View Full Version : How to play

November 7th, 2020, 18:25
I love this little Campaign:

D&D Classics: FRQ1 Haunted Halls of Eveningstar

And I'd love to buy and run it on Fantasy Grounds Unity for our current group. HOWEVER, we're playing 5e and not interested in rolling new 2E pc's just for one short campaign.
Now, a few years back when 5e was brand new I actually did this exact thing with a table top group, not hard, not a big deal.
So My question:
Is there a way to convert / move / etc the material from one system (2e) to another (5e) within Fantasy Grounds? Has anyone done this without recreating the entire campaign from scratch? (using what can be purchased)
Happy to spend the $9.99 if there is. :)

November 7th, 2020, 19:01
Yes, and the extension to do so is free; https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?41034-Universal-Module-Extension

Generally only stories and images will be useable, but read the first post for details.

November 7th, 2020, 19:02
See post #2 here: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?41088-5E-Ruleset-with-non-5E-purchased-campaign

November 8th, 2020, 00:45
Excellent cool cool thank You both very much!

November 8th, 2020, 14:15
Do realize that while the extension will allow you to open the module you will still need to balance it to 5e. I have brought several 1e and 2e to 5e but if you do not tweak the fights it can be very easy to kill off the entire party. I have not ran FRQ1 Haunted Halls of Eveningstar but realize all of the NPC's in it will be 2e versions and you will need to open each of the encounters and switch them out for 5e versions. If they have new NPC's in the adventure then you will need to make them from scratch. Nice part is the FG makes this very easy to do.

November 9th, 2020, 00:40
Do realize that while the extension will allow you to open the module you will still need to balance it to 5e.. Yes, just like playing it table top, I was just hoping for that so I didn't have to build it all from scratch. Thank You for the head's up affirmation. :)