View Full Version : [Unity] Issues with GM's user experience during Image preparation

November 8th, 2020, 09:44
Now with Unity being GA I moved all my campaigns to it, and while the client is heavier in all aspects (especially loading times, big step back :( ) I am very happy with the results. Unfortunately in the past weeks I start to build frustration with something that brings back all Roll20 horrible vibes for which I ditched the platform and also postponed the move to Foundry for some better supported games - IMAGE MANAGEMENT.

I use images heavily during preparation and sessions. In FG Classic simply adding the files in the images folder of the campaign makes it appear automatically in the Images library - file name equal image name and also the window frame when opened is resized according to the image's dimensions. No need to spend any time to import image, put name and etc. like the **** Roll20/Foundry require. This was heaven for me as I can copy-paste from my archive and have all nice stuffs available immediately. Not only that, but if I have Images library opened and group defined, the new images automatically in that group. 2x Heavens.

Now, in Unity, this is no longer the case. Nothing appears automatically as before - it goes to Assets library. This adds one more step for GM, which is fine if I had the proper tools to simulate the FGC experience.

So the problems with the various tools provided in Unity:

Import Image button in Image library- allows import of single image... Come on... :( I like the fact that it copies the file to the campaign's folder, but no multi-select? If you add this feature every other problem is resolved.
Import Assets in Image library - this is perfect for initial bulk import for new campaign, but on existing ones creates duplicates. It is all or nothing every time.
Assets Library Import function - There is no way to select multiple images while browsing the library and import in bulk. It is one by one...
All newly imported images appear in fixed-window size without consideration of the dimensions and zoom levels. I have to use zoom to fit to make it look proper for myself. Just several more clicks per image...

Is there way to achieve the Classic experience somehow?

Moon Wizard
November 8th, 2020, 18:24
No, there is no way to achieve the Classic experience; because the relationship was 1-to-1 in Classic. (i.e. if you add/delete a file, then you add/delete a record.) It was based on this requirement that Classic can do that.
With FGU, the asset file to image record relationship is N-to-N. (i.e. there can be any number of records pointing to any number of files.)

I'll look into how we can enhance the other options. We originally didn't have multi-select file dialogs in FGU until a couple weeks ago; so that may be an approach I can work with.


November 8th, 2020, 18:40
I understand your issue, though the new way comes with a lot of advantages, too :) The images&maps from FGC are now the assets basically/roughly (in sense of 1:1 correspondence as Moon Wizard wrote), while the images&maps of FGU are now blueprints of the assets, and not the assets themselves. So, you can make copies of and share maps now :) (assuming the other person has the same assets)

But other mass import options would be indeed nice :)

Some other idea might be some option to share the asset preview (like sharing a page of a reference module), then one can show some quick handouts to players which are not needed later on anymore. (So, I mean not sharing the asset, just once the preview, to show some nice image) That would come closest to part of what you expect/want, I think :) But I am not sure whether this is possible in the code

November 9th, 2020, 08:16
I'll look into how we can enhance the other options. We originally didn't have multi-select file dialogs in FGU until a couple weeks ago; so that may be an approach I can work with.

I am looking forward to this vital enhancement and test it ahead of time. The classic experience can be simulated in Unity for sure with the addition of multple-select to the above-mentioned tools.

November 10th, 2020, 23:32
Seems that the multiple file import is now supported etc :) https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?63526-FG-Unity-Release-v4-0-1&p=555392#post555392

November 11th, 2020, 04:54
This is very exciting! I didn't expect this to be introduced that fast, thanks Moon Wizard :)

For some reason this is not working on my end after the update. I will report to the Healing forums accordingly. :)