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View Full Version : Rime of the Frostmaiden Campaign

November 2nd, 2020, 15:54
***Disclaimer: I am a new-ish DM. I have only DM'd a couple of campaigns to mixed results. I simultaneously hope this campaign is fun for everyone and that it teaches me more about the DM craft.

Hello reader!

I am putting together a group that wants to run the Rime of the Frostmaiden campaign! I'm still looking for 3-4 players. I'm using FGU Ultimate, so it's free for anyone to join and play.

Campaign level(s): From 1 to 12
Frequency: Weekly
Play time: 9 pm Sunday nights (GMT+1) approx 3 hours/session
Campaign Length: Until the end of this campaign, with options to continue if everyone is jiving really well
Necessary prerequisites: Patience and proficiency in constructive criticism
Voice chat: Discord
Camera: Not necessary
Recorded: Nope

My hope is to have a session 0 on Saturday night (Nov. 7th), starting at 9 pm (GMT+1), for everyone to get into our FG game and create characters. Then we'll begin session 0 on Sunday night (Nov. 8th) and play weekly from that point forward. If you're interested in joining, please respond to this post and let me know your:

1. previous D&D experience
2. what you hope from your DM

November 2nd, 2020, 16:51
Hello there, I'm interested)

1. Not really experienced player myself: finished LMoP, started a couple homebrew campains, but groups didn't hold on.
2. Patience and proficiency in constructive criticism =) As a begginer player I would appretiate any guidance you would think nessesary

I'm not a native speaker (eastern Europe, a couple of hours in future from you), if you want to have some chat before sessin zero - PM me, I can hop on Discord call anlmost any time.

November 2nd, 2020, 17:14
Hi there
Im very interested , have 20 years or so with 2E, and 3 with 5E in FG, and some Dm experience as well, im GMT+1 time zone..hope to hear from you :)

Dm's grow with the campaign so i don't have any high demands :P

November 2nd, 2020, 17:18
20 years or so

I'm kinda jealous 😂
PM sent

November 2nd, 2020, 17:33
dont be it just means i can spend a lot more time arguing about the rules than others :P

November 2nd, 2020, 17:41
Hello. I would really enjoy joining in. I've been playing since around 1982, been DMing since about 1986, and I would love to join in on a game for once.

I don't really have any high demands...just want to join in and have a fun time.

November 2nd, 2020, 17:58
Thanks everyone who has shown interest! We've got 5 players signed up and that's where I'm going to call it! Wish us luck! And if you're coming to this late, I wish you happy gaming!

November 2nd, 2020, 21:00
Edit: Sorry had this ready but didn't post until after you said you had everyone.

November 3rd, 2020, 01:43
Hi there. I understand you’re full, but if someone bails out on you or flakes, I would be interested in being considered as an alternate. Please let me know if that happens. Thanks in advance.

I’ve been playing since 2nd edition and am very open to whatever your DM style is. I just look for fairness and open mindedness for creativity to flow and fun to flourish.

***Disclaimer: I am a new-ish DM. I have only DM'd a couple of campaigns to mixed results. I simultaneously hope this campaign is fun for everyone and that it teaches me more about the DM craft.

Hello reader!

I am putting together a group that wants to run the Rime of the Frostmaiden campaign! I'm still looking for 3-4 players. I'm using FGU Ultimate, so it's free for anyone to join and play.

Campaign level(s): From 1 to 12
Frequency: Weekly
Play time: 9 pm Sunday nights (GMT+1) approx 3 hours/session
Campaign Length: Until the end of this campaign, with options to continue if everyone is jiving really well
Necessary prerequisites: Patience and proficiency in constructive criticism
Voice chat: Discord
Camera: Not necessary
Recorded: Nope

My hope is to have a session 0 on Saturday night (Nov. 7th), starting at 9 pm (GMT+1), for everyone to get into our FG game and create characters. Then we'll begin session 0 on Sunday night (Nov. 8th) and play weekly from that point forward. If you're interested in joining, please respond to this post and let me know your:

1. previous D&D experience
2. what you hope from your DM