View Full Version : Custom die return text?

May 14th, 2007, 14:34
I'm sure it isn't possible, but can a custom dice return text?

I created a "Take 10" and "Take 20" but of course I cannot tell if an unscrupulous player is using them to roll attack rolls!

For now I am going to take it on trust (I mean if people want to cheat they will).

May 15th, 2007, 08:48
This was on the drawing board at some stage, but was scrapped in that form because first, it would be a bit confusing to use, and second, only 1 or 2 letters fit nicely into the space of the result number.

You could use a custom icon (like the turn flag) for these messages and just add 10 or 20 to the modifier. Alternatively, you could add a bit of text to the description. Both would need the modification done in onDiceLanded on the chat window.

May 15th, 2007, 09:37
So do we get any kind of random table-generation? :)

This is one of the things I'd REALLY love to see as a GM. Quick-generation of equipment and looks and/or other table-lookups.

May 15th, 2007, 16:12
You could use a custom icon (like the turn flag) for these messages and just add 10 or 20 to the modifier. Alternatively, you could add a bit of text to the description. Both would need the modification done in onDiceLanded on the chat window.

One question how would I do that?

I imagine I need to add to this area?

elseif draginfo.isType("dice") then

May 15th, 2007, 20:17
It seems like changing the icon that is displayed would be a pain.

However, you could change the description text. You would need to sift through the table that draginfo.getDieList() returns to see if your custom die type was included anywhere. If it is, you would then include some bit of text like "Take 10" in the description using draginfo.getDescription() and draginfo.setDescription(). Keep in mind that the die list is actually a table of tables, and each entry in the subtable has a string indicating which die was rolled.

Inside that if statement you found would be a good place for it.

May 16th, 2007, 10:15
Or - You could just create a quick-slot for it.

This is how I did it:
1. Edit Modifier - set the value to 10.
2. Drag the Modifier to a quickslot.
3. Rename the quickslot with text "Take 10"

Then it displays "Take 10 (10)" in the chat window. If you drag a skill to the modifier list, then use the 'Take 10' quickslot, it will give you a total.

Although this doesnt help with the current action - like attack/skill, you should still be able to figure out what exactly the take 10/20 is for.

May 16th, 2007, 17:52
Using DrDeth's method you do have to drag the mod box up to the chat window but it does work. Are you using an old FG2 version DrDeth? You can also create the Take 10 and put a 10 mod on it in the ablilites list. Same with the Take 20.

May 21st, 2007, 09:15
No, my version is up to date - I'm just not a very adept user just yet. That was just one way that I thought of to do Take 10's.

I just thought I'd make the suggestion, as its easier that editing the rulesets. ;)