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View Full Version : LFP - Agents of Edgewatch

November 9th, 2020, 21:54
As a player in this campaign, you値l get to take on the exciting role of a city guard in Absalom, the City at the Center of the World. You値l be responsible for mediating interpersonal disputes before they become violent, protecting the people of your city from nefarious crooks and rampaging monsters, and arresting criminals who flout Absalom痴 laws. With the safety of the city in your hands, you値l need to muster bravery, wit, and heart in order to see that justice is fairly dealt.

Campaign Type: Adventure Path
Game Frequency: Weekly, usually. Sundays 6pm CST (4-6 hours)
Primary Language: English
Audio: Yes, using Discord

Player Experience Level: Beginner or Experienced
GM Experience Level: High
GM Fantasy Grounds Knowledge: High
Roleplaying Level: As much or as little as players prefer
Combat Level: As much or as little as players prefer

Starting Level: 1
Ending Level: 20
Character Restrictions: Lawful Good, Neutral Good, Lawful Neutral, are recommended. Other alignments will either see their alignment shift to one of these or eventually be drummed out of Edgewatch and/or imprisoned.

I did manage to fix my settings so I should now get messages when PMs are sent to me. The core rulebook is in use for this game, so only choices allowed from there can be used.

November 9th, 2020, 22:07
I sent you a PM

November 10th, 2020, 02:58
I am interested.

November 12th, 2020, 01:12

If you are still interested here's the link to my calendar for the game. Still accepting players, planning to start character creation this Sunday. Possibly starting the adventure if there's time enough left.


November 12th, 2020, 04:30
I sent you a PM in response to the other thread. Thanks for your consideration: looking forward to the opportunity to play P2!

November 15th, 2020, 00:11
I am interested

November 15th, 2020, 04:03
I am interested as well to join you!

November 15th, 2020, 04:41
I have a full table at the moment, but I may consider two separate groups. Let me look at my schedule and see what I can work out.

December 22nd, 2020, 15:25
I think our party could use 1 more player as we had one who dropped out. Our next scheduled session is January 3rd. If interested please PM me and we can talk specifics.

December 22nd, 2020, 17:55

I will decline as I am in a 5e new group and my reg PF2 group weekly. So that’s enough for now.

Thank you for the invite however.