, I have done that. I've started a second instance of FGU and connected to the server so I have a players view - but it just shows a totally black map. I can move the token and I see the request on the DM screen and can approve it. the token moves but no map is revealed it all just stays black.

I have Mask on full on the DM screen if that matters? I assumed it would start fully dark and then reveal as you move the PC?

November 10th, 2020, 22:15
LOS and Masking are two separate features. Masks are manually edited by the GM, while LOS is dynamically revealed by the tokens.


November 10th, 2020, 22:16
Turn off the mask, or reveal parts of the mask you want the players to see. LOS and Mask are separate features to enable fog of war. You can use both together, but learn each one by itself before using them together.

Screen shots will help us see what's going on and help you more easily and faster.

November 10th, 2020, 22:28
Okay, I sussed it. I've just moved from Classic where I'd use Mask and then manually unveil it as tokens moved. I assumed I had to start with a mask fully on, but it seems the tokens default to being able to only see up to walls (as expected).

Combination of playing this as DM screen and adding a Mask superfluously.

Thanks all! Sorry for the newb questions.