View Full Version : Update Button Remains Highlighted

Bale Nomad
November 1st, 2020, 21:51
First off, I don't know if this is network related, but I didn't see a thread specifically for updater issues.

Today every time I launch FGU, [TEST] v4.0.0 ULTIMATE (2020-10-29), the "Check for Updates" button is highlighted. The first time I clicked it, the Updater was updated. I was returned to the launcher, clicked the "Updates" button again, and many of the rulesets seemed to be updated, and then the updater whizzed through the list of my inventory of products in the progress bar without listing them in the main output list. Now the "Updater" button remains highlighted, and every time I click it, the updater whizzes through everything without actually appearing to do anything, and the button remains highlighted.

I switched to the Live channel. The "Updates" button was highlighted, and running that updated the Updater itself and than ran through the updates as normal. When I was returned to the Launcher, the "Updates" button is no longer highlighted and the version displays as v4.0.0 ULTIMATE (2020-10-29).

Moon Wizard
November 1st, 2020, 22:15
Please switch to the Live version of FGU in the Settings. The Test version has an updated version of the patch system updater that is not quite ready for prime time; including the fact that the update button remains highlighted. :)


November 1st, 2020, 22:16
MOD: moved to new thread. Please start a new thread unless you find a thread with your exact issue.

You don't say what channel you were on prior to switching to the Live channel. But the Live channel is what you should be using unless directed by support or knowingly testing something. It can have significant implications.

I will have to leave it to someone else to someone else to surmise anything, it sounds like now that you are on the Live channel everything is working normally.

November 1st, 2020, 22:20
MOD: moved to new thread. Please start a new thread unless you find a thread with your exact issue.

You don't say what channel you were on prior to switching to the Live channel. But the Live channel is what you should be using unless directed by support or knowingly testing something. It can have significant implications.

I will have to leave it to someone else to someone else to surmise anything, it sounds like now that you are on the Live channel everything is working normally.

You got already secretly ninja'd by MoonWizard :p :D